I want to live in a future where I don’t have to read on electronic screens all day. I just want to read books, and I don’t even care what book it is.
Reading on screens makes both my eye vision and brain rot to death.
I want to live in a future where I don’t have to read on electronic screens all day. I just want to read books...
Other urls found in this thread:
nice blog post asshole
fuck off now
>gets tired of reading electronic screens
>types post on 4channel talking about how messed up his eye vision might be
>possibly thinks reading books will help cure his eye vision
willing to bet you were typing this on your phone to gain sympathy for your “rotting brain”
most of the time books are getting more cheaper by the day IMO
I fear more of the fact that we might be growing illiterate as the years go by
OP are you sure it’s the screen time making your brain lazy, or maybe it’s just you trying not to conform to the digitalized world?
>I want to live in a world where physical books are available
Sh-should I tell him?
I’m sitting here literally thinking if OP made this post or if user has never heard of libraries before.
I’ll have the both of you know that trying to have a “GOTCHA!” moment is not necessary. I’m just venting on here to understand if people feel the same way how I feel about the digital landscape of books taking over the physical form.
then why are you still on 4channel supposedly venting about reading a screen instead of actually reading a book for a change?
>trying to have a “GOTCHA!” moment is not necessary
but you tried with your reasoning to get back at us for not understanding what the fuck you’re talking about.
Well, there is likely some millenial in this thread right now who has never set foot in a public library. Not counting those at schools, I mean. And even then.
off topic, but does Iron Mike read books? I saw somewhere that he used to be a big reader when he was in prison.
Well, you could go take a walk in the woods and enjoy nature. It’s what most normal, healthy people do. Simply reading books all day isn’t just going to cut it.
>reads Kiekergaard
>reads Alexander The Great
>reads Virginia Wolff and Napoleon’s letters
>reads Genghis Khan
not bad. it almost seems Reddit-tier.
unless you’re old and on medication, you sound way too young to be typing this on Yea Forums
this thread is a perfect example of why FOMO culture has made using social media a mistake.
>never heard of libraries before
most young people have never used libraries for reading books. it’s just for optics.
>literal brain damaged nigger reads higher quality stuff than me
Why am I such a retard
Print out the files then you fucking ass hole nobody cares
I haven’t heard anyone use that term since 2013. Why do people still care about what other people do when they’re not looking?
kill yourself
that list is the basic starter Yea Forums pack.
I wish Mike read Schopenhauer. I’d have loved to hear his analysis on that.
>I want to live in a future where I don’t have to rely on anonymous people on Yea Forums to tell me what I need to read. I just want to keep doing lame shitposting like this, and I don’t even care if it’s 2/10 level shitposting. Typing this on touchscreen makes both my IQ level and self-awareness go down.
I’m willing to argue that today’s young people search for PDF files on their laptops instead of to having to use a smartphone or tablet to read a book.
>when the dopamine is more important than real life pleasure
Who would have thought?
>reading on screens makes both my eye vision and brain rot to death
Get better glasses and improve your IQ jackass
Libraries are incredibly valuable for new parents teaching their kids to read and immigrants teaching themselves English.
He's not ready