What is up with the hate for Jews on Yea Forums? Can I get a detailed argument or explanation?

What is up with the hate for Jews on Yea Forums? Can I get a detailed argument or explanation?

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/pol/tards (at that time /new/) brainwashed by stormfags who themselves were brainwashed by hitler/goebbels/rosenberg

Edginess and memes eventually make some people unironically follow autistic philosophies

First off this is a Christian board, second off they mutilated my cock when I was an infant

Meme and exageration based in reality. As far as I looked into it, jews and antisemits have a lots in common and are both live rent free in their heads, jews are just smarter.

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Dipshits have been hiding on the internet to spread their dipshit memes from decades and centuries ago.
There wasn't a response to the first wave of Storm Front invasions, so a fun site for anime nerds became a haven for neonazis. This was well before Obama ran for president


On the Jewish Question (Marx)
Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem (Evola)
On the Jews and their Lies (Luther)
Judaism without Embellishment (Kichko)

Based Rage Against the Machine poster

You would be happy to sit on my lap? :3

Wrong. The jews are a legitimate problem in any foreign state they occupy. And they're a problem honed by the west itself. The reason today's jews are smart is because of their crucible of a past. All of the stupid ones were hunted down and killed in centuries of exodus and pogram. Now for them to not subvert any nation they occupy for their own safety would be foolish and imprudent. Make no mistake, they are running major positions of power today but then who could blame them?

No no, to *stomp* on your face in my boots.

OK but why the fixation? Of all the ethnicities or populations ok earth, why all the hate in this board is going towards the Jews? Is it an American subcultural thing ?

Stop it butters ;_;

At least admit you sucked on a dildo in preparation to suck my dick

It simmers in the US because the ruling class keep the population as dumb as possible (in order to swindle them mostly) but the origins go all the way back to monarchist Europe.

Is there a book on this specifically, anyone?

Because they run the media and banks. They also have instituted heavy propaganda in schooling to protect themselves across the west. I've met maybe 10 jews in my entire life and yet I was forced to sit through year after year of holocaust torture porn classes and read Night by Eli Weisel despite it being debunked as fictitious. There is an innate want to do the opposite of what you are told to do by your master in anyone who thinks. Maybe in America it is an atavistic resentiment to do what you're told because the majority of us are descended from indentured servitude.

The Peoples History of the United States

>ruling class
>keep the population as dumb as possible

uhm okay anti-semite much????

Jews have, historically and contemporarily, been a recurring market dominant minority that control large swathes of politics, economy, and culture (such as news or Hollywood) despite being a meager percentage of the population.
When things go awry it is natural to point to the people running these institutions as faulty, especially if they have diverging views from the people at large. Sometimes it's about the "elite", and sometimes it's about the "Jews".

This is a big part of it alright.
Armenians suffered the same sort of prejudice in the Caucasus. They were of course of one religion in a sea of another, but similar hatred arose because they were the most successful merchants. Success in MONEY, capitalism breeds a lot of hatred

That probably wont go into European history.

Anti-capitalist, anti-statist, anti-theist, and anti-zionist, Benny

then you're anti-jew sweetie

>on Yea Forums
Surely on the literature board you should be aware that they've been hated for 1000 years by anyone with a functioning moral compass

It does what you're asking for just read it.

You present yourself as such if you think that's all there is to them.

it's literally a conspiracy theory. the more pathetic someone is, the more they need someone to blame.

Wow, you are legitimately smart as fuck. I'm blown away reading your posts, they are just so intelligent and incisive. I bet you aren't like all the other modern girls these days, rail thin and only cares about their smart phone and all that crap... i bet you have some meat on your bones, something to grab onto, a woman of size perchance? Mayhaps I can see a pic?

Look at the level of Jewish representation in every important social institution. Then you’ll understand why.

When the lifeblood institutions of a country become weaponized in pursuit of a particular agenda or ideology, and the people who work in these institutions belong to a wholly unrepresentative sample compared to the country’s demographics, then resentment from the rest of the country is bound to ensue.

>I bet you aren't like all the other modern girls these days

That's because he has a dick

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>anyone who disagrees with the majority is brainwashed

If Iraqis owned all major media houses in the west, were overrepresented in banking and finance, supported and propagated for subversive political movements through their media channels (communism, feminism, open borders, etc.), we would be talking about Iraqis instead.

all the losers are simply envious that jews dominate entertainment, technology, banking, finance.

they're also jealous that jews are racially conscious and tribal and help eachother.

>the more pathetic someone is, the more they need someone to blame.
just like liberals blaming the privileged white man. except these "anti-semites" realize that jews are the most privileged group and its not even close.

Jews completely dominate their host societies and turn them into weird little Jew-worshiping Jew-vehicles for Jews to have fun being Jews in. Everyone in fucking history has hated Jews. Look at EVERY classical source from Roman times on the Jews. They don't just hate them for no reason, they say: Jews hate everybody and everybody hates them. Jews outright despise everyone who isn't a Jew. Jews are spread throughout the empire (already) and everyone hates them everywhere they go, enough unlike many other minorities to be worth noting.

Read Sombart's The Jews and Modern Capitalism, MacDonald's The Culture of Critique, Evola's Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, and the rest of these I guess: >OK but why the fixation?

Because they really are in control of finance, media, the culture industry, and the intelligentsia in Western countries, and they really are awful, chauvinistic, self-serving, incredibly nepotistic people. It's not a conspiracy. It's all true. It doesn't even need to be a conspiracy. They're just hateful, self-serving, nepotistic cunts who think their host societies exist to serve them.

Can't emphasize enough to read Sombart's book. Modern Jewish scholarly authorities don't question its relating of facts and figures, they just question its psychological interpretations. The facts themselves stand. Try reading them. Jews either control, or they outright founded and masterminded, nearly all usurious financial institutions for centuries.

Well there are aspects to the ruling class that are Jewish Butterfly, just like how there are aspects of the working class manual laborers that are black. It’s just how social castes work.

Nothing inherently racist, ofc. Just realize that you are under my domain :3

>jews are the most privileged group
And your basis for this is what, some social media screencaps, stupid blog articles, and exaggerated / heavily biased information shared by conspiracy theorists? Get real.

Idiots thinking they are in good company (although now they are)

>What is up with the hate for Spaniards in Tenōchtitlan? Can I get a detailed argument or explanation?

Butterfly! Just visualize my penis and kiss it :3

Yes this is me, couldn’t contain myself from making a second post

Disproproportionate representation in media, universities, government, banking, etc., to a degree that *cannot* be explained by IQ. It’s true that Jews are intelligent on average, but there aren’t enough smart Jews and there are too many smart whites and Asians to explain their representation by *merit* alone.
>read: nepotism, quotas, anti-white (working & middle class... boarding school WASPs unaffected) & anti-Asian discrimination, etc.
Maybe we were right to have Jewish quotas back in the day. You give them an inch, they’ll take a foot.

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White man is finished finally. Soon there is going to be a new race of europeano africano.

OP, don't worry about these Nazi faggots. This is what happens when they try this shit outside of their little circlejerk echochambers.

It is fact that white people do not reproduce much so after few decades all european countries are going to be majority black.

>posts said exaggerated / heavily biased information shared by conspiracy theorists to "prove" his point
Nice. This data is inconsequential to the statement that they're the most privileged group, by the way, or that they're somehow orchestrating those numbers.

what's up with the hate for white (non-Jewish) people in the world?
can i get a detailed argument or explanation?

Its origin is to be found in Jewish behaviour.
I prefer the term Counter-semitism, BTW. More accurately descriptive.

>chosen people
>positions of power (through time)
>entire book full of dialectics, masters in rabulistic argumentation (just read the talmud)
>no identification with the country they are in
(being a jew always comes first)

i could not see how this would lead to hate in anyway, no i can really not see it.

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They must be eliminated for the hate they give.

>The reason today's jews are smart is because of their crucible of a past
Jews are genetically white people, brainlet, they just their culture just promotes lots of schooling and reading and striving

>coping this hard
There is no exaggeration. This is concrete data from university admissions and population IQ studies. If you want to deny reality so you can feel superior to “conspiracy theorists”, then be my guest. But the fact of the matter is Jews are extremely overrepresented at top universities, who then go on to become extremely overrepresented in nearly every societal organ and the elite class, making them the most privileged group by far. Only WASP old money can compete, and they’re rapidly dying out in numbers, influence, and identity anyway.

>Success in MONEY, capitalism breeds a lot of hatred

How do I know that you are Jewish? Jews are hated because they use media to spread hatred against Europeans. They are hateful themselves and have always been.

It's ridiculous to expect Ukranians or Germans to like Jews when Jews openly hated them.

>muh biased data!!!
The onus is on you to prove Ron Unz wrong you sputtering brainlet.

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I ll give an example.

A Jew comes on tv and tells a white American that he is an evil and should be replaced. In return the white American begins to hate the person and calls out his Jewishness.

Then the Jew says: "These Nazis hate me for no reason"

Resentment and a variety of anti-capitalist ideologies leading people astray however they can. Some of it is probably faked (like the stuff on social media) to motivate other parties.

>representation equals privilege
Wrong. You're drawing conclusions from the data based on your own correlations. Look up what confirmation bias is.


- A Jew makes a song mocking the dead white South Africans. When faced with backlash he whines about antisemitism

there are no "white people" only different nations, terrible post. Guess you are american.

How would you interpret these numbers then? When there are far more Jews and far less whites & Asians at top universities compared to the null hypothesis of merit-based representation, what conclusions would you draw? Not one of privilege? Explain your reasoning please.

Please save the 105 IQ pilpul for reddit

Trifles for a massacre :3

Define a white man then.

Not me

Genes in the circle. It can get fuzzy at the margins but that doesn't invalidate the existence of the distinction

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>Wrong. You're drawing conclusions from the data based on your own correlations. Look up what confirmation bias is.

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but nice to see the seething that the american has for his non existent identity, calling names when he is confronted with his non existent legacy that literally boils down to cooking food like the slaves did. barbecue and burgers, that is all the americans have in terms of culture.
oh and the jewish admiration for money.

Why do Jews hate whites considering they helped them get Israel and allowed them to prosper in their countries?
No Jew was ever oppressed in America yet these Jews seem so hostile towards white Americans.

>based on your own correlations
what in the living fuck is that even supposed to mean? Correlations of what? You can’t own a correlation.

INB4 “correlation isn’t causation”... correlation is necessary for an inference of causation—all you need is the mechanism and then you’re good to go.

now replace "white (non-Jewish)" with Jews.
now you understand OP's question.

you're welcome

I know why people like that exist. You actually feel more comfort by believing those stuff. You want to feel special. You want answers to why the world is so fucked up, and why your life is so miserable. So you blame everything on something, which provides answers. If there are answers, perhaps it could be stopped, you think. Then you go out and call everyone else a blind fool (instead of actually doing something to fix the world), so you can feel a bit more special and important to everyone else. You know what's scarier for them? Nothing being in control.

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White people are racist and it is impossible to change without replacement. It is inevitable to sacrifice them for the betterment of humanity.

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stop being racist.

mentally retarded people who need a black sheep to project all their insecurities, self-hatred, anxieties and misundertandings onto. that's all there's to it.

>How would you interpret these numbers then?
More Jews are in universities now because Jewish families are doing well for themselves in the current economic / technological / social climate and therefore there are more confident and wealthy Jewish kids applying and getting in than there are kids from other family backgrounds. However, I consider this only my own correlation, mostly based on anecdotal evidence; most Jewish kids I went to school with were all extremely happy living in the US and were extremely passionate about modern forms of entertainment like tabletop gaming, video games, internet memes/culture, etc. or about modern technology and went into engineering, math, medical or programming so excited you'd call them starry-eyed. Bottom line, the data isn't enough to really draw anything other than your own correlations from it.

Also, why do so many white kids not go to college at all or drop out? I've known so many that have. Most of them were deep in drug addictions that usually started at home. I graduated, but I definitely fucked around more than I should have, and I don't blame anyone other than myself for that. Maybe it's not just that Jewish families are doing well, but non-Jewish families are also taking to the drink more often than taking themselves and their futures seriously.

Embarassingly narcissistic

you mean me or the people I'm referring to? I can't tell desu

you mean like this guy?

yes, also that guy.

You, the Jew shit isn't hard at all to understand, they're a subversive competitor ethnic who are hypocritically extremely ethnocentric while promoting the idea that other whites can't be ethnocentric at all. Open borders for the US but Israel should remain a fortress ethnostate. You don't have to buy into all the mystical child sacrifice black magic shit to grasp the conflict, it's just banal interethnic competition. Unless of course you're
>mfw too individualistic
That you either can't or refuse to recognize the contours of a pretty standard ethnocultural conflict and reflexively reduce all collective identity to cope for personal failure

Here’s an anecdote shared by Ron Unz on the nature of university admissions:
>Let me cite an example from my original article which underscores the credibility of the Hillel figures in elite circles. During 1999 it was discovered that Hillel’s estimate of the percentage of Jews enrolled at Princeton had dropped from 16% to about 10% over the previous 15 years, and this resulted in a huge national media firestorm, with articles appearing in the NYT, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The New York Observer, as well as four front-page stories in the Daily Princetonian, all with mention of anti-Semitism bandied about. Princeton’s administration profusely apologized for the decline in Jewish numbers and agreed to completely overhaul its admissions policy as a consequence. At that point in time Princeton’s president was Jewish, Princeton’s provost was Jewish, and Princeton had just finished building a multi-million-dollar Jewish activities center on campus; but Hillel’s report of a substantial decline in Jewish enrollment was regarded as near-prima facie proof of anti-Jewish bias at the university, especially since the figure was much lower than the figures reported by Hillel for Harvard, Yale, and Columbia.

Notice how the knee-jerk response from every media outlet was “anti-Jewish discrimination” rather than a decline in Jewish merit. This accusation occurred despite the fact that the organs of Princeton University, from admissions to administration, were predominantly staffed by Jews. And yet when Jewish admission began to decline in the face of increasing competition (probably from Asians and working/middle class whites... especially thanks to need-based financial aid), intense pressure was brought down upon Princeton University to “puff up” their numbers. And who makes up a plurality to a majority of staff at major media organizations? You guessed it.

I hope you realize that you’re contesting my hypothesis with nothing more than anecdotal evidence of healthy Jewish families, which makes you a delusional hypocrite. Not every white or Asian comes from a broken family, and many who do are still accomplished. There are tens of thousands of applications to each top university, from which only a few hundred to a couple thousand are accepted into the college. There are no shortage of intelligent, accomplished, and “happy” whites and Asians applying to these universities. If universities wanted to be “fair” when it came to merit-based representation, they have more than enough resources to do it. But out of this qualified admission pool, we are seeing Jews taken in at the expense of equally or better qualified Asians and whites. Whether you use last name analysis on National Merit scholars or population IQ statistics, it doesn’t matter, and the data leads to the same conclusion.

The truth is staring you in the face, and you are performing every possible mental gymnastic to avoid acknowledging it.

Jews have a privileged station in society and reflexively preserve it using their control of important institutions.

What you describe seems to be more of an anti-zionist argument. What I'm referring to are the fervent anti-semites who blame all the world's problems on a single minority group. They cannot implement other variables in their worldview, they live in complete tunnel vision. The mental hoops they jump through to blame the jews on even the smallest of problems are quite astonishing. This is a sign of mental retardation of some kind.

How do I know the anecdote has any validity to it, or that all of those articles were genuine / not faked precisely to motivate anti-Semitic parties, or that similar articles never existed for other demographic declines by other demographic groups?

>I hope you realize that you’re contesting my hypothesis with nothing more than anecdotal evidence of healthy Jewish families, which makes you a delusional hypocrite.
You're contesting my anecdotal evidence with conspiracy theories and confirmation bias.

>There are no shortage of intelligent, accomplished, and “happy” whites and Asians applying to these universities.
Prove it. Most potheads I know are white and they tend to be lazy and not even try, academically speaking.

>muh anecdote disproves your dataset of tens of thousands of people
your post is pic-related and absolutely retarded cope. don’t reproduce

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>dataset of tens of thousands of people
Translation: conspiracy theory based on inconsequential data and confirmation bias.

Everyone was an antisemite before the holocaust brainwashing, rather. Think about any major field and its biggest figures were probably jew bashing intellectuals.

>How do I know the anecdote has any validity to it, or that all of those articles were genuine / not faked precisely to motivate anti-Semitic parties, or that similar articles never existed for other demographic declines by other demographic groups?
Did you even bother trying to figure this out on your own? I’m on my phone so I can’t be assed to provide a ton of links, but I already found one from the New York Times: nytimes.com/1999/06/02/nyregion/princeton-puzzle-where-have-jewish-students-gone.html

Not everything is a made-up /pol/ conspiracy you intellectual lazy blowhard.

>You're contesting my anecdotal evidence with conspiracy theories and confirmation bias.
What the living FUCK are you talking about, you statistically-illiterate cretin?

Let me get this straight. If I perform a Weyl statistical analysis on lists of National Merit semifinalists to determine the demographics of “merited” students and compare them to the stated admissions demographics compiled by the national Hillel organization, and I notice a significant discrepancy... pointing that out makes me a *conspiracy theorist*?

>Prove it. Most potheads I know are white and they tend to be lazy and not even try, academically speaking.
I already gave the proof. The vast majority of National Merit semifinalists are non-Jewish whites. And you’d have to be an utter retard to think most white people are pothead losers.

I’m beginning to think you’re one of the dumbest, laziest, and least rigorous thinkers browsing this board. You accuse me having “correlations”, though I strongly suspect you don’t understand the meaning of that word. That’s probably why you struggle to understand statistics—you would rather ignore the data and accuse the other person of confirmation bias when the data contradicts your anecdotal bubble.

>but my anecdote disproves your statistical analysis of hundreds of thousands of National Merit semifinalists backgrounds
Your intellectually dishonest coping is only going to redpill people harder. Show me a problem with the statistical analysis or fuck off.

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>Did you even bother trying to figure this out on your own?
Of course. I already figured out that there is no way you or myself could know any of that for fact. You lambasting me with a ton of insults now only drives that point home.

>you intellectual lazy blowhard.
The irony there is delicious. Not reading anything I write, not actually thinking about any of it... just continuously providing conspiracy theories, inconsequential data, and confirmation bias to "prove" your points. It's no wonder that you fall for such nonsense and end up parroting it blindly, because you're clearly a moron.

China imposes broad bans on rap music because they recognize that it's a degenerative cultural force. The government does this because it takes responsibility for the ethnic collective and its public morality. Western governments do the opposite and are extremely opposed to legitimizing any kind of thinking along the lines of "institutions have a paternal responsibility to protect the ethnic collective", even in states that aren't diverse. Why? Partially because of the Enlightenment, individualism, etc. but also because of this extremely influential group of outsiders who are afraid of homogeneous states because they tend to single them out and expel / kill them. So while, yes, a yarmulke-wearing rabbi is not literally tiptoeing around the margins of everyone's lives and subjecting them to misfortune, his university professor and lawyer and TV executive co-ethnics have been hard at work trying to deconstruct the ethnic, national, religious, etc. monolithic identities which leads to things like e.g. the state banning the rap music which glamorizes drug abuse or preventing the entry into the country of the illegal Mexican who sells fentanyl or other sorts of things where collective homogeneous self-interest is recognized as valid and forces can actually be mobilized to tackle problems facing that collective. Like for example by sending a spec ops team around the world to kill the terrorists who killed your Olympic athletes or having little informal networks of ethnic influence all throughout a country's institutions whose criticism is de facto banned as conspiratorial and bigoted or other such little boons of operating as anything other than a perfectly atomized economic unit

well said

>Of course. I already figured out that there is no way you or myself could know any of that for fact.
Maybe if you were too lazy or stupid to Google “Jewish admissions Princeton 1999” and get all of the results you needed, you could be excused for your stubborn ignorance. But you’re not. You live in your own dream world and you’re happy to keep it that way.

>Not reading anything I write, not actually thinking about any of it...
I read everything you wrote. I asked you for an explanation of why Jews were overrepresented despite merit. You in turn responded with some vapid navelgazing about “happy Jewish families churning out accomplished, passionate Jewish students” and the total nonexistance of such cases among whites and Asians, all borne out of the handful of experiences you witnessed, which you then extrapolated onto the rest of the country without due basis. You then proceeded to call the data “inconsequential” despite providing ZERO refutations of the statistical analysis behind it. Why? Heh, because of your own “confirmation bias”.

Confirmation bias? I’ve never seen a more pathetic case of projection. You think your handful of anecdotal experiences is enough to disprove a conclusions drawn upon *hundreds of thousands* of data points. That’s literally how fucking stupid, stubborn, and brainwashed you are. There are no appropriate words to describe your reasoning other than insults, and that is being charitable.

Don’t reproduce.