Aeschylus wrote 79 plays. Only 7 survive

>Aeschylus wrote 79 plays. Only 7 survive.
>Euripides wrote 75 or 95 plays. Only 19 survive.
>Sophocles wrote 123 or 130 plays. Only 7 survive.

Attached: 90909090.jpg (522x522, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>once my hard drive is gone there wont be a single fragment left of my dairy desu

Attached: download.png (224x225, 9K)

Overrated garbage anywho tbqh.

Such a shame to the literature world

>Shakespeare's sister wrote 0 plays

it gets me every time ;-;

nobody wants to read it user

That's not true.

If you are 20-something virgin NEET I would love to take a look at it.
I love reading permutations of my own diary.

Don't lose the milk


Congratulations your opinions aren’t worth sharing

Fun story: we have so many works by Euripides because one manuscript of his complete works was preserved - but only partially, so since the plays were ordered alphabetically, only the ones whose titles started with "h" and "i" survived. Imagine how much of a retarded stroke of luck that was, something as arbitrary as the alphabet decided what great art would and would not survive until today.

that sounds... like a greek tragedy.

Mines on GDrive

Shouldn't have burned down your fucking library

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Don't call the alphabet arbitrary every again you stupid fuckpig


no it doesnt

you're right, but it is tragic still.

Socrates wrote 0 plays. His whole life survives as one.

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Thank god I don't have to actually read all that repetitive shit, and I can instead virtue-signal my lamentations that "so much of the Canon is lost, like tears in rain!"

>he doesn’t unironically like the oresteia
Fucking loser

The great library at Alexandria burnt down. It housed many of the western world's works. It's been said that if it had not burnt, Colombus would've gone to the moon instead of America

>even the orestia's satyr play is lost

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>thinking about Seneca's lost letters

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thats a myth. only scientific discipline it housed was geography. and it wasnt the only library in the world

that thought comforts me. I live in terror of my parents reading everything ive written after I commit suicide and they want some way to connect with the child they lost. I have been trying to figure out the best way to destroy it all but the sheer quantity of stuff Ive written on paper and computers is ridiculous, and I dont know how to get it all because i can barely go to work every day and buy food, I am trembling and broken and cant even breathe. I can't even clean my apartment or make myself food, i starve half the time because im in agony laying on the floor writhing around in my kitchen because my head hurts so fucking much and I can't focus my anything to make sense of the world except as a fever dream in which my body is literally melting and hurts so much and I cant understand what is happening

And yet you seem surprisingly lucid, despite the run-on sentences.

why would you give away the life God gave you for free?

>greek: Ἄλkηστις
>greek: Μήδεια
>greek: Ἀνδρομάχη
>The trojan women
>greek: Τρῳάδες
>Phoenician women
>greek: Φοίνισσαι
>greek: Ὀρέστης
>greek: Βάkχαι
>greek: Κύkλωψ
Many of his plays start with "h" so there might be something to your story, but at least do a google search before posting bullshit like "only the ones that start with "i" and "h" have survived"

>can type crybaby shit on Yea Forums
>cant clean his room

That's it, I'm calling Dr. Peterson and giving him your IP address.

Only the loss of Suetonius' Lives of Famous Whores is something I really feel bad about

>will never read Cypria, Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Illupersis, Nostoi, or Telegony

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please call 911
better broke your parents than live like that

The Telegony honestly sounds like a fucking mess, losing it was probably a good thing. But god damn do I wish we had the others.

The good ones survived, the crappier ones didn't because nobody cared


$2.99 a gallon

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>Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles

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And that's a good thing.

my diary desu

posting in a sticky

No but all the others also were destroyed.
Almost all knowledge we have are of COPIES from the Library of Constantinople—and it too was destroyed.
So much is lost.

You're an anal faggot. There is something to my story because I read it in an introduction to his plays.
Yes, there are also plays which were preserved by being copied many times deliberately (for their greater artistic quality), which do not only start with h and i, but the ones I was talking about, the ones from the "alphabetical" edition, do.

Calm down, Virginia

>be me
>be antique stonerfag
>hanging 'round in the Impirial Library of Constantinople cuz it's pretty comfy there
>read my man Euripides
>light a little joint, you know, for recreational purposes only
>warden heading my way
>been warned multiple times not to smoke in the fucking library
>rip out a bundle of pages, hide the butt in the book and the papyrus under my stola
>pass by the warden
>whew, that was close
>go home and lay down at the table
>order my personal citharatrio λοφο kυπαρισσια to start playing
>light another joint, pull out the stolen pages and start reading
>strange: all the playes on the stolen pages either start with "H" or "I"

Why is ancient fiction considered good when we live in the 21st century? Has no one wrote better?

kinda reddity

Human nature does not change, even if our circumstances do. The insight they provided then still provide the same insight now.

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Does this image imply the "void" is conscious or perhaps consciousness itself?

You obviously haven't

>consciousness is Cthulhu
Possibly. Human is the only animal known whose offspring come to this world screaming in utter terror.

I don't see how. It implies that consciousness arises out of nothingness and that there is no afterlife

Why does your head hurt?

I wonder how much books, movies and shows would change thanks to those lost Greek plays considering most of the media we consumed nowadays is influenced by ancient Greek plays in a way or another

Better question is why we rely so much on an ancient civilisation in which the average literate person capable of creating these works was not in contact with anywhere near as much variety of background literature, of contemporary people of letters, or of cultural energy as we are?

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Because most of culture is derivative (and nowadays more than ever). Ancient works are the "seeds" to a far greater extent than we're willing to admit. Do you want to learn about each and every mutation of the root concept, or just learn about the single ancient idea, so that you can recognize/have intuition about anything that is inspired by it?

>Rescue the Stoic classics
>It doesn't even matter in the end

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“Science” was worthless in those ages anyways. All natural philosophy bullshit. It wasn’t until we had thinkers like Kepler and Descartes break free from the ancients and their Aristotlean thinking that science became useful.

>It wasn’t until we had thinkers like Kepler and Descartes break free from the ancients and their Aristotlean thinking that science became useful.
>break free from the ancients and their Aristotlean thinking that science became useful.
>that science became useful.
>became useful.


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>the internal combustion engine, electricity, and the computer aren’t useful
Okay, go live in a mud shack and think about your essences

Some children, including myself, are born in silence. My mother asked the doctor what was wrong with me and he replied "Nothing."

Get wrecked.

Great observation! Indeed some children are born dead. In that regard, there's a lot of commonality with other species.

I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of that question is.
What I would like to know here is why the claustrophobia of ancient civilisation - where the written culture was so small and the purpose of thinking for its own sake less clear - was capable of coming up with so many concepts and stories that we lean on to this day, meanwhile we are languishing in the production of ground-breaking works with literally billions of people able to read and write.

Yeah I see what you mean. Take for example roman legal system - it's been kept near unchanged to this day, and by every account is complete shitshow now.
Advances in math (which too back in roman times was about as fuzzy as their legalism) should give us hint - formal stuff that matters must accord to best formal standard we're capable of. Meanwhile, we're stuck in 2000 years old kindergarten rhetorics you'd attempt in math you'd be laughed at.

And there are dozens upon dozens of examples where we take something ancient, and keep it despite its inherent inefficiencies and scaleability issues, and just make it more and more byzantine through incremental "improvements", instead of just scrapping it and back to drawing board.

As for why, I suspect it's to do with power law in cultural inertia and meme propagation. That is, if incubent meme is extremely widespread, a radical meme can't replace it on merit alone willy nilly - it has to be magnificently better to get a shot as an "underdog". Compound advantage, pulling by the bootstraps economical effect.

This got worse especially as of recent, as the decision making got "democratized" - radical ideas are harder to propagate because there are no longer philosopher kings who occasionally served as a shortcut to test the merit of radical ideas.


I have always had an inkling that mass democracy has more of a stifling impact on the creative spirit than we would like to think, and because the meaningful forms of liberty that democracy is supposed to complement are now being eroded, I am becoming less supportive of our systems and being drawn into thinking that living in a less autistic version of the Chinese system where the rulers are teams of intellectuals and specialists will both free people and provoke them into a more vibrant way of living.
It also has the capacity for the radical changes you mentioned because the fears of the masses are no longer preventing radical change at the state level.

Can you elaborate on your reference to the power law in cultural inertia?

gets me every fucking time

>Almost all knowledge we have are of COPIES from the Library of Constantinopl
>Capitalizing COPIES like it means something
Every single ancient text that we possess is a copy of a copy of a copy of god knows how many copies. There is not a single ancient text of which we possess the original work.

I think, generally, when you "rip" something it remains a piece or fragment of the whole it was ripped from. Ex. If I rip a piece of paper in two, I have two smaller pieces of paper. If I rip a small corner off, it is still paper.

>Can you elaborate on your reference to the power law in cultural inertia?
Power law is simply "strength in numbers". But that doesn't mean old memes are completely invincible. Take christianity for instance - it got undone by rational inquiry and increasing literacy, people got less and less superstitious after dark ages, as that was at odds with scientific boom of renaissance. This is the typical example of "small, new, but magnificent" taking on "large, old, but kinda meh", where the underdog overcame the top dog, against all odds. Interpose with islam - christianity, just slightly more virulent. It did have some success at displacing the top christian dog, but as nowhere near capable of outright displacing it.

And now there's nothing left of old religiosity as the two were mutually exclusive. Materialism has won, because it improved quality of life. Masses decide on selfish short term benefit (like populism). Netflix and fast food is better than prayers and family.

This brings another factor: When some meme wins organically like this, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is superior in the long run. Modernism brought in plethora of its own issues which are only now are becoming apparent, and could very well undo us compared to still religious agrarian societies. Looking back at islam - even if it did not triumph over christianity (because it is only slightly more robust/virulent - not enough edge to overcome the power law), it definitely gave a fight. And it was sufficiently dogmatic and ruthless so as retain coherence when facing modernity, whereas christianity was too weak for that. I'm not sure islam will last, though.

Culture wars is an evolutionary process, where memes win by tactical agility, and nobody pays much attention to long term strategy, swarm intelligence is short sighted.

He tried so hard
and got so far...

>No written works of Diogenes survived

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he got posthumously btfo'd lmao

>fucking kids and their writing
>fucking kids and their canvas paintings
>fucking kids and their standardized script
>fucking kids and their printed works
>fucking kids and their bibles
>fucking kids and their diagrams
>fucking kids and their photographs
>fucking kids and their telegraph
>fucking kids and their phonographs
>fucking kids and their telephone
>fucking kids and their radio
>fucking kids and their internet
>fucking kids and their cellphones

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>what was wrong with me
>browsing a mongolian cartoon site

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>I've written thousands of shitposts
>perhaps 0.1% will ever be read again

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>It's been said that if it had not burnt, Colombus would've gone to the moon instead of America
It's been said that the sky is green too, but guess what

Most of them were probably shit. Shakespeare wrote loads of plays but people only watch the same few

get a pen and a notebook you weirdo - but first, print out your stuff and put them in binders, if you care about what you've written.
I can read not only my thoughts from over a decade ago, but the emotion I wrote them with by just glancing at my penstrokes

Iktf. At least a few of mine have been screenshoted but the vast majority are post ironic passive aggressiveness that cost me days of my life all added up.

That's like complaining that the conversations you've had with friends and the jokes you've made will be forgotten. It only really has worth in the moment and isn't worth revisiting but that doesn't mean it's worthless, and you'll remember the best ones.

#not a diary