>tfw no Yea Forums bf
Tfw no Yea Forums bf
That is one hideous tranny.
>that pose
If this was a just world, it would be legal to hit this bitch with a hammer.
Why there are so many white trans''''''women'''''?
That’s not white, you’re just confusing pale with attractive
There are a ton of black ones as well, proportionally I would say way more than white, but maybe not in bulk number. I work in an area with a lot of trannies, so I'm going off of my own anecdotal observations.
What book is she holding?
You'd fuck user
Actually laughed, you need to relax my dude, try having a girlfriend for a bit
Tbqh i would fuq id
The Holy Bible
Blacks are statistically the most likely to be gay
What do you have to offer. Are you feminine? Are you willing to be wife and mother? Are you willing to give birth to at least 3 children? If not, then fuck off this board.
Id def bang, get real you plonker
That's only due to oppression
>be oppressed
>get fucked in the ass
it’s due to their own culture. in fact that’s also probably responsible for the increase in white trannies due to the consumption of black culture by whites. the black rap culture sets ridiculously unattainable ideal of masculinity, and people end up just saying fuck it ill be a girl
black ideal as exemplified in rap music: have to make lots of money without too much hard work (selling drugs for example), all women need to want to have sex with you, must be able to sleep with other people’s wives and girlfriends with ease, need to have a gang of followers who will do your whim, etc
white ideal: be honest, responsible, hard working, and take care of your family
the white ideal is perfectly attainable for most men living in a traditional society
No it's because blacks live in an open, rich, and welcoming world that has been attacked and threatened by the existence of white people in a country that we built by forced labor and the most inhumane conditions in world history. It wouldn't surprise me if we wrote the constitution too, like the movie Hidden Figures displayed our intellectual promise. Admit it whiteys, you need black people more than we need you.
It’s like barely anymore likely chill
>the black rap culture sets ridiculously unattainable ideal of masculinity, and people end up just saying fuck it ill be a girl
So this turns them gay?
No user, let me explain.
Men and women have a different brain structure, sexuality, body self perception, intelligence and emotionality are determined by which brain you are born with.
Some men are born with a female brain, and some females are born with a male brain, since their brain not only has sexual desire for their own sex but perceives an incongruence with the body that they have, they wish to make their body more similar to the opposite sex.
Culture has nothing to do with it, exept repressing such desires.
Black people didn’t build shit. Chinese built a LITTLE, and they were hated for it because we wanted those jobs. It was rare for a black man to work a job that a white man could support himself with, and that was hated too. You’re worthless immigrant trash that only helps the rich.
No they're more likely to be in prison, so they're genetically built to endure it by being gay. Jews are also attracted to be black cocks going in and out of their asshole.
The white ideal is exactly the same as the black ideal: be rich - at all costs. They just articulate it differently. The rest of it is ancillary.
This is the truth, it’s also why incels are mostly minorities
No blacks built this country honey through slavery and forced labour in the North. The US economy also didn't take off until after segregation. Not to mention the large influence of blacks in the media and at universities. The black crime is propaganda as if you turn on CNN or a Marvel movie, we are doing quite well. Much better than white folks. Look at all the white shooters too lol
blacks also statistically have higher prenatal testosterone which doesn't add up.
also this
No that’s the American white ideal. Americans are clearly heavily influenced by niggers. Arguably American whites are just another category of nigger. This has been noted by Jung and Evola
6/10 bait
First off slavery went away for economic reasons, it wasn’t that good, second off black slaves were genuinely hardly above the level of farm animals. You didn’t build, you picked.
WASPs are the most nordic race on the planet germans are almost as monkey level as italians... sad
Then why do africans have the least testosterone as adults and europeans have the most I wonder.
>the increase in white trannies due to the consumption of black culture by whites. the black rap culture sets ridiculously unattainable ideal of masculinity, and people end up just saying fuck it ill be a girl
user you just psychoanalyzed yourself; I hope you know I fully support your transition to try and get some of that hypermasculine black dick you crave
Even assuming you were correct that the mindset I described was purely American, which you're not, guess which country rules the world (Western at least). If wealth isn't the primary driver in, say, Spain, or Ireland, the model still works because these countries are second rate powers in comparison to the country withth at mindset. Besides, Evola thought nigger sperm had mystical qualities and was superior to white sperm, why should I give a shit what he, or a pseudoscientist like Jung, has to say about anything?
I don’t share the black ideal of masculinity. A big causal factor in their ideal is their lack of fathers growing up. That’s why their ideal is basically so “childish”. It’s a boy acting out and behaving wildly. My ideal is patriarchal not boyish. Black men are basically overgrown children with delinquency issues.
>Evola thought nigger sperm had mystical qualities and was superior to white sperm
Not sure if you’re just shilling but that’s a fake quote
How do you drop tens of thousands of dollars on surgeries and still end up looking manish?
Sneaky does it better.
She’s beautiful desu desu
Somehow the face ruins the illusion completely.
>black men are too masculine they intimidate white men
>b-but they are also child like
>t-they didn't have a father figure
if a childish father-starved black man can mog and out-masculine a white man to the point of turning him trans, the white man must already be like 95% estrogen
Shut up user I'm tryna win the argument :V
How the fuck did this thread end up being about niggers?
The fuck is wrong with you losers?
If it went away for economic reasons, why did the south fight a war to save us. Not to mention the Jim Crow laws that held us backs. Whites were afraid of how intelligent we were.
Looks like lolita
Well, I guess that's OK. It has delectable prose.
Because she turned into a woman to enjoy a black cock, so black men are stealing our women and now our men
Black men are overwhlemingly poor and often live on welfare. They were slaves for a long time. I would not call that "mogging". It's the music related culture that distorts people's mind.
Black music is fucking putrid, except for the stuff made in the 60s and 70s that was to be performed for White people
Doesn't the fact that every normie loves Lolita tip people to the fact that Lolita isn't that amazing?
That was shit too.
If boys look like this, why should I care about girls?
>gets mogged by a poor black guy on welfare
>girlfriend leaves him for black dick
>grr they are so masculine and beautiful with their smooth black skin and massive cocks
>grr I wish I was a sissy girl getting fucked by one of those big black cocks right now
>this must be musics fault
what the fuck? why did you post a mtf tranny in a thread about BOYFRIENDS? i don't want to see pictures of w*men you shitlord.
instead of trolling we could be having a nice discussion right now, but you would rather post stupid shit. ok, have it your way friend
This desu
My girl and some Marvin gaye were pretty good
brehs going through his? her? instagram is making me question my sexuality
what is that book?
they're very catchy, i won't deny, but that's what makes that kind of pop music dangerous. as an antidote i recommend lifting weights while listening to traditional vedic chants
Because they were Democrats, Democrats are stupid
I need him in my life
>having a nice discussion about the relation of black men's apparent yet false hypermasculinity to their degenerate music culture and it's larger relation to white men feeling inadequate and turning trans as a result
user you are more schizo than the accelerationist fags
because /pol/ statistics take 5 minutes to be made in ms paint.
also prenatal testosterone is the most influential factor on sexuality and being born with high test doesn't mean you will live the rest of your life with high test because that can change with your lifestyle but your sexuality won't.
that's why there are masculine homos and feminine heteros
Pop music was a mistake
I work in an area with a lot of (mainly black and hispanic) trannies, so I have to see this shit every day. I feel that it is a relevant topic
I got that off google not a chart
The street that has the most prostitution at night in my city is mostly black and many of them are tall and done up like drag queens desu
by the dynamics you just laid out, shouldn't the overwhelming amount of the trannies by white? doesn't the fact they are black and latino work against your theory? you are retarded and schizophrenic, that's a powerful combo
but the majority of trannies are black
It doesn't work against my theory. Whatchu talkin bout willis? I said that black culture is what causes it. Obviously black people consume black culture more than anyone else so it affects them more. So do hispanic people, especially second generation hispanics. White people these days also consume black culture so to a certain extent it affects them too but less. Seems like a perfectly consistent theory
tell that to the user who thinks hypermasculine black men are turning white guys into trans because of their sheer masculine energy
>probably responsible for the increase in white trannies due to the consumption of black culture by whites. the black rap culture sets ridiculously unattainable ideal of masculinity, and people end up just saying fuck it ill be a girl
What are you trying to say friend, out with it
I believe he’s saying black culture is transsexual and it’s contagious
can you legitimately not see why this theory doesn't work? have you ever tried to get diagnosed user?
>another thread turned into black cock vs white cock by porn obsessed /pol/tards
>transexual black culture is so hypermasculine white guys turn trans just to cope
hahahahaha holy shit is there a website I can keep up with these theories?
(((someone))) is pushing the eradication of white through different angles
>fag and tranny shit
>consumeristic lifestyles
i think frog user's hangup is that i called black culture's ideal an "ideal of masculinity" and he thinks im saying that it is THE ideal of masculinity. but ideals are to a large extent things which are invented and molded. if i had millions and millions of dollars and could produce pop music i could invent my own ideal of masculinity and proliferate it. it doesn't mean its a good ideal. for example, i could try to meme into the culture an ideal of masculinity where you aren't a "real man" unless you have had sex with a hooker on the planet mars and make exactly 200,000 dollars a year no more no less, and have a dog named steve. that would be a very unattainable ideal, and if people bought it into it they would feel very inadequate due to their inability to attain it. the black ideal of masculinity is an overgrown delinquent youth with lots of money. that's obviously a bad ideal.
This bitch again.
Imagine my shock when I found out I had been fapping to a tranny.
What’s his Instagram
>implying the dumb nigger didn’t make it about dicks like dumb niggers do
You don’t have to wonder why they’re the most homosexual race
Mate you think you're exposing the projections of the other user but reality you are projecting far more than he is