Daily reminder that if you've read Nietzsche but inevitably stopped at forming your own opinion about him instead of embracing his teachings then you're prematurely scrutinized to not be a Übermensch; or at least not yet.

Considering Nietzsche as a mere philosopher whose works (Like many other poor ''souls'' in the past) are currently being used as shelf occupiers, exclusively for monetary gains by the ''normie knowledge'' industry (a sort of big pharma of standardized knowledge); that is pure madness.

Nietzsche is a prophet, and only he who overcomes himself and understands how futile every single piece and floor of human society is; only he will truly submerge into N.'s prophetical texts.

>Yes it's ''a'' Übermensch, not ''an'' (This lexical mistake infuriates me)
>I'm sure that atleast one individual will get the ''souls'' reference

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Other urls found in this thread:


If God is for us, who can be against us?

Big man nietzsche. What type of world would we be living in if his works were published even 100 years earlier??

Read the bible

>>I'm sure that atleast one individual will get the ''souls'' reference

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I got into Christianity after hanging around too many Nietzscheans and wanting to be the exact opposite of what they were desu

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Interesting. I guess there's no hope for you my man.

Nah you are wrong about the shelves, I put neetche writing exactly where it belongs, the trash.

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Nietzsche & Stirner are the spookbusters I need. I should reread them fuck

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>t. uneducated

>Nietzsche is a prophet
>Yes I understand the role of Zarathustra, why do you ask?

Wink wink

Nietzsche was naive. The very nature of man is servility, religion is just an evolutionary psychological manifestation of that. Individualism breeds degenerate conformity

Servility and religion are results of a long psychological evolution that was inherently started with the advent of Plato and the Western thought.
The society we live in is an apollonian zenith, and that is what must be broken if the seed for the Übermensch to come has to be planted.

And what exactly did nietzsche achieve other than being lonely and getting std's. That's the üermensch?

Have you ever read a book (Not by Nietzsche) ?

>a yoobermensch

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You didn't read The Antichrist, otherwise you would know that Nietzsche acknowledges that servile nature in the mediocre and even says it should be safeguarded against resentful types attempting to pervert things.

Let me guess, Linguistics is not a strong field of yours.

>Let me guess, Linguistics is not a strong field of yours.
Spill it then smarty, how does "Linguistics" decree that you shall use "a" not "an"? Last I checked it's "ein Übermensch"

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> be ubermensch
If you think that he's inviting you to "become an ubemernsch" then you should read Nietzsche again.

yeah we should all follow Nietzshe's example and live the good life, we should all live as ... wait a minute ! NEETs ??!!
If you think about it Nietzshe was the prototype NEET. Paid for by his preacher daddy to get a fancy degree at university after which opts to sit around in mountain cabins the whole day writing down his ubermensch ideas to save the plebian masses, without really amounting to anything in life.
I wonder if he received the occasional check from Mommy in the mail to support his audacious lifestyle. At the same time sticking it to Daddy by pissing all over everything Daddy stands for. It's not hard to imagine.
You've convinced me OP ,guess it's the ubermensch lifestyle for me.

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Cope harder, bug boy.

bug harder, cope boy

dear diary,
today there was a conflict, neither cope nor incel was used. it was a good day

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>Yes it's ''a'' Übermensch, not ''an'' (This lexical mistake infuriates me)
Why? Is it not pronounced oober?

I guess he thinks the Gemans saying it more like “Yoober”. He’s probably an Englishman who says “an ‘istoric event”

''Über'' requires an 'a' just like the word ''Unicorn'' does.

What's this recent trend of ''the writer must always be like the concepts they write about'' that's storming Yea Forums? Where's the reason?

the duality of Yea Forums

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t. German speaker

anglos can't into ü kek
just imitate a strayan accent lmao

German telling Anglo how Anglo language should be used.

>t. usual heroic GERMan feeling like destiny is in his hands

Why have Germans been like this for millenia now?

>t. eternal angloroach plaga mundi corrigia dei

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Please don't spread misinformation on Yea Forums.

there's already an ubermensch, you big dummy.

hey op post yfw you realize kneechee stole the concept of an ideal human from the big man upstairs

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I'm not sure what you're uttering about. Are you trying to say that the idea of an ideal man actually existed before Nietzsche? No way! I thought he was the first! Ha. Ha.

>t. retard

This. People who havent read his books tend to think its some fucking self perfection guide

>oy vey the huns know it's misinformation we wuz the real chosen people
eternal cockroach is mad

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/ˈyːbɐ/, actually

Um sweaty it's actually pronounced thus:


Waste of trips you disgusting turkroach

anglo =/= cockroach

>a prophet

Nietzsche would be disgusted with you. He'd rather you challenge him.

>The society we live in is an apollonian zenith

Do you even have instagram

I've read quite a bit of Nietzsche. He was beyond a genius. Nonetheless, the Ubermensch is a myth like God and Santa Clause. No such thing exists, and no such thing ever will

No, I'm not degenerate.

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You misunderstand OP's message.

Kind of off topic but how does the "normie knowledge industry (a sort of big pharma of standardized knowledge)" books? What books are touted by this industry?

works not books

>it's another "you don't know nietchee i know nichee"-thread
wow just going to throw this on the huge pile alright

Well, if the writer himself didn't do what he said, why should we?

You take a wrong approach honestly. You sound like all the writers are some sort of premium life coaches that express themselves within books.
That is not the case at all.