Stack tread

Stack tread

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2/10 bait

>people who pretend not to like these books.


I will never read them, so I will never like them. Checkmate, faggot.

I only watched the movies when I was a kid.

J. K. Rowling is a hack that got extremely lucky. HP is utter trash.

You will never know if if you like them or not if you don’t read them, faggot.

Imagine being this arrogant cunt and purposely rejecting something just people it’s popular.

I’d ask what you’d recommend but they’re probably too niche for me, right?

I feel like these books will be a problem for parents for years to come. They're clearly very fun for the kids, but they never move on afterwards. Some even seem to start over reading it right away. I think if I have a child, I'd buy him or her the first book but require he or she reads two other books before buying another.

>You will never know if if you like them or not if you don’t read them, faggot.
you sound like my mom. no im not going to eat the tomato

You haven't tried the books.

This is the type of person that must choose what they read very carefully. They get tuckered out for the day after about 20 pages. I suggest cutting down on anime, pornography, and videogames.

HP Is utter trash
Gee, I don't know, that seems like a stretch


>anime, pornography, and videogames
These are all better uses of your time than reading Harry Potter.

>doesn’t like tomatoes

Faggot confirmed

Wait, that's unironically me. Can you elaborate? It sounds like you've been in that spot yourself or you wouldn't know that feeling. I used to have pretty high motivation/endurance for reading (and games too) but nowadays I get tired really quickly, as you said, sometimes after only 20 pages. Is quitting porn really gonna change that? How long does it take? I've quit for 10 days before but felt no difference.

I quit for a week recently and enjoyed it. Feels better man

I liked them when I was 14, reading them now just makes me cringe in embarrassment.

Nice spelling, phonetard.

have sex incel

Nice computer, neckbeard

>Sent from my iPhone

Amazing post

Classic Cumbrain response. The cum in his brain doesn't allow him to realize reading book is more stimulating for your mind than any of those things

>Meaningless adrenaline rushea
>Unrealistic, childish expectations for later encounters
>Breeds misinformation about human relationships, leading to foolish opinions
>Addicts defend it to the point where others telling them to do something else makes them visibly upset

Am I describing Harry Potter or pornography? Both.

U Mad?

Azkaban is the only one i liked

>people don't try to study Harry Potter so they can unpack its secrets and make mad dough with their YA series