Friendly reminder that if you read anything other than non-fiction you are a brainlet and no better than 13 year old girls reading twilight
Friendly reminder that if you read anything other than non-fiction you are a brainlet and no better than 13 year old...
Non-fiction is for the facts. Fiction is for the truth.
/sci/chad here, this is based.
Why are nonfiction "readers" so insecure?
so what do you recommend?
Mind if I share this on r/atheism and r/benshapiro?
And what if you happen to be a cute 13 year old girl? Then what?
Then I hope you're an inexplicably young archaeologist because I have a bone I want you to examine
Either you follow empiricism or you accept some form of solipsism.
You cannot trust your thoughts in any way if you do not believe the world as described by science and Bayesian statistics. If you believe otherwise it is either out of ignorance of the consequences of the philosophy you follow or out of denial.
I believe that everything I intuit to be true is true
Very well, but you can't have a consistent set of ideas this way, defeating your way of thinking, if you try to say or explain anything.
People only write fiction books because they find the front seats all occupied by the geniuses who discover whole new truths and so they decide to go to an inferior, useless theater (which is literature) instead where they don't have (or don't expect) to sit on the back seats. They can create something wholly new with fiction because they can't with non-fiction. It requires true genius to write a book about a new metaphysical system but virtually anyone can write a fiction book - however mediocre it might turn out - which is more or less new and different from all the ones. People can't do that with philosophy, because it requires a true genius to discover something wholly new.
from all the other ones*
I love being 46 years old. :3
Fiction gives insight into human condition. So silly to draw the line in the sand like that. Reading the Illiad will give you just as much knowledge about war as any number of non fiction books
Daily reminder that OP is a faggot
I'm not gonna take advice from a guy posting mpreg art..
Why treat it like a dichotomy? Enjoy both spasoid
Who would you rather have date your daughter, a hollywood writer or an engineer?
>Don't mind me I'm just reading a story about a guy who had a 2x4 shoved up his anus because he was a "rat"
>a pedophile vs a gay man
I'd rather have my daughter date a porn set cameraman
Thanks user, I guess Dante, Shakespeare and Milton really were immature 13-years old obsessed about Twilight after all.