Which book should Butterfly read to convince her to stop being an annoying, attention-seeking 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny?
Which book should Butterfly read to convince her to stop being an annoying...
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He cute
What is butterfly anyways, is it a man, a woman, a tranny, young, old, passing, hon, I must know.
I agree he/she should start reading books
A woman. 46. Not menopausal as of this date.
iam reading a few books right now.
What book could convince me to go away?
they are all geared towards just that, actually
You’re thinking of my cock as you suck on a dildo right now.
Note that this doesn’t invalidate your position or anything. Please just be honest.
Thanks :3
I'd like book recommendations from you honestly.
Actually I’m thinking about it and you made some pretty intellectually sound comments while sucking on your dildo today... theoretically this could work irl. You could just use me for my cock. I wouldn’t mind!
Relationship status?
What books do you like?
Heading back to work, so ttyl
Keep it a book thread and flag the trolls, pls.
goddammit. I'd always imagined I'd be in London on an academic fellowhip during my phd program one day, and we'd run into each other in a bar. there'd be something about me that you wouldn't be able to put your finger on. of course, it would sexual and romantic attraction, and after a while you'd come to realize, blushing, saying to yourself "b- but he's a boy!" And of course I wouldn't take any of your flirtations seriously, because, after all, I would know that you're gay. You'd invite me back to your apartment for a glass of wine, and I wouldn't think anything of it, and wouldn't even realize what was going on until the moment you pounced on me.
But 46 years old? No way, I don't think I could be attracted to you.
Back to work? You have a day job. Do you mean sucking on the dildo? Tf??
:3 she’s honest at least. Very good at wrapping her tongue around the tip
damn your life must really suck
Kind of naive
You're old enough to be my mom. How big are your milkers?
She’s not going to answer sexual questions :3 she’s sucking on my cock.
She is very smart though, reads a lot of books. Very much smarter than most of you and obsessed with my cock. She wants to suck it all day :3
Are you married or living in sin?
Imagine being a 46 year old anarchist "female" spending your time raging against 20 something fascist incels on an obscure internet/politics board of a website only known because of its associated with far right politics and trolling.
It's honestly pretty creepy, what are you doing here?
Why don't you, you know, leave and do normal things.
Quasi exhibitionists tbqh. This turns us both on a little.
We want you to know :3
Nobody who writes ":3" is not living in sin.
This, she's more than halfway through her life and she's arguing with born-again Christians on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum. This is what happens when a woman goes unmarried past 30.
Awsner this, butterfly. What the hell are you doing here? What even happened in your life for to become a 46 years old woman who posts on chan?
You ever notice that older people always seem naive online? You see it on Facebook with the boomers and you see it here with Butterfly.
is this real.
butterfly is old as fuck
She’s literally sucking on my fucking cock right now :3
She is still respectable. This is no sign of dominance. I have a cock and she likes to suck on it. It’s the only one she likes to suck on though FOR ABSOLUTELY SURE.
She’s a ‘lesbian” except when it comes to me. Ufffff this situation is unbelievably horny. It even turns me on that she’s a lesbian. :3
She literally said she’s going back to work because she’s sucking on a dildo. She’s pretending it’s my cock. I made her do it all day. :3
Shorter link
As seen here, warosu.org
i never understood tripfags. the point of this website is to not be held accountable or to be traceable yet you can literally track her, know how she thinks, what she does, how she looks, etc
She’s going to suck my dick all night.
This is literally the only reason she is this popular right now. Ridiculous. Now she will proceed to practice on a dildo for what will be the most amazing day of my life- when she ACTUALLY sucks on my cock all day and posts on here or writes a book while doing so. :3
Bullshit. Post a pic or confirm forever that you are a larping tranny
OP is fake, and gay. Steroid fueled e-thottery
Holy shit I did not need to be reminded of all the tripfags I actively hate, even though most of them haven’t posted here in years
>A woman
Please god tell me you're not my mother.
You didn't click on their names. They have been.
Obviously Butterfly's inability to birth offspring by the age of 46 has led her to mothering-by-proxy all the puer aeterni residing on this website.
Thus Ideally we should amp up the mommy-fetish replies.
You are all morons. I’m an actual person :3
We both outsmarted literally everyone.
post proof that you are 46
A phone book, to the throat, rly rly hard
god, how can i get this prime physique?
have a dad who roids
is it roids?
I was injecting testosterone a while ago, but stopped because my balls were significantly smaller.
I suppose all I can do is train harder and pay attention to what I eat, which I don't. I barely go over 1000 kcal a day now because I have no desire to eat. I feel hungry, but not like eating, if that makes sense.
So about those books?
Thats just a Yea Forums excuse to bitch about whatever.
I usually read American authors and sometimes classics you see on here. I've liked Melville and Mann, and I like poetry too. But I'm looking for something that would get me out of my comfort zone.