Where do I start?
I've seen some perennial works of Celtic theism which I'd like to read, but I feel a more general introduction would be to my favour
A guenon fan posted some charts a while back, anyone got them?
How to get into Perrenialism
>I've seen some perennial works of Celtic theism
Which works? Have a chart. There is a slightly updated version of this chart but I don't have it. It's virtually identical tho
1) Guénon says celtic stuff was Traditional
2) Guénon says celtic stuff is "necromancy" now
3) Guénon says all valid Traditional religions are oriental
Aaaand that's how this stinky carpet dealer called René Guénon tries to make you hate your own culture and embrace some oriental cult.
Just the usual orientalist trick.
not based!
His books are good, you don't have to agree with everything he says. I disagree with a bunch of stuff he says, but his work on symbolism and metaphysics is pretty mindblowing
His book about the universe being like a pulsing basketball is peak orientalist bullshit.
pulsating basketball? tf you talking about my man
What does Guénon say about reviving European paganism
That the white man should be ashamed of his barbaric past, and instead look to the east for true enlightenment
That's not really what he says, he thought that there were legitimate lines of traditional religion in Europe but they eventually died out, mostly due to Christianity.
I think he's full of shit, but you should at least represent his views correctly.
That too much is lost for it to be recovered
>his views
Orientalists have "tricks", not "views".
You are one salty kike, Guénon makes you dance lol.
Guenon instructs europeans to abandon the religion of their forefathers for semitics from the orient
Your continent is literally named after a semite (Europa, a Phoenician princess)
Those traditions are dead because the transmission of the tradition through initiation has been broken for centuries, and their knowledge will never come back. What alternative do you have, join a neo-pagan feminine religion that's still being reconstructed by archeological and historical scholarship, and mainly practiced by faggots and cat lady bull dykes?
Why are the deer, the snake, and that wolf or whatever the fuck it is so phallic? It looks like the guy in the middle is getting bukkaked lmao
>tfw can't follow the tradition of my homeland
>have to follow a bunch of kikes, chinks, or pooinloos
you are just outing yourself as an utter cumbrain when you make posts like this. Think more carefully before you press “post”
Join the Neoplatonic Imperium, brother
Orientalist rhetoric in a nutshell.
>Join a dead tradition "practiced" by Yea Forums larpers!
Sounds great
Sorry I'd rather larp paganism with cat ladies, at least that has some real life element
Guenon is basically "become a abrahamite or hindoo, don't follow your own path because that's totally problematic and very wh*te of you"
Philosophy, in the Platonic sense, doesn’t need an initiatic transmission. And an Imperial form of government is obviously the superior type. The idea practically sells itself.
I don't really care about proposed governments, as I have no political power. What I am interested is the pursuance of the one/the good/God/Brahman
How do I get started with Neo-Platonism then?
Would it be in conflict with my love of British Celtic Mythology?
>my love of British Celtic Mythology
>What I am interested is the pursuance of the one/the good/God/Brahman
Really spirituality isn’t escapist like Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta. If pursuing the One, to you, means escaping a reality you don’t like than forget it.
Not that at all
If anything I seek an enrichment of reality moreso than an escape from it
Well then you need to start with Plato’s dialogues
I was going to go: Apology, Euthyphro, Crito, Symposium, Republic
Phaedo, Meno, Parmenides, Timaeus
does that sound good? Is there any good secondary lit that would aid my reading?
I read ap, eu, cri, craty, theaetetus, sophist, statesmen in my teens, but I could do with a re-read
If you are the guy who loves British Celtic Mythology, here is how to start improving your reality:
1) learn a brittonic language
2) read the literature of this language
3) raise your kids in this language
4) be a proud member of an active community of speakers of this language
I'm actually learning to speak Welsh
and I'm courting a welsh girl who's already told me she wants her children to learn welsh as a first language
her family is CofE though lol, so there won't be any pagan larp
Neoplatonic philosophical schools in antiquity spent years studying and restudying Plato’s dialogues, writing commentaries and discussing them, debating the various interpretations of them. Plato’s dialogues are the bread and butter of Neoplatonic spirituality. It’s not even a question. You need to read Plato, to read him again and again and again if you are serious about Neoplatonism. Neoplatonists literally considered Plato divine
Read the Five Dialogues published by Hackett. It's better to read Meno before Phaedo. Phaedrus and Gorgias should also be read before Republic. Reading the later dialogues you've listed are good to read after Republic. You can skip Parmenides becuase nobody understands it anyway, and it is the one dialogue where there is the most disagreement among scholars. Laws should be read last.
>I'm actually learning to speak Welsh
>her family is CofE though lol, so there won't be any pagan larp
Maybe your gf and her family likes Gorsedd Cymru, it's good to honor those who fight for Wales and the Welsh language.
>your gf
Not yet
but even if it doesn't work out, I might move to Cymru after graduation, move somewhere that has a good amount of speakers
good luck!
diolch :)
dw i'n joio dysgu cymraeg ond mae rhaed i fi ddysgu mwy
why would you?
Not an argument.