Do I really have to read the greeks? I've read up to plato and I dont wanna read the greeks anymore
Do I really have to read the greeks? I've read up to plato and I dont wanna read the greeks anymore
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if you don't like it, go read Harry Potter instead
No, do you really take memes from an anime shitposting website seriously?
I really don't want to bully you but if you don't enjoy Plato you probably won't enjoy much literature at all.
Up to plato? If you were following the chart, then you would have only read homer as of yet. If you've already read the pre-socratics, then that's a different story. Normally you would be reading them after plato and aristotle(if at all).
>going straight from homer to plato
>no presocratics
>no hesiod
>no pindar
>no aristophanes
>no aeschylus
>no sophocles
what kind of fucked up charts are you guys following? you literally have to read every single one of these plus the greek poets before you can even dream about touching a copy of plato's dialogues
What? I've read around 30 books so far to get to plato
You can read them afterwards right? Are you going to miss a lot going right to plato from Homer?
Post the mentioned charts you niggs
no, it takes seconds to google the greek reference and to skim through a wikipedia article about it
This is the only good greeks chart
relax, just read whatever you want
OP, my aerobics instructor girlfriend was just saying how odd it would be for somebody to actually study the Greeks and then want to stop, you know, if he really was understanding everything, now, now, have you got any ideas about why she should tell me a funny thing like that?
Ignore this guy. He's either trolling or a pretentious nigger/faggot
please remove this degenerate image from my board.
I know it's clever and funny to make such neckbeard humor but perhaps you should save it for Reddit.
our Lord and savior Jesus Christ should inspire and teach us, not this trash
Where does one start with Aristotle?
As user already pointed out you skipped everything retard. Might as well cut your losses and kill yourself asap.
he also skipped Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon
just read "history of western philosophy" by bertrand russell, fuck Yea Forums
John Ackrill: Aristotle the Philosopher
Most people who try to get into very old philosophers end up falling completely flat in their understanding without guidance from secondary literature to introduce them to the context of the work.
Yes you are. That's like hopping from Chaucer to Thomas Hobbes.
Jacob Klein - Aristotle, An Introduction
As far as actually reading Aristotle, the correct way is to start with the Organon, but most people don't have the patience for that, so you can go ahead and just read Nicomachian Ethics first instead.
can't find the Klein text halp
I have it in a collection of essays called "Ancients and Moderns", but I'm aware that volume is somewhat rare. Did some preliminary searching and wow, it is actually pretty hard to find, but it appears to be included in Klein's "Lectures and Essays" which is available on libgen. Hope that helps.
you don't need that shit, don't be obtuse
You do from the perspective that you're missing out on some great literature by needlessly skipping everything.
That's actually a poor chart considering that Thucydides never wrote about the last years of the war which were covered by Xenophon
No you don't you fucking retard. Not even academics read everything. Just pick up the fucking book you want to read and read it. Noone read everything because it is impossible. Even if you lived with no job and read all day you would not read everything that has a value. As years go there are more and more lit and it is impossible to read it all.
that might be, still I doubt he didn't enjoy some back entrance fun from time to time
>he actually read pedo
the fucking madman. how was it?
"Start with the Greeks" has been around way longer than mongolian basketweaving boards
Don't start with the greeks.
That's a newboy mistake
Start with the Americans.
>my board
you don't have to, read the city of god and confessions then you will know enough to be intelligent, after that if you still feel great maybe divine comedie.
Reminder that if you only read Homer and Plato you know almost nothing about how the Greeks in the classical period actually thought and acted. Herodotus, Thucydides, Aechylus, Sophocles, Aristophanes and Euripides are just as, if not more, important and interesting
That user hardly mentioned "everything". All he mentioned was really basic shit, just a handful of the most basic names in Greek literature. lol if you think that's a lot
If you don't like Play-Doh there's no hope for you
Why are chartfags so autistic?
Bro Aristotle is right there. It'll all be worth it.