Watch me destroy Christianity in one small paragraph:
Do small unbaptized babies go to heaven? A simple yes/no question, with two fatal consequences:
If yes, each parent should kill their children immediately since going to heaven is literally the only singular thing a good Christian strives to achieve. You may go to hell yourself, but what is more selfish: the possibility of you going to heaven but your child going to hell, or even both of you going to hell, or the guarantee of you your children going to heaven for the small price of your own soul?
If no, the consequences are also fairly clear: God is not all-loving since he lets literal fucking innocent babies go to hell simply because they haven't been baptised
The answer is Yahweh eats their foreskins and this is how they go to Heaven but crying is sin so the first time they cry they earn a fast track to hell
Mason Carter
This is really what a good Christian would do: kill the child, sending them to heaven. Then repent for the action afterwards to save yourself.
Ayden Kelly
Oh right, I even forgot about that, you can literally repent for murder lmao. Fucking win win
Jeremiah Jenkins
No you can't.
Anthony Torres
>implying you can plan out repentance in advance
Oliver Mitchell
You're right, but I can repent for planning after the fact
Jayden Taylor
It's like you've never read the Ten Commandments. Here's a hint: start at the first one, and that one will tell you what God thinks about you murdering your infant.
(Also, consider that there is a state of being in which one is neither in Heaven nor Hell. Purgatory exists).
Joseph Diaz
Wtf I’m atheist now
Brayden Anderson
Can you genuinely repent for planning as the final part of the plan? As in, repenting for the sin while committing it?
Ian Hall
Christians dont know who goes to heaven or hell. Besides you're forgetting about original sin
Michael Nelson
Idk. Probably not. Sucks being smart and planning lmao
Jordan Thompson
>Babies go to purgatory Lmao purgatory is a whole another level of retardation invented by Catholics. It's just heaven with a few extra steps >Muh commandments What the fuck are you talking about? The first commandment is about believing in one god, and one for only. I think you mean don't murder? Literally every Christian denomination let's you repent for deadly sins (which aren't even those in the ten commandments, or else everyone would rot in hell for envy or not respecting the sabbath) If you can't there would be some unrepentable sins
Nathaniel Sanders
Babies go to limbo.
Jonathan Ramirez
The argument could be even expanded to all human beings who are innocent or unbaptised, but the 10 commandments has the "thou shall not kill" rule, which clearly states that one ought not do such thing, meaning it's prohibited. Also, who is to go to heaven or hell is no matter for man decide or to intervene, unless God is to say otherwise (think of Abraham and Isaac, also note that God intervened a second time here and prevented Isaac's death).
Angel Smith
Go to bed, Pascal. Divine judgement doesn't work the way you think it does.
Ian Watson
Have you considered that our life on earth is a form of Purgatory?
Thomas Scott
for man to decide* , to correct myself.
Joshua Johnson
That's not heaven buddy, that's means some humans are just not born with equal opportunities and don't even get the chance to go to heaven Sounds like an all loving God to me lmao It doesn't matter whether you intervene, since it's a simple argument of duality. Either the baby goes to heaven, or it doesn't. If God doesn't send the baby to heaven, he's not all loving, if he does, you can and should force the decision yourself since it's the best thing you can do for your child
Nathaniel Jones
To repent via Confession you have to actually be sorry for what you did.
Jacob Adams
>If God doesn't send the baby to heaven, he's not all loving Tough love is a real thing, trollanon. Sometimes you need to inflict pain to make a person's life better.
Are you literally retarded? A baby is a separate soul that's Innocent by definition, apart from the original sin. If it doesn't go to heaven if you murder it, which happens sometimes so it's not even a hypothetical situation, God literally never gave this soul a chance. That's not trough love, that's literally no love at all lmao
>I'm sorry I sent my children to heaven God, I know they should've had the possibility of rotting in hell instead
Lincoln Mitchell
daily reminder that god only cares about intent and meaning. the rest is just necessary pragmatics
Cameron Lewis
Babies who aren't baptized and die don't go to hell or heaven. If you read the bible you would know this
Ethan Thomas
You shouldn't assume that unbaptized infants go straight to heaven after they are murdered. Everyone is born with original sin. Why are you so quick to dismiss the concept of Purgatory? That is where the souls of unbaptized infants go.
Jace White
So what you're saying some souls that are born don't get the chance to go to heaven >And here's why that's a good thing
Eli Collins
>the christian god burns babies >just because their parents didnt wash them
Brody Cook
how is purgatory in comparison to our world?
David Taylor
Once again, purgatory is literally heaven with extra steps. "You'll go to heaven don't worry, but you'll have to get some cleansing for your son's first" At least argue with limbo like decent catholicucks, not even they believe babies go to purgatory
William Allen
You did not engage with the argument user.
> It doesn't matter whether you intervene > if he does, you can and should force the decision yourself since it's the best thing you can do for your child - It DOES matter whether or not you intervene against God's will. You ought not do such, thing since or decide a baby's fate since God prohibits it with the "thou shall not kill" rule in the 10 commandments. And the judgement on how and who is going to heaven or hell is not for man to decide.
> Either the baby goes to heaven, or it doesn't. -This is not for man to decide or to know.
> If God doesn't send the baby to heaven, he's not all loving... -This is like saying: "God does not exist, and he/she/it is evil".
At least make a stronger case for your argument, along the lines of Marcus Aurelius: "“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
Nolan Moore
Watch me destroy Buddhism in one small sentence: >It's literally just nihilism Watch me destroy Islam in one small sentence: >Mohammed was a pedophile and a warmonger Watch me destroy Judaism in one small sentence: >They killed Jesus for no reason. They deserve everything they get. Watch me destroy Hinduism in one small sentence: >Dude guys with weird skin colors and multiple arms lmao
You ought not do such thing, as to decide a baby's fate, since God prohibits it...* to correct myself again.
Caleb Rogers
The Catholic Church teaches they do not go to heaven directly, but that there is a hope that the Lord will receive them.
Hudson Scott
Are christcucks deliberately pretending to be retarded or are they really in such a low state of mind that they can't even comprehend the simple dilemma of binary choices >B-but it's not for you to decide!! It's for God to decide, and I laid out both choices he can make and the consequences resulting out of them
Cooper Bailey
What a cop out lmao >We can't say they go to heaven but they probably will so you can't doubt us hehe
Samuel Richardson
It's all just theories ever since the Greeks on where these children go. It's out of our hands and up to God.
Logan Cruz
God is infinite, and you are trying to force Him into a binary choice. That's not how it works.
Austin Perez
>committing the sin of presumption
Benjamin Roberts
>one small paragraph >it’s actually three paragraphs
Is this a hidden joke about the Trinity?
Hudson Morgan
>I'll just say he can make up a third choice lol out of making the soul go to heaven or not lol Learn to argue
Ryder Morgan
Lol, I'm not even a true christcuck user but your arguments are purposefully or accidentally flawed. But sure, go an make ad hominem's, that will surely do it. > I laid out both choices he... That's not how it works user, IF you accept the existence of God, then you can't lay out the choices for God and say to him/her/it: "Now act! I'm gonna judge you whether or not you are good and evil and deserve my worship"
Isaiah Fisher
It's not an argument against the existence of God, merely against either the retardation of christcucks or his supposed "all-lovingness" depending on one of the two variants
Camden Morgan
>equal opportunities gaytheist cringelord
Asher Carter
>Literally one of the supposed pillars of Christianity >Calls others gaytheists It's "equal opportunities" for salvation retard.
Luis Hall
Just theorizing here but If God is all knowing, when a child dies before being baptized, couldn't God see the childs soul grow up and see the actions he would of done? Or better yet, could God could create a separate reality for these children where there souls are transferred to survive their incoming death for a chance of repentance?
Blake Baker
>>Literally one of the supposed pillars of Christianity according to whom? matter of fact is that everyone is born with the original sin and may only be saved through jesus christ, that's not a choice god makes, that's a choice we make literally go back to Yea Forums you dumbfuck
William Peterson
Now we're talking At least a better argument/theory than the other retards here
However we would just end up in the free will vs. All-knowing discussion again
Nicholas Ross
>reducing God to some beurocrat >Reducing heavan to a palace in the sky Noone will ever take you seriously with retarded suppositions like that.
Ryder Stewart
>matter of fact is that everyone is born with the original sin and may only be saved through jesus christ, that's not a choice god makes, that's a choice we make That's exactly what "equal opportunities" Jesus Also how can you make choices as an infant, that's whom we're discussing here
Austin Watson
Christianity is evil convuluted shit. Any good person would wish with all their heart that it is not true, for if Christianity isn't real, the vast majority of humans are going to be in immense pain for eternity.
However most Christians love this, they pat themselves on the back, and smugly look down at all those who don't follow their personal views, happy in the fact that those who disagree with them are going to be punished for it, and suffer forever and ever.
It's like the ultimate beta fantasy. Christians are horrid, nasty, arrogant people. Their autistic, vindictive God reflects that.
Carson Wood
>I hate being wrong so I'll just reject logical arguments and to for the "you can't understand God so he's never wrong" route
Parker Howard
shouldve had your parents baptize you lmao >why can't my gay materialism explain deeply felt genuine spirituality jeez dude idk lmao muh viking
Hudson Powell
I'm not a viking. I think the vikings were largely nasty fucks too.
Jaxon Smith
Fucking based, this also can be used on pro-life fags as well
Christcucks should actually FAVOR abortion, because the so-called "soul" of every single aborted fetus will instantly go to heaven since it had no chance of sinning.
More abortions = more of god's children joining him in heaven
Yahweh demands worship and human suffering He'd eventually have an autistic meltdown when he finds out people have found a loophole against his unfair heaven/hell game
Daniel James
>God is not all-loving You're clearly unfamiliar with the concept of the Original Sin, which is effectively that all humans are born into sin and must be raised up out of that sin. In this belief system, such has been the history of Christianity for centuries, babies literally are damnable to hell. This still remains established Christian dogma in some denominations.
Christopher Taylor
You're not even mentioning the worst part: they don't fucking practice what they preach. Christianity actually boosts their narcissism and empowers them to ignore morality entirely by convincing themselves whatever they do is "God's will."
Think of all the wars, genocides, colonial atrocities, and other crimes against humanity perpetuated by Christians. >inb4 whataboutthemooslimsjewsetc
>effectively that all humans are born into sin and must be raised up out of that sin. In this belief system, such has been the history of Christianity for centuries, babies literally are damnable to hell >Babies are damnable to hell >B-but God is still all-loving g-guise Kek Either way you look at it it sounds retarded
Eli King
>3 paragraphs. >Innocent babies. I'm not even Christian but you suck at this.
Chase Perez
Sounds extremely cucked. Why someone would willingly submit themselves to such an ideology is beyond me.
Christopher Murphy
Original sin is just another dandelion in a field of catholic sadist nonsense. Christianity is stupid, but catholicism is straight up RETARDED
Alexander Nguyen
Why not just be good and raise good kids?
Noah Ortiz
This. God doesn't even save the babies. He's still extremely butthurt about some thot eating an apple, so he takes his rage out on every other human since, for some reason.
Even if a Christian raped a kid, they could just repent and confess. When you're a part of their special club, you're free to do what you like. But don't you dare be a member of another club, like Islam. That's not allowed!
Aaron Taylor
Catholics even take pride in that They love how edgy and sadist it is >heh, you expected it to be all lovey dovey?...nufffin personal...but my faith is grimdark and epic hardcore...enjoy suffering forever hehe..god bless
Oliver Barnes
If you have a child you will be allowed into heaven as blessing a being by dragging it from the void into the warm embrace of a womb is the most generous act you can engage in, nothing in life compares >tl;dr we can all make it christian bros, just have sex
Nathaniel White
Because by killing the child you would eliminate any possibility of him going to hell, which is way better parenting in terms of the final goal I.e. being closer to god
Henry Sanders
No, because murder is a grave sin. God is who decides who goes to heaven and hell, not you. There’s no such thing as a “Heaven sender” person, you’re just a child killer >but it’s selfless, you’re going to hell to send them to Heaven! No, you’re a child killer. God is the one who sends the child to Heaven, you’re just a child killer burning in hell. Why would anybody want to be that? What is the appeal of spending your limited lifetime killing children then burning in hell? It’s not even a paradox, it’s just retarded
Carson Gray
They go to Little Baby Heaven, which is like normal heaven but not as good because it's full of babies
Dominic Rogers
>God will send them to heaven since you killed an innocent child >But somehow you're not sending the child indirectly so you're still wrong Lol
Anthony Long
>God is still all-loving g-guise God, throughout Christian history, has largely not been viewed as the savior of the human race. It has been the teachings of Jesus which gave the people guidance in historically Christian societies. Similarly, Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, was, throughout history, viewed as the all loving savior of man. You will often see a disproportionate amount of Mary symbolism and depictions in Renaissance art, sometimes even superseding Jesus in importance, because it was at this time that the Christian people did not pray to God, or even to Jesus, but to Mary for salvation. This has largely fallen to the wayside in the growth of modern Christianity, and God has gained the image of benevolence by some denominations. God, historically, has been an object of unwordly omnipotence and insights, and Mary had been the one to help guide mankind to salvation through her benevolence. Many do not willingly submit themselves to religion. The number of people indoctrinated into religion vastly outnumbers those who willingly choose a religion in adult life. It is much harder to break from a framework of thought that you were raised in than to choose never to enter it as an adult. I do not mean to say all religious people are victims to their ideology, but it is true that virtually all of them were indoctrinated at birth. Whether or not this is viewed for the better or worse is moreso subjective.
kek, very true. Catholocism is idolized by people on here because they think it's like their fantasy novels and they want to LARP in it
Nolan James
Christies cannot stop being BTFOd ITT, I love it
Oliver Carter
>requires faith >argument
Christianity is against logic and arguments. You must believe because faith>reason
Dominic Cruz
You need blind faith to be a true believer? Sounds just like your average cult!
Ayden Wood
>>one small paragraph >>it’s actually three paragraphs >Is this a hidden joke about the Trinity? holy
Gabriel Diaz
>if yes kill yourself thread I hate christian but fedoras are the worst
Grayson Watson
If I push somebody out a window, and somebody else calls them an ambulance, I didn’t send them to the hospital. The guy who called the ambulance did, I just tried to kill them. Hell, if you’re gonna apply this logic that murderers are actually Heaven senders working in an indirect way, you could just keep going. A baby goes to Heaven, who did that? Was it God? No, it was actually the babies murderer. But the babies murderer didn’t do the good deed, it was actually the man who molested the murderer when they were younger, traumatizing them and turning them into a child murderer when they grew up. But the molester didn’t do the good deed either, no, the real hero of the story is the girlfriend who cheated on the molester, giving him weird sexual hang ups. But she’s not the hero either, she wouldn’t be an unfaithful person if her dad hadn’t left her as a child. Is her dad the hero, who sent the baby to Heaven? No, the hero is the money-lender who practiced usury, putting the girls father into incredible debt and making him decide to up and leave his life. Do you see where I’m going with this? If you decide that child murderers are Heaven senders by indirect action, you start a cause and effect chain, leading you to conclude that the cause of salvation is the first person to sin Or you can just say God sends people to heaven or Hell, and if you kill a child you’re just a child killer and nothing else
Tyler Cooper
Every murderer is in hell? Are you sure?
Ethan Rodriguez
>God, throughout Christian history, has largely not been viewed as the savior of the human race. It has been the teachings of Jesus which gave the people guidance in historically Christian societies. Jesus is God >Similarly, Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus The theotokos: Mother if God >was, throughout history, viewed as the all loving savior of man. You will often see a disproportionate amount of Mary symbolism and depictions in Renaissance art, sometimes even superseding Jesus in importance, because it was at this time that the Christian people did not pray to God, or even to Jesus, but to Mary for salvation. Source: ass. Read the New Testament, then the church fathers, then medieval Christian literature, then enlightenment Christian thinkers, then modern Christian thinkers. Even a quick perusal or a glance at the summaries will tell you Jesus has historically been viewed as God and savior, and Mary the theotokos >This has largely fallen to the wayside in the growth of modern Christianity, and God has gained the image of benevolence by some denominations. God, historically, has been an object of unwordly omnipotence and insights, and Mary had been the one to help guide mankind to salvation through her benevolence. Read the Quran, why does it say Christians err in thinking Jesus is God? It is because Christians have historically had about the same Christological views
Nathaniel Lopez
Surprised it took this long for a butthirt christfag to say this
Isaac Foster
Imagine actually being a worshiper of an uppity jew who failed to overthrow the Roman government and doing all the mental gymnastics to prove a jewish god only SOMETIMES tortures innocent people for all eternity
Colton Torres
>Jesus is God News to me. I'm only recounting historic knowledge. >Source: ass Read Renaissance art history and analyses books. Of course you would never assume this from the Bible. Most people hadn't even read the Bible at this time, you fool. I did not make this post to debate your shitty religious fan fiction, I'm stating historical facts.
Nicholas Sanchez
>If yes, each parent should kill their children immediately Thou shalt not kill.
>If no, the consequences are also fairly clear: God is not all-loving The will of God is unknowable. Bad things happen to good people, and the final cause of these events -- called Providence -- is likewise unknowable.
In short, the only thing you have proven is you don't know jack shit about Christianity or philosophy. Not surprising since you're a cringey fedora.
>Do small unbaptized babies go to heaven? And the actual answer from the catechism is we don't know but assume yes. Similar to how we don't know for a fact that hell is full of unrepentant, but it may very well be that God's infinite mercy has left it empty (but you should not depend on it). the relevant paragraph >1283 With respect to children who have died without Baptism, the liturgy of the Church invites us to trust in God's mercy and to pray for their salvation.
Still begs the question, does the baby go to heaven or hell. Not about the murder, the baby going to heaven or not.
Cameron Gonzalez
>pray for their salvation That means there is a possibility that small innocent babies will go to hell How can you unironically defend that lmao
Brody Johnson
This is very interesting user, what books or works would you recommend for this? (I'm interested in the subject matter but do not study history or the history of religion)
Brandon Sanchez
>That means there is a possibility that small innocent babies will go to hell No. They didn't have an opportunity to commit any sins yet and therefore do not require purgation. Original sin is not enough. I don't know, but I believe. The harrowing of hell was accomplished for the sake of heathen souls who never had the opportunity to hear the gospel. You know which souls weren't there? The ones that lived moral lives according to an absolute morality, and those who if they had known what baptism was would have desired it. I believe infants are in the latter category.
and >he thinks prayer is a burden git gud cringelord
Elijah Martin
I love how saying “God doesn’t torture innocent people” is mental gymnastics but saying “people who kill children are actually heaven-senders” is not Here’s a hypothetical, if I murder somebody who’s evil, I’m sending them to hell, right? According to you, murderers are just sending the innocent to heaven and the guilty to hell, right? So the conclusion to draw from all this is “murder is moral,” right? But wait, what makes a person a sinner vs a saint? Guilty vs innocent? In a Christian moral framework, it’s following the laws of God. One of those laws is “thou shalt not kill.” So we’re back where we started. Murder is still wrong and God is still the divine judge. That’s why I say this isn’t even a paradox, it’s just stupid. Do you really think if you asked Saint Jerome or anyone this question they’d just go “oh no! My whole life is a lie! There is no answer to this!”? This can be refuted by restating the most basic Christian principles: God is judge, not you
Logan Lewis
Buddy, every Christian thinker has stated this since time immemorial. Start in the New Testament, then the church fathers, then medieval thinkers, then enlightenment thinkers. They all state that Jesus is God and Mary is mother of God >b-but those are just scholars, m-most people wouldn’t have read them Ah, but there were still religious wars and trials for heresy. Find a time where the people worshipped Mary instead of Jesus God >b-but look at all the statues and paintings of Mary Not an argument. Just cause you make statues and paintings of someone or something doesn’t mean you worship them. You are an utter brainlet Pay him no mind, he’s talking out his ass
>believe infants are in the latter category. So they go to hell after all? >sending them to hell, right Yes, you are since you're ending their life abruptly without possibility of atonement. How hard is that to understand and why are you all pretending to be retarded?
Jaxon Mitchell
This user knows what's up. Christians do not worship Mary; the only being deserving of worship is God. We venerate Mary, and ask for her intercession. She is a saint. In the same way that Jesus said the only way to know the Father is through him, one of the best ways to know Jesus is through Mary, because she is rather like us. Mortal, chosen, blessed but mournful of his passion (associated w/ our sins) and taking solace in the glory of Christ and his victory over death and the world.
Brayden King
Heaven* not hell. Which in turn means we should kill them
Colton Baker
God is judge, not you. You’re not sending them to heaven or hell, God is. You’re just a murderer If I push someone out a window, and somebody else calls them an ambulance, who takes credit for getting them to the hospital?
Justin White
>God is judge, not you If they haven't been baptized they literally can't go to heaven so how exactly can good decide differently according to everything you've been taught, christcuck?
Connor Howard
>it’s an easy decision, therefore I’m the one making it and not God You are an idiot. Even if the baby is unbaptized, it is God who decides their fate. Even if a person lived a totally sinless life, it is God who decides their fate. God is judge, not you
Josiah Nelson
You aren't reading and thinking carefully enough, or don't know the subject well enough.
>So they go to hell after all? Latter means last. Infants -- if they knew what baptism was, and being unable to commit sin because of their ignorance of worldly things -- would have desired it. Therefore they do not go to hell, which is for the unrepentant. Purgatory is for the expiation of sin. As we have established, infants probably aren't smart enough to sin. Therefore they probably don't go to purgatory either.
Like I said. I don't know, but I believe.
Jordan Peterson
I have a genuine question: could god have maintained our freedom while not allowing for the existence of sin?
He could since he can do anything. However God is a vindictive asshole even according to the goodest of scriptures so have fun suffering
Henry Bell
The answer to the question of whether or not unbaptized babies go to heaven isn't yes or no. In life we're normally given the chance to accept God and his revelation or reject it. People who aren't given this opportunity either because they die before they reach the age of reason or never get the opportunity to learn of the Church or be baptized, will after death be able to make their decision to accept God or reject him just as the angels did, with full knowledge of the what that choice entails.
Zachary Cruz
He can do anything that's possible. The existence of free will is not compatible with a lack of consequences.
Brandon Lee
>The existence of free will is not compatible with a lack of consequences. I should say free will is not compatible with an inability to choose.
Benjamin Brown
>after death be able to make their decision to accept God or reject him just as the angels did, with full knowledge of the what that choice entails Lol where did you get that from? Some retarder cult? Catholicucks believe they go to limbo, evangelifags heaven, orthocucks hell (I think?)
Nathaniel Kelly
Why not Just because you'll go to heaven either way doesn't mean you don't have free will
Caleb Moore
if free will brought about the fall of man, of what use was it?
Samuel Cook
>Catholicucks believe they go to limbo No.
Robert White
It's necessary for true love. You can't love somebody without the ability to reject them.
There's so many misconceptions about actual Christian doctrine in this thread that I'm inclined to think it's all bait.
Camden Bell
Bentley Butler
God loves us so much that He gave us free will in order that people could love out of their own will, which is the highest thing one can do.
As the Supreme Cause of all that is Good, God made us even though He didn't need us. Think about it.
Lincoln Flores
>While the Catholic Church has a defined doctrine on original sin, it has none on the eternal fate of unbaptized infants
stay btfo. I already quoted the relevant piece of the catechism, which would outweigh your wikipedia link even if it didn't agree with me.
Gavin Nelson
If God doesn't need us why did he make us? Love. Because God is Love.
Few can grasp what Love actually is.
Tyler Rodriguez
why not endow everyone with this holy knowledge at birth, so that no one misuses their free will out of ignorance of the gravity of sin? Would anyone choose sin if they knew fully of the alternative?
Eli Gutierrez
All I see from God is angry autism and injustice
I wish I could see God's supposed love
Kevin Kelly
Romans 11:32 >For God has consigned all people to disobedience so that he may show mercy to them all.
nb: all people. sin is part and parcel of earthly existence.
Matthew Sanders
Julian Morris
no one would sin then and we'd live in a false paradise. >Would anyone choose sin if they knew fully of the alternative? That's precisely what the saints figured out.
God created you and I out of nothing. If that isn't Love then what would it be? Note that it was a selfless act of creation, in the sense He didn't make us expecting that we would adore Him in return. True Love.
Daniel Brooks
>no one would sin then and we'd live in a false paradise. Imagine being this retarded
Kevin Bell
He created me and many others to have to leap through hoops in order to not end up in a hell of his design. Fuck him.
Isaiah Jackson
Can you not comprehend what he's trying to tell you?
Nathan Rogers
No u Of course you can always claim God can act however he wants but the point is the person who is being killed is robbed of his freedom of will
Luis Torres
imagine being this uncharitable
are you implying people would sin if they were fully aware of the consequences? Of course not.
Landon Evans
There's one last thing I don't understand. Why not grant Adam and Eve the holy knowledge I spoke of, so that the fall wouldn't happen and they could live forever in Eden, and not in an earthly existence, but in the true paradise? Would this not be the ultimate merciful act?
Yes >going to heaven is literally the only singular thing a good Christian strives to achieve False Open a book desu, preferable The Bible
Jayden Ortiz
You don't have to be a theistcuck to believe in non-physical entities.
Robert Young
That's not destroying Christianity, that's just proving God is a dick. Also the answer is no. Scripture is pretty unambiguous here.
Romans 5:12-14 King James Version (KJV) 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression
The whole basis of Christianity is that God is not a dick an you should obey him because he loves you, so it's very much destroying Christianity
Jacob King
>the whole basis of Christianity is that God isn't a dick
Yeah, but its not exactly convincing.
>You think God's a dick? Read Job and then say that >Okay, now I'm thinking he's even more of a dick than I originally thought
Jason Gonzalez
>t. misunderstood Job
Adrian Smith
Its not a matter of understanding. Its a matter of cosmic Stockolm Syndrome. I mean, sure its immature to call it a bet between Satan and God but that's about the only unfair characterization there is. God is such a tosser he actually thinks someone's family can be replaced with a different set of people entirely. He angrily rebukes Job just because Job asked for an explanation of what was happening to him and if there was some wrongdoing he wasn't aware of. What a douche.