Can anyone of you enlightend Anons help me come up with a name for my band? We're doing Metalcore/Hardcore and are looking for a name with some oomph to it. It should be something that SOUNDS good but isn't too edgy. A deeper meaning would be nice too.
If anyone could help me, that would be awesome, if this is the wrong board for this, I apologize.
Just flip around in the bible untill you find something you like.
Elijah Wilson
We're not really religious, but there could be some good stuff in there.. thanks!
Levi Hughes
A weasel crawling up your ass and biting your liver.
Liam Flores
just a tad too long my friend. 1-4 words is kinda what we're aiming for
Isaac King
Murder jam
Christopher Young
Fucking lmao that genre is dead.
Get a fucking singer that can actually sing and stop having a "vocalist" who just screams.
Parker Jones
Human carcass factory
Jace Perry
lipstick on my dick
Blake Bell
We intend to get a clean singer, but for now it's just me and me "screams"
Landon Butler
Screw Your Optics
Eli Campbell
this is what I meant with "too edgy"
John Rodriguez
Lmao learn to sing bro it's not hard. Also learn actual chord forms and stop playing in drop tuning.
Landon Howard
thank you for enlighting me, thank god these are all my problems and not yours
Samuel Brooks
Metalcore is edgy by definition.
Anthony Flores
You're welcome. You missed the boat by 15 years. Unfortunately these days you have to either git gud because the only kids listening to rock these days are musicians themselves or you have to make shit hop music.
Evan Anderson
We're late, you're right, but we do this with passion and that's what counts. It's fun to make music and we're just gonna try to git gud
Dylan Kelly
You would be better off going into the emo hardcore scene like Touche Amore and La Dispute, that genre still has like 5 years of milage. Most of the old bands from the post hardcore/2nd wave emo days have gone into pop now. My gf listens to Mayday Parade and they make disco sounding stuff now. The pop punk band from when I was a kid Killers put out that disco pop song "the man". Then you have younger bands that mix math rock and r&b like that Eternity Forever supergroup or Early Eyes or Chon and all of those guys can seriously play.
Nathan Butler
I kinda refuse to go with the rest of the trends. I doubt we'll ever make it bi g or anything but I atleast wanna stay true to what we enjoy. I won't make this or that just bc it's the sure way to fame
Brody Hernandez
why don't you first write something and then try to derive your title from your lyrics?
Faulty Wired Brains would be my personal recommendation
Charles Gomez
Cogito, ergo sum
Nicholas Clark
>Can anyone of you enlightend Anons help me come up with a name for my band? The Cocks.
(Thank me later.)
Samuel Garcia
I wrote alot of lyrics but I haven't actually checked them for any "good sounding names", I'll do that.
Ignoring the thin falsetto singing, these guitars, bass, and drums are very high level.
Nicholas Williams
i think, therefor i am. the idea is that you don't know if the world is real, the only thing you can be sure about is you :)
Ryan Garcia
Your band is obviously shit if name options aren't presenting thmselves during the creative process.
Leo Torres
You never even heard our music. We're not Meshugga. We have lots hooks, guitar solos and verses. Sure there are breakdowns, but our songs are not one big brfeakdown.
Lucas Murphy
>Metalcore Weapons-grade image-consciousness stuck together with high-octane shit paste. Don't forget your eyeliner.
Benjamin Flores
Then you're playing post hardcore not metalcore.
Joshua Bailey
coming up with a name is harder than you think. To me it's harder than writing lyrics to a song because it has to be approved by every member and it's one of your big way to stay in a listeners mind. Catchy names are the best
Nathan Nelson
Name the band "I'm Hungry" and call your first record "Please Buy This."
Aaron Murphy
Yea Forums
Ryder Jenkins
"Gib me pizza" would be the better album name if you ask me
Something a bit more sad or critical. Something that kinda makes you think when you hear it.
Keep giving me ideas, this could work
Benjamin Sanders
Themes like betrayal (not by a bitch or something), death, the unknown are all more then welcome
Liam Reyes
If you haven't developed enough of a coherent artistic direction and ideological foundation to understand that this is a shit method of finding a name, your band is shit and your music will be shit.
Nicholas Gonzalez
Darwins bad trip
Ayden Thompson
I can see where you're coming from. But I'll still try to get some inspiration in all the places I can
Dress as lumberjacks with goth makeup and call the band Log-Sothoth. Or as Haredi Jews with goth makeup and call it Zog-Sothoth. Or in running pants and sports bras with goth makeup and call it Jog-Sothoth.
Ethan White
Devilblast Retchryhme Gilded Guts White Phosphorus Engraved Nightmare Kingdom Fury Unleased Chaos Kings Calamity Unto Naive Travelers MASS TURD NATION
Brody Morris
Graven Black
Andrew Cruz
Man I was thinking Brandless would be a cool alternative band name today