What are Yea Forums's guilty pleasures?

What are Yea Forums's guilty pleasures?

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Yea Forums is my guilty pleasure.

>enjoy something
>feel guilty


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ASOIAF. I have never read a series faster than with those books. I remember that I read 100 pages every day and during ASOS it was closer to 200.

Is there any point in reading them after I've watched the television show?

mangas. Reading berserk right now!

What if I enjoy feeling guilty

Just think about the kind of woman that would get turned on by this. Would Butterfly? Fuck no. Not even if she weren’t gay (except for me ofc)

This is a stupid book for stupid women. :3

a very roundabout way of attention whoring wp.
>im a grill btw- the post

based thot destroyer

Believe it or not simply for defending woman I am not a girl.

Sometimes women don’t like it when you do that either but I don’t care I’m not doing it to white knight, it’s just how intelligent women are. They aren’t into horseshit: the book. :3

Shitting my pants around little kids who have parents with them.

>Not even if she weren’t gay (except for me ofc)
That means you'd like her to be 'day' for you which implies you are a female. Learn to write correctly in case you didnt mean that.


I have made her masturbate at least one confirmed time and she wants me to know stuff about her life. I guess she’s cute, but really I’m speaking impartially in this thread, she’s smart. And this is a book for stupid women, not smart women



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Anais Nin erotica and this>not books
I like to have sex with middle aged couples because I have parent issues


I've read a fanfic that novelized the events of Fallout 1 twice; no regrets.

Spooky, I was just thinking about creating the same thread.

My guilty pleasure: Lesbian historical fiction

My guilty pleasure? Pic related. He's funny and sometimes insightful

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John 'the Cuck' Green


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It's not a good book as a craft - it's not funny or captivating, the melodramas are cliched even by soap opera standard and the prose is atrocious, often ambiguous.


It's an excursion into woman's psyche. The scatterbrain stream of consciousness strikes as very authentic how "sensitive" people think, how they perceive the world. How they're hyper-aware of social games, all the little emotes, comforting, wrongs and snubs and they revel in it and at the same time hate it. How they perceive every little detail in vicinity and completely disregard anything abstract. If you ever wondered as an autist what makes normies tick, this is best possible description of all the weird social games you'd normally fail to parse with your sense alone.

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Totally, for which Friday I'm in love

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I enjoy bimbofication stories like the ones by Limerick on mcstories. I don't read them unless I'm horny, though.

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Manga and Crichton.

V.C. Andrews books.

Yea Forums and stuff like pic related.

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is that the incest author?

onions boy


Any Nietzsche book. Just makes you feel powerfull and positive, even though you know how cringe some of it is.

The TV show is literally 50% of the novels and that's me being generous for the show. Not to mention post-S5 is just extremely high budget fanfiction.

Why is Rika a fussy bitch with an electronic collar?

Ah yes I love "spooks" memes! Keep calm and reveal spooks!

Jane Austen and Henry James do all that but with much better writing

#20190808 La cancillería en su laberinto - El Observador
tridejur.uy/t123.php?id=2339123&alta=2019-08-08 05:03:57

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sometimes when im really feeling kinky i break out my FW at 2 am and start whisper-shouting the lines till my sister tells me to shut up

are you me?

Isabel Allende's El Zorro
