What are the worst reviews you’ve ever seen on Goodreads?

What are the worst reviews you’ve ever seen on Goodreads?
It really amazes me when I see people say they hate a work of fiction because of the perceived immorality of the fictional characters.

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wtf I love Conrad now

>reading other people's opinions
i hope none of you really do this

Whenever I see people like this I get sad. Fat, stupid, ugly, poor, likely neglected and abused by her parents as a child and bullied and ignored at school, treated coldly by every stranger she meets, invisible, no real prospects, no intellectual or spiritual or creative life to speak of. So she does the only thing she can do to make her feel better about herself. She takes the textbook liberal morality she was taught in public school and by the TV and Hollywood and at college and wraps herself in it, and starts denouncing everything and everyone for failing to live up to it, turns the popular worldview into a grandstand for herself, imagining herself as a heroine, thinking this will win her the love of the society that never cared for her, that never noticed her. I don't get angry when I read stuff like this on the internet. I just get sad. There are tens of millions of people exactly like her, many far worse off. I've known my fair share. How can you possibly be outraged when you know the reason why they act like this, and it's so pathetic? God have mercy on us all.

I always ignore reviews by women, it's all ways some stupid, feminist bullshit, even if the book has little to say about women they'll still find a reason to wholly devout their review to that one subject.


oof that's bad


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>that rating
>that avatar
somebody PLEASE translate this review


nice projection bro lmao

>reading other people's posts on Yea Forums
i hope none of you really do this.

incredibly based

holy based. can someone translate please?

Look at this woman's picture. It should be obvious that she never had a real chance in life just from that one photo. It isn't projection if it's true.

As Charly García Says I spend time demolishing hotels, and to say the truth, you will run out of money if you do not find a solution and the hotel will steal your IP because until you do not innovate again you lost it

Attached: 30RKELLY-facebookJumbo.jpg (1050x550, 89K)

Smells like absolutely based, high test and high IQ

not worth it. he doesn't even try to be clever with the stirner thing and just makes typical accusations like "quran says earth = flat," "quran plagiarizes," etc.

(This User Was Beheaded For This Post)

I'm gonna post my favorite review because I think of it a lot and have never had a chance to share it.


t. pedo worshiper

Based as fuck desu

Also Cumbrain test

I don't, I just click some post numbers and whoever I quote I call a faggot.

Please stop with your nonsense.

I can't remember the book but there was a one-star review of a famous book and it was at the top with say 200 votes, while a 5-star review was at the second place with say 500 votes. How the fuck does their algorithm work? I thought it was sorted by number of votes...

I can't remember the book but there was a one-star review of a famous book and it was at the top with say 200 likes, while a 5-star review was at the second place with say 500 likes. How the fuck does their algorithm work? I thought it was sorted by number of likes...

why do you voluntarily read stuff that enrages you? This goes for both you(OP) and the fat bitch who wrote that review