Scientific books on "paranormal"

Hello Yea Forums

I've recently read 4 books by the french scientist and ufo enthusiast "Jacques Vallée".

I really liked how he approched the phenomena while staying scientific and not going to easy conclusions, always leaving doors open while making hypothesis.

Do you have books of this kind to recomend to me on anything related to the paranormal or conspiracie theories?

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have a bump lad

I'm quite fond of Charles Fort. He was convinced the prevailing scientific orthodoxy was wrong, and filled his books with accounts of phenomena that he felt the scientists could not explain.

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We have been attacked many times I really care about your site but somebody could be getting the wrong messages, i am dying to meet them up. Sites get blocked without reason by terrorists

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you what

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aliens = demons
see cracks in the great wall by charles upton. he cites vallee

I was going to post this one. Yes John Mack is good OP.

Thank you! I see he's on the book "authors of the paranormal" includig vallee wich I have but didn't start reading yet.

I just dl a collection of his books, 1000+ pages, it's going to keep me occupied for a while.

Just dl it, gonna read it later, I've had enought ufo stories for a while haha.

Thanks! As I said, I'm going to read ufo centered books in a while.

And yeah aliens=deamons seems like a good hypothesis, and a lot of things come together under that hypothesis.

whats your conclusion? id be very interested in that since you read 4 books by vallee. im . hadnt see the title of this thread. upton is a sufi so his book isnt what you are looking for, but im inclined to think that if aliens indeed exist they are demons

>scientific, true, reasonable
Pick one

Dean Radin's Real Magic is interesting, nothing new but it's ok

My conclusion is that aliens exist and are responsible from the UFO phenomena. But they are alien in the sense that they are not earthly biological creatures, not that they are little green men in a flying saucer.

It explains all the religious, psychedelic and meditation experiences, lots of the floklore story implying magic, lots of ancient religion stories. Also christians monks speack about demons that they can encounter praying, seems to fit too.

But that's kind of the conclusion from Jacques Vallee, and I can't find a better explenation myself.

It also fit the alex jones (lol) ranting on joe rogan podcast where he says the elite use drugs and ceremonies to make deal with off-world entities to get power and technologie. But I'm very sceptical of alex jones.

Paranormal is just a word to describe phenomena that science can't explain YET.

Doesn't mean you can't aproach it with a scientific mind. Our technology would be paranormal for people living 2000 years ago.

thanks. does vallee completely rule out that they could be due to some sort of psychism? what worries me is that someone might claim that they are reducible to a psychological phenomenon. ive seen him talk about the ejecta and the way the atoms differ but still...

He cites a lot of cases with witnesses wich leave physical traces, so the purely psychical phenomena is not likely.
If it was purely psychic, it would mean that our mind can have a greater impact on physical reality that what science can explain.

>Condon Committee Report
>Unconventional Flying Objects: a Scientific Analysis

Anyone read?

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Reminder: absolutely every "paranormal"/alternative/UFOnut is financed and controlled by some metagroup and is working for intelligence agencies knowingly or not

aliens and ghosts are always used to distract researchers from asking the questions that really matter

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>asking the questions that really matter
Such as ?

>12 KB
Yeah but they can't completly supress the truth, so they put a lot of disinformation to create confusion.
That doesn't mean that everything any "conspiracy personality" says is false. They have to say some truth to ridicule it with the false infos.

And in the case of jacques vallee, there are a lot of interesting stuff in his book.
If all the data he gives are created by intelligence agencies, we live in a world where everything is fabricated and we have no chance of finding out any truth, and the few who find it out would be killed without ANYONE hearing of it.
That's the kind of theory that has no point since you won't ever be able to prove it.

By the way, your website could very well be another layer of confusion created by inteligence agencies.

Greys are genetically engineered AI drones/slaves/pilots for the master reptillian race
Greys have in part human DNA
Earth is a farm

The "reptilian" alien is what we would consider demonic, though their purpose in life is not to cause suffering, they are selfish, instinctual, have no empathy, and reject spiritualism.
Their life is very long, they can live for thousands of years.
Their communication, like reptillians on earth, is mostly silent. They can communicate a lot through body language, in fact so much they are capable of telepathy.
And since they're not empathic, the telepathy is also primordial: they can communicate and induce basic emotional states: fear, flight or fight, paralysis, etc...
Your mind completely naked to them. If you meet one, they would paralyse you with fear. A look in their eyes will hypnotise you to sleep. That's what they're capable of.

They do have a sense of "right" and "wrong", they're not evil, they're just not very suitable for human companionship. Not at all.

They harvest human DNA for their clones and other experimentation. They also breed us into a direction that is suitable for them: more intelligent, longer lifespan, more docile.

It is them who made us walk up right.

Their species is hard to locate or define, since they're masters of genetic manipulation, many of them will also undergo radical transformation during their lifespan. They can have unique and variable appearances. From classic reptillian, to draconian, to insectoid, to humanoid, even crustacean, orthologic and botanic features can be adapted by them.

They have a similar role and level of power as the Precursors, though reptillian origins are biological and that remains their basis.
I don't know if they have competing enemies or if a more powerful species exists.
Not sure if we should hope for that, since we're not under tyrannical oppression and actually being looked after and improved.

Secret Life - David Jacobs
very good book about UFOs

>advanced alien civilizations may be visiting us
>doesn't matter

>>advanced alien civilizations may be visiting us
There's very little evidence that's the case and just because someone makes a claim that has potentially massive implications doesn't mean it matters or should really be taken seriously unless you're willing to investigate the good and obviously convincing syllogistic arguments the hobo claiming prophethood down the street is putting forward

>There's very little evidence
millions of worldwide abductions and sightings cases

Millions of people worldwide doesn't attest to much relatively speaking it's a very low number, unless you mean hundreds of millions, millions of people worldwide claim religious experiences from hundreds of different faiths and having "felt" God but that doesn't mean it's true
At best you could say that millions of people worldwide *think* they were abducted by aliens but not that millions of people worldwide were abducted by aliens to me concluding that these people are either delusional, attention seeking or otherwise seems like less of a leap than alien life forms now of course this doesn't mean it's false it's jut very very hard to believe as someone on the "outside" of these experiences and by the way this is coming from someone who saw weird shit like some dude making smoke come out of his hand claiming it was Chi
There's no reason to believe me and there's no reason to believe these "millions" of people

I don't know if this is the right thread to ask this in but has anyone read books that have to do with precognitive dreams?

>very low number
its certainly not, few hundred would be suficient to diagnose any new diseases or anything worth studying

>religious experiences
except the cases happen to unrelated people (from deep in amazon jungle to any big city) from various sets of beliefs that don't expect any experiences like that unlike religious mass hysterias

>delusional, attention seeking
people get no benefit in telling UFO experiences, by the contrary, most of them get ostracized by social groups

>its certainly not, few hundred would be suficient to diagnose any new diseases or anything worth studying
The guy i responded to talked about "worldwide" so yes it certainly is a few and attention seeking and delusions aren't new mental diseases

>except the cases happen to unrelated people (from deep in amazon jungle to any big city) from various sets of beliefs that don't expect any experiences like that unlike religious mass hysterias
Yeah it happens to unrelated people from different creeds....Just like claims of religious experiences....

>people get no benefit in telling UFO experiences, by the contrary, most of them get ostracized by social groups
Attention is a benefit and i'd imagine most of them don't really have social circles and if they do they're probably made up of like minded people
So my point stil stands this is in no way convincing or substantial proof

Check out the Missing 411 series of books written by the former cop Paulides. He has very good evidence that there is some supernatural entity along the coasts and great lakes of North America that abucts and kills people according to very specific patterns. Many of these cases defy all logical explanation.

sounds very neat

>So my point stil stands this is in no way convincing or substantial proof
no, you ar ejust retarded

>In his pursuit of Bigfoot, Paulides self-published two Bigfoot-related books[5] and created the research group[6] called "North America Bigfoot Search"[7] for which he serves as director.[8]

He has said that he doesn't think the thing killing people in the 411 cases is bigfoot, there is too much stuff ruling it out and other wouldnt patterns in these cases that dont fit the notion of bigfoot doing it such as tracker dogs being unable to find a scent, zero tracks or sign of struggle, no noise when people are taken, the strange out-of-season freak snow/rainstorms that often begin right when the search for the person starts etc

Thomas "Montalk" Minderlie's:
"Fringe knowledge for beginners":
"Discerning alien disinformation":

does he talk about wendigos?

he refuses to speculate about whats causing it in his books because he knows people will try to use that to discredit him (as they already so because of his bigfoot books) which would harm his goal of getting the authorities to create a nationwide publically accesible database of everyone who's gone missing in and around national parks, and also his goal of getting them to investigate it and warn people. He does use the evidence to rule out certain possibilities in his books as being basically impossible though such as animal attacks, people getting lost and human abduction

i checked this history around that dr ketchum he cites. her allegations are all bs. that discredits him a bit

epic argument

>You will not find proof between the covers of this book

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Diana Pasulka's "American Cosmic" is pretty good.


t. reptoid

budd hopkins already had a successful career as an artist when he got interested in abduction phenomena. obviously he's not a scientist but he was an early pioneer in studying it

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the vast majority of the cases he documents are publicaly verified and reported on my local news, just because he may have cited one wacko (proof for this btw?) doesnt in any way disprove that most of the cases that he cotes exhibit a pattern that defy all rational explanation