Is someone less of an intellectual if they don’t want to read the classics because of the rampant misogynistic...

Is someone less of an intellectual if they don’t want to read the classics because of the rampant misogynistic, racist and rapey undertones?

>inb4 muh product of the times
Being born in a certain era isn’t an excuse to be a terrible human being.

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Other urls found in this thread:®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Book Review&pgtype=article




Isn't the majority of female erotica literature about rape, kidnapping and forced sex acts?


There was a great article about this I read a few months back about why you shouldn't refuse to read literature just because an author had defects, even if they were considered normal at the time. A great example it cited was that people 100 years from now might look back at us and think we are disgusting human beings for using products made from third-world child labor. I'm a male so maybe I'm not as affected by the "rapey overtones" of 1984 as some females are, but I still don't think that would be so bad that it would completely devalue Orwell's powerful messages about authoritarianism.®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Book Review&pgtype=article

Here is the article.

>100 years from now might look back at us and think we are disgusting human beings for using products made from third-world child labor
And for actively promoting mental illness and pedophilia

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Child drag shows are disgusting. I agree with this.
>mental illness
God, this is such a boring and worn-out strawman if you're talking about all trans people. Get over yourself.

lmao shut up useful idiot, go back twitter

You don’t know what a strawman is. Or really much at all, apparently.

When are /pol/ and /r9k/ going to stop raiding our board?


Also you only consider them “terrible human beings” because you’re locked into modern moral paradigms. In 100 years you doing something you find completely innocuous will be completely immoral by future standards, and people would refuse to read anything you write, just like we all should have done with your shitty post.

excellent bait

>People mutilating their own genitals isn't mental illness
Would you feel the same if a guy identified as "armless" and decided to chop off his own arm?

>implying this isn't common sense.
re: OP


It's really a tragedy that they mutilate their bodies in the hopes that it will fix everything. I am a feminine man and I could do the same. But I know that it will only make me happy for a short period of time and that I will regret it in the end.

Gender reassignment surguries are highly profitable and experimental. There is no conclusive proof that it helps, in fact long term studies say that it doesn't work.

The "mental illness" argument is a straw man (i.e., intentionally misrepresenting an opponent's argument so that it is easier to defeat, since you seem to need the definition) because it's implying that we are pretending like gender dysphoria is not a serious issue (which would obviously be wrong) when in fact we are trying to help people that suffer from it feel more supported and not treat them like subhumans just because they suffer from a condition that they can't change. Fuck off back to /pol/, you trolling, illiterate mutt.

I'm already disgusted with the modern world.

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I refuse to click them ever since they hired that white hating dog eater

The definition of a mental disorder is a psychiatric condition that causes distress. To say that gender dysphoria is a mental illness is to say gender dysphoria causes mental distress. How in the fuck could any reasonable person object to calling it a mental illness? Nobody is accusing trannies of merely pretending when they say they have a mental illness.

Hey user why are you even posting here if you are mentally challenged?

>suffer from a condition
>not mental illness

>The "mental illness" argument is a straw man (i.e., intentionally misrepresenting an opponent's argument so that it is easier to defeat, since you seem to need the definition)
You’re correct about what a strawman means, now that you’ve looked it up. You’re incorrect that it applies whatsoever to calling trans people mentally ill, and your mental gymnastics are embarrassing. Again, useful idiot.

>rampant misogynistic, racist and rapey undertones?
>terrible human being.
That doesn't make you a terrible human being, just a reasonable one

All the fans of Law and Order: SVU are women too

>rape is okay
>infringing on basic human rights is okay
please have sex

If you share her position you demonstrate no understanding of history and how societies evolve over time. There is no fixed morality or perfect morality(platon forgive me) because morality is a game created by humans to increase the efficiency of society. The improvement of this game is only noticeable after long periods of time.

Take into consideration the muslim countries. They lack many things that we believe to be normal like womens rights, separation of religion and state, freedom, etc. They are similar to how medieval europe functioned, and their moral views were very different to ours. Rejecting classical literature for this reason is stupid because you are rejecting a reflection of their societies.

>classical literature
There are many layers to this image

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Willful ignorance is always anti intellectual

>women's criticism of (violent) misogyny in "classic" lit should be taken 100% seriously

>this goes double for girls refusing to read classics that are misogynistic

Neither of these points are actually incorrect, but the problem lies with the progression between the two. One should critique misogyny as and when it appears in general life, but to critique a work requires you to have read the damn thing. The best disinfectant is always sunlight. If you refuse to read a particular text, do you do so because of its appalling content, or because you lack the illuminative powers to tear it to shreds?

I dont remember any rapey scenes from 1984
Is that just my male privilege?

>telling a rapist to have sex
I dont suppose he has a problem with that

>>infringing on basic human rights is okay
There are no human rights.
Those are all spooks.

I never said gender dysphoria was not a mental illness. However, the connotations of that phrase in that context and its popularization on the right as a way to degrade trans people, I think, are obvious signs that it is a dog whistle for stigmatizing them. But since it's evident that that's exactly the goal of each of you here, I'm just clarifying so that other more intellectually vulnerable posters reading this don't fall for your horseshit. Again, this is the literature board. You might find more promising subjects to take in on /pol/.

>Hey user why are you posting here if you're mentally challenged
I'm not. If I were, I'd be on /pol/, /r9k/, or Yea Forums.

>we are pretending like gender dysphoria is not a serious issue (which would obviously be wrong)
But this is what is happening these days. Anyone pointing their mental illness out, is being called a bigot and argument just being ignored. You're completely right, they shouldn't be treated as sub humans, they should be treated like someone suffering from an illness(i.e. it should be pointed out to them that they're suffering from one and should get themselves help, instead of calling anyone believing that a bigot)

>when in fact we are trying to help people that suffer from it feel more supported and not treat them like subhumans just because they suffer from a condition that they can't change
Like I said, that's what should be happening. These people can't be blamed for their delusions(like any person suffering from a mental illness can't be). But you can't help them by endorsing their behaviour.

They should be stigmatized though
Why shouldn't they be?
>muh /pol/
Not an argument

Jesus Christ where do you people come from? Calling something what it literally is is now a Nazi dogwhistle. This is why the left loses.

Because they are people suffering from a condition that they cannot change. What reason do you have for hating the ones that do not push their views on you, mind their own business, and only want support and help dealing with their condition?


You're lying to yourself if you've been on Yea Forums for more than an hour and still think that people calling gender dysphoria a "mental illness" isn't a dog whistle. Especially when it's given as a reason for hating trans people.

>they cannot change
Prove it

when are you going to go back to r e d d i t?
fuck the spam filter

People wouldn't pay incredible sums of money for a painful and risky sex change surgery if they felt there was another way to change. If they could, they would. Why is it so difficult to accept this?

>he's reddit because he wants people craving politically incorrect conversations to have them on the politically incorrect board and not the literature board
Crossposter spotted.

Why would people need a secret code to communicate those evil bad thoughts here? I'm a nigger, you're a nigger, everyone is a nigger. We can say whatever we want here. Even if we couldn't say whatever we want and I had to drop secret Nazi hints, who gives a fuck? Why is it something that needs to be policed?

Transgenderism is a mental illness and it will be a mental illness regardless of what people mean when they call it a mental illness. You don't do yourself any favors by denying reality because that's what insane people do.

ok sóyman

Wow. Truly BTFO'd me there. Please leave our board.

holy fuck based

Thats an extremely broad statement regarding millions of individuals based on nothing more than vague conjecture
The fact that some trannies have changed back to normal contradicts your entire point.
When you can prove that trannies cannot change, get back to me and we'll dissect your ethics further

Because they are entitled, they want society to be reorganized to make life easier for them.
>call me with my special snowflacke pronoun
>gibs me money for my surgery
>give me work even though i'm not equally capable
>fuck me even though i have a penis or a masculine jawline, if you don't you are a biggot


Since the modern era has me on the shitty end of a fucked gender dynamic it makes me feel for ancient women

>Discussing the value of reading or not reading politically incorrect literature is not related to literature
Are you retarded?

>taking the opinion of an Instagram meme page seriously

Do you have any idea how miniscule the percentage is of trans people that actually have this mindset?

Do you have any evidence to support this claim?

>The fact that some trannies have changed back to normal contradicts your entire point
No, it doesn't. I never once said that a sex-reassignment surgery has a 100% effectiveness rate in helping them cope with their condition. I just asked why anyone would go through with it if there were a much simpler way for them to change/cope with their condition.

Do you have evidence to support your generalization that all trans people fit the stereotype you've been fed by /pol/?

Kek, brainlet

Wow, someone didn't read the thread, most of which consists of a devolution into a bunch of /pol/ posters screeching at me because I tried defending trans people.

Excellently put

>our board

You are not entitled to anything because of ur shitty opinions. Opposition is real. Deal with it.

Also fuck niggers and trannies.

Not him but focusing on hormone therapy and the performative aspects of gender is far less invasive than peeling your dick like a banana and turning it inside out. I genuinely believe that the doctors who specialise in realignment surgery are crooks who like to make money in a butcher's yard of experimentation. We're not there yet technologically, so I don't think it should be an option atm.

People who espouse book burner sentiments should be put in gulags

>You are not entitled to anything because of ur shitty opinions. Opposition is real. Deal with it.
>hasn't read a book since high school

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>if transgenders could be normal, they would change to avoid more pain
>no, the fact that some transgenders actually do change does not disprove contradict that
Transgenderism isnt even contingent on sex change surgery anyway, so you have no point
Motives of the mentally ill are obviously going to be irrational

I wasn't giving an opinion, though, Inwas just addressing his claim that there is no evidence to suggest trans people can't change by asking why anyone would take such a desperate measure as the surgery if they felt there were easier ways to change.

Neither of us have empirical evidence, so this conversation is based purely on subjective experience. I've met a lot of trannies are they're all narcissists. I'd happily read a study that addresses their mental state if you could provide one

I apologize for my shitty syntax
You wouldnt believe the stressful day I had

Reminder that anti-psychotic medications have a 100% cure rate for autogynophillia, with 0% incidence of suicides.

>not my clone
>”muh uneducated”

Wipe the smug, bucko.

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>why anyone would take such a desperate measure as the surgery if they felt there were easier ways to change.
I would think one reason would be people around them telling them that's how they can get better.
I am guessing it would be similar to how for example in my third world country, gay conversion therapy is still huge, people around them, including "authority figures" tell them that is the best solution and that it will work, and they buy it.

>calling someone mentally ill dehumanises them
user I'm unironically a schizophrenic, please explain to me why I'm such a monster in your eyes that even being slightly associated with me is some profound insult.

Don't expect me to know which posts are yours if you are not a tripfag.
The original "Go back to /pol" post was replying to some posts responding to OP's question, literally just saying "yes" and was separate from the autistic argument you guys started later on about trans stuff.

Apologies, I seem to be late to the party.
Yes, not only you're less than an intellectual but you fail to understand that your last sentence applies to you.
Opinions today are no more valid than the ones from another time.

>B-but now we know better, w-we need to educa-
We don't. Your buzzwords have no power but the ones listening to you give them