Why do people care so much about this boomer with boring outdated thoughts?

Why do people care so much about this boomer with boring outdated thoughts?

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>cleaning your room is outdated
the absolute state of zoomers

good outrage branding, occasionally substantive but always accessible, hot daughter

Because no one is reading and a lot of outdated garbage thought is being recycled.

> 'Cleaning your room' is a thought

The absolute state of (You)

What are the correct updated thoughts?

Refer to Whitehead and Deleuze

It is a concept.


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What? No. 'Room' can be a concept, 'clean' can be a concept, 'clean room' can be a conceptual syntagm, but no "Clean your room" is not a fucking concept. And you pieces of retarded shit dare to pretend and stan analytic philosophy.

cleaning your room was never a relevant idea.

>"Clean your room" is not a fucking concept
Its intended implications are. The intent of this practice is not that people would benefit from having clean rooms. "Order and accountability," as is pertains to your personal life, is very much a real concept. You're being silly with your intentional strawman of the whole point.

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what sort of room is this even supposed to be?
a bedroom? a kitchen? what the fuck is it

>cleaning your room is good
Nice spooks.

This is fake I can see the pixels.

Because he tapped into the media outrage cycle. If he stood alone on his psychology and self-help work he'd remain an obscure U of T professor, but he ended up riding the cultural zeitgeist of political conflict and gender identity wars.

Why would his thoughts be outdated?

He is the one eyed man in the land of the blind. Compare him to the other people who usually give life advice.

but peterson isn't fake and he clearly does not look like a sorted person

because he namedrops Jung and Kierkegaard to make washing your penis sound revolutionary

He btfo trannies when common sense was at an all time low

Controlled opposition directed at right wing youth.

peterson is off his mind, but he has a good heart, he does want to help people. I think he has probably been consumed by fame and wealth to some degree, someone like him naturally would be, he's crazy and volatile, but I dont think he's a bad guy.

I agree with nothing this guy says at all. Like literally nothing, not the clean your room, not the faux-christianity, not the 'middle of the political extremes' approach he has, not his diet advice, not his love of Jungian archetypes, not how he interprets Dosto, nothing that ive ever seen from him.

I just think he is basically a good person, and he's helping some people, so fuck it.

Old people with money are pushing him. I literally never look the guy up on YT, and he’s still fucking there in the suggestions. Stop giving him free advertising here.
S T O P . P L E A S E




His office.
Note the library

imagine being this contrarian and delusional lmao

He's either intellectually dishonest or a fool. He debated a really dumb woman and looked good. People don't care about quality discourse or arguments and only care about owning" and DESTROYING people they disagree with. Since he did that with that reporter, he suddenly is considered this great intellectual for midwit internet frogs.

He felt like a father figure to ronery nerds.

>outdated thoughts
Kys. Zoomer arrogance

mentally ill men need a daddy

are old people with money your version of the jews


he's right about a lot of things, its a shame he nerfed his brand by bougifying so hard

Didn't he peak after the Zizek debate?
Like I haven't heard any new shit about him. We just talk about what he's already done.

His ability to hone in on what really matters to disenfranchised white males, and to critique the bureaucratic oversights of the progressive left that leads to authoritarianism and speech control, is what made him famous. While I agree with his position on the legislation of language policing, I don't think a self-help peddler is very strong in the domain of "thoughts", just that what he says is very appealing to a certain demographic.

His wife got cancer or some shit, even before the debate he was less active.

Read MoP, he's not just a "self-help peddler"

Absolutely based.

Whats wrong with destroying? Its just cringe. hats wrong about being a father figure? Amerimut market demand it lol

He tells people to keep their backs straight. He doesn't do it when he gives lectures. Why listen if he doesn't practice what he speaks.

>Whats wrong with destroying

It leads to choosing the least qualified people as you opponents. There's a reason "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS liberal cuck" videos are mostly against 19 year old college freshmen. It's discourse meant to promote your personal brand, not exchange ideas and come to a conclusion.

Peterson went around being interviewved by all kind of journamists tho, I don't think he was looking to rekt them. Though he did participate in severals debate, but thpse were against non-student so I'm not sure if they count.

> It's discourse meant to promote your personal brand

In the end, those people are running a business. The videos they make and their books is a mean for them to make money.
Young man have to understand this: there are interesting people talking on the internet, but they are deliberately discreet.
Those most interesting are those who don't give a shit how many views they make.

Is he still a thing? Feels like he disappeared up his ass years ago.

Ok I search "Peterson destroy" on YT and he is talking with other professionals... But yes, Shapiro and like every intellectual has promoted themself with that tactic but they indeed exchange ideas, very social violently through

Didn't already zizek rape him on that?

Anybody with money has power. I say old people here because they share a similar agenda with Clean Your Peter-son

Well, Zizek basically made him his personal toilet, so there's ot much left to rape, honestly.

He could come out and complain about rape

Shapiro intellectual? You don't mean Ben shapiro do you?


He does. Look at the cumbrain. Look at him and laugh!

Everyone else, especially academics use men as punching bags to empower others.

He does not.

Attached: little girl bull.webm (480x480, 1.32M)

Second most punchable face behind Steve Miller...

nailed it

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he has good intentions but who names a book 12 rules for life

When are certified psychologists ever psychologically sound? Psychologically sound people are never attracted to the field in the first place.

Do people really believe that? It sounds like a schyzophrenic persecution complex. "The only reason why they disagree with me on some points is because they are paid to do so!"

But Butterfly I can't see any library

I don't think he knows that (sees himself as "controlled opposition") but some of the people pushing him certainly knows it.

>right wing youth.
lel. Nice way to say retards

Reminds me how I used to get pragerU rec

was she on 100% meat diet too?

took years for gullibles to notice because hes supposed to be a goodnatured leaf that tells you to clean your room. sjws on the other hand fell for it too as a non threatening stressball they can scoff at and feel better

Because his brand of pseudo-science is at least somewhat entertaining.

He's kind of mirroring Alan Watts in appearance I think. He's saying what people agree, and uses connections that can make sense if you apply them to real life.

Children want to feel that they win, so you need to let them win sometimes so they build up courage and a sense of competition.
(that, but rats)

But he drops some political science in it. He makes sense, but I wouldn't read his books because he's just backing up what I need to do for myself.

I think he's good at motivating people, but his arguments on why we should always defend the status quo is pretty flimsy and he lives by slippery-slope argument

living in squalor is demonstrably bad for your mental health. I don't care for Peterson but this isn't the hill you should die on.

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Because they're boomers with outdated thoughts

big fan of this post

see buncha zoomers there tbhfam

Beware of time-vampires that engage in temporal terrorism by trapping you in discussions about this man!

hey user, (you) sound like a good person