Can God create stone so heavy that he himself can't lift it? Because if he can't lift a stone he is not almighty. On the other hand, if he can't create such a stone he is not almighty either.
Does Bible adress this?
Yeah. Ephesians 5:17:
>Don't be stupid.
God can't do contradictory things, he can't make a square circle for example
Matthew 4:7- Jesus said unto him, It is written again,
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
>implying any puny mortal narrative-form hypotheses could restrain God
that is: you can't wrestle God into breaking himself on your argument. he's God. and you are filling the classic role of stiff-necked Israel. and that should be all the proof you need to know that you are wrong to even try.
Well, I think we to put this question is in the form of free will.
If God is omniscient, he must know what will happen, yet he gave us free will to be either pious and follow in Christs footsteps or be sinful and go against god.
This question actually caused protestants, especially puritans, to think that God just arbitrarily chose who would go to heaven, pretty much causing them to become deterministic, harming faith in many ways.
We cannot comprehend God's will or form, so this question isn't all that important. What we might think is a paradox, may just be part of godhood to begin with.
>Does Bible address this?
Lmao, no. The Bible doesn't address philosophical questions. It just talks about a bunch of random cave-Jews committing genocide and talking about how they are the best.
God is the creator of all things. As the creator of all things, Lord Almighty, first mover and first cause, the will which sustains all, the Alpha and the Omega, without limit and uncontainable, God placed himself, as Man and God, in the womb of Mary in order to be seen in creation by his creation as a creation, not out of any need, but only in gratuitous love, allowing himself to be tormented, mocked, slandered, beaten, and finally even killed as a Man by his creation. He did all of this so that this creation which so despises him in its heart that it would not only allowed such harm, but would commit this harm, might be led back to him in order to be reborn as new life. Rather than destroy those creations which despise the very will of their creator, he placed himself upon the cross and subjected himself to death, so that our anger and sorrow might be woven fruitfully into the folds of his boundless cloak of love, turning our life back to him, changing us so completely so as to be new creations, while still remaining the same creation which had died in and with Christ on the cross. All of this has been made clear to you by inspired revelation, and you ask about rocks?
>god can create anything
>all things that can exist can exist
>can god create something that can't exist
>just dont ask questions or you are going to hell lmao
>implying God has a material body to lift a stone with
Your question is whether infinite mass can resist infinite energy and not be placed into motion, or allowing for inertia, the infinite mass can not have its velocity changed by infinite energy. There is the problem that mass and energy are equivalent (E=mc^2) so infinite mass is infinite energy, and infinite energy is infinite mass, and so both infinities contain eachothers infinities.
Who cares.
The Nimrod coverage in the bible is far more interesting.
Yep, that's basically the Bibble in a nutshell
>we can think of things that can not exist
>every created thing is a thought in the mind of God
>therefore God can create impossible things by thinking of them
The Bible isn't meant to be a science textbook, it's meant to be an allegory for Platonic metaphysics.
You can think of a vaguely related explanation of a thing that doesn't exist. But that's just an illusion. You cannot actually think of the thing itself.
Exactly. The posit itself is nonsense.
God can
Then I guess there's no reason to have the thread then
Why can't he? If he is the supreme being of the universe, shouldn't he be able to bend logic according to his will, including allowing himself to do contradictory things (like bringing himself back from the dead)?
But couldn't God? The same Nous/Logos that thinks of all forms of possible thingd and being of actual things could think of the form and being of impossible things. What is the ontological status of impossible things that we think of? Aren't they representations like any other? Whatever the status of our representations of possible or actual things are, our representations of imagined impossible things are too.
No. a non-sequitur is merely irrelevant, not impossible.
It seems to impose limitations on God that humans don't have. A computer game can create an impossible fantasy creature, but God can't?
Can God create a married bachelor?
>t. satan
He should. He is the absolute master of the universe and should be able to bend logic to his will.
Theunstoppable force paradox, also called theirresistible force paradox,shield and spear paradox, is a classicparadoxformulated as "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?" The immovable object and the unstoppable force are both implicitly assumed to be indestructible, or else the question would have a trivial resolution. Furthermore, it is assumed that they are two entities.
The paradox arises because it rests on two incompatible premises: that there can exist simultaneously such things asunstoppable forcesandimmovable objects. The "paradox" is flawed because if there exists an unstoppable force, it follows logically that there cannot be any such thing as an immovable object and vice versa.[1]
this. r*dditors will never learn
Nothing which implies contradiction falls underthe omnipotence of God.thomas aquinas,Summ. Theol., Iaq xxv, Art 4
based and thomaspilled
God will throw you at the immovable object, for all you can tell it will be moving right at you.
You know how God subverts these questions?
Threatening you with eternal damnation and suffering.
But also the idea of applying an infinite force to an infinite mass yields an undefined acceleration, which is what God will tell you, before he just moves it without moving it.