recommend me books that i can read in one day, now
Recommend me books that i can read in one day, now
Other urls found in this thread:
the communist manifesto
Anything by Carl Schmitt
The Odessey, and if you cant read it in one day stop posting here pleb.
Maybe it would be easier if it wasn't such absolute shit. Still better than the Iliad, though.
>121 pg
Looks fine
Nietzsche's critique of Wagner essay
Many of Plato's dialogues are
The sound of waves
if you can't read any book in a day you are a brainlet
i have stuff to do, can't spend all my day by doing only one thing
>being this much of a brainlet
animal farm
Read the bible or the dictionary in a day then, stupid nigger
The Stranger, its like 100 pages
No exit from sartre
>No exit
i think plays work better when you watch them than if you read them
The old man and the sea is THAT book
so, you don't have any other hobby/job to do? Any kind of social life?
>t.beta NEETS who don't work and don't lift everyday
That's most of Yea Forums.
t.shizoid stay-at-home who only does some cardio at 3:00 AM.
Ice, by Anna Kavan
I just bought that.
Anything by George Orwell
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German Philosophy
Wage Labor and Capital
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
The Civil War in France
Critique of the Gotha Program
On the Jewish Question
The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850
IT by Stephen King. This little girl did it, you’re not a slower reader than a little girl are you?
On Pain, Ernst Junger