I wanna get into Bitcoin stuff. What to read about the money? Rothbard, Ferguson or Graeber?
I wanna get into Bitcoin stuff. What to read about the money? Rothbard, Ferguson or Graeber?
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Imagine a world without Marx and these three were your only choices. Woosh
All three of them.
bitcoin is a bunch of pyramid schemes on top of a massive ponzi scheme, you won't get rich there if you don't understand this. there might be a few years to collect before the next pump though.
Maybe something else?
What to read to understand it?
if you want monetary theory that's fine, but if you want to understand bitcoin that's a whole other can of worms; how tech savvy are you?
Haha few rich fucks controls the flow of this shit and plays every /biz/nessman like a fiddle
You could read the Nick Land book about bitcoin and tell me what it says
>how tech savvy are you?
I don't know anything in cryptography but I know Python and JS.
this is the gold standard of learning bitcoin at a technical level, not only explaining things like hashes, blocks, addresses, signatures; but also walks you through implementation of how to test this out yourself using your own node, ect.
>You could read the Nick Land book about bitcoin
actually I'd wager most people couldn't...
Bitcoin standard is a little rough and dogmatic but it's a good intro.
read graebers entire book and didn't get anything out of it
I am interested in more books on hard money and anti - fractional reserve banking
Just go to /biz/ and do the opposite of what they suggest, you will be rich in no time
Which Graeber book?
Rothbard was a goldbug so if you don't got them nuggets you're committing fraud and violated the NAP. It's funny since lolberts love buttcoinz and such which are kinda problematic since they prove "money" can magically be created any time no problem out of notting... everyone without a vested interest could decided to start over tomorrow.
Graeber I guess gives a kinda pop version of Chartalism
A classic in this genre is What Is Money? By A. Mitchell Innes in the The Banking Law Journal, May 1913
>I am interested in more books on hard money and anti - fractional reserve banking
There's never been such a pure state of affairs ever, if government gets out of the way banks never play "honestly". Sure there was a time before the genius idea of fractional reserve banking but the magnitude of trade going on then was minuscule compared to after. You'd need an omnipotent government to enforce such a thing because full reserve banking isn't something business wants or needs, it's just an ideology.
Rothbard sucks but the Japanese translation of Anatomy of the State has one of the best covers I've seen for a book about economics.
Side q, are Japanese libertarians a thing? From my limited experiences with Japanese people, I just imagine them as fairly center-left or center-right or just apolitical and apathetic about the whole thing
>Side q, are Japanese libertarians a thing? From my limited experiences with Japanese people, I just imagine them as fairly center-left or center-right or just apolitical and apathetic about the whole thing
Obviously such ideas are nowhere near the mainstream but Japan was definitely a lot more politically turbulent 60 years ago though.
If you are reading this, enjoy the free alpha.
Ignore everything everyone above has posted (no offense) but it will not help you learn about money.or markets
Forget about Technical, fundamental, or even efficient market analysis. It's all bullshit designed to distract people and subjectivize price patterns in a way so that the markets keep money flowing.
The only way to make money in any market is to hone your 'eye' and strengthen your mentality.
Here's a little backstory on me:
I'm 21 but when I was in 1st grade supposedly had ridiculous mensa level Spatial intelligence score on my assessment test. Idk why but I could just see patterns faster than a shit ton of people. Like when letters were scrambled from a large term into a conglomerated word I would be the first one to answer all of them correctly within 20 seconds. My teachers dismissed me saying I already knew it or looked it up, but it was actually off the dome.
In 5th grade I was the only one to learn about fractals in which everything is repetitive and a branch of each other, and the repetition of numbers in the Fibonacci sense as well as the golden ratio that is found fucking everywhere in nature.
Forget about all this gay shit but just to clarify, it helped me turn nothing out of something when I was a freshmen in college learning about trading.
In my first year, I was browsing /biz/ back then which was when it wasn't as toxic as it is now. And I tried to dabble in the "Intelligent Investor" but really all of this shit was pointless. All I fucking have is raw experience with exponentiating and plummetting my capital.
To be blunt, take it from someone who has turned 0.1 BTC into 1 BTC then into 10 within the same weak to losing half and repeating. I think my best trade was 19 BTC in one trade and holding it thinking it would keep going up only to drop back down. Leading me to revenge trade and chop up my account back into liquidation but turn the last FUCKING $17 into $570 and continue multiplying back to more BTC since last year.
THIS WAS WITH TA & ALL BEFORE, I learned how markets truly worked
To understand markets (aside from all of the ECON shit) you would need to learn "Wyckoffian" principles in which markets undergo a series of phases called accumulation and distribution. It is CRITICAL that you understand this as it is inherently a flexible concept that could be applied to almost anything (housing, real estate, stocks, investments, any fucking thing).
Markets are designed based on the ebbs and flows of its participants, hence why price action and volatility are a major catalyst to discovering price. The double edged sword in markets relies on Adam Smith's principles referencing human greed which colloquially leads people making their decisions (trading) based on their emotions (the majority).
Trading for instance is a flawed system in which the people are split into two mentalities of being "bullish" or "bearish" instead of SEEING the market neutrally and taking advantage of both sides of the coin.
I've never traded Forex or cared to, but this simple concept described here is MINDBLOWING how
Like Rockefeller kinda said, you have to BUY when the streets are full of blood (red), and SELL when people are euphoric and certain that it can't go anywhere but up (green).
However, a majority of people are lured into this idea they can make money too by reading a little book and trading a certain candlestick pattern. In essence these people are fooled by charlatans who are being commissioned as the intended effect of the broker in which price is designed to neither move one way or the other, but to keep its monkeys pressing a button in the term 'revenge trading'.
Lastly watch this, an insane fucking deconstruction of retail trading in a nutshell
I'm not gonna give you the redpill regarding cryptos right now but...all I'm going to say for you to take from this is:
The infrastructure is BUILT not for YOUR benefit
There are no bears or bulls, only hogs and pigs.
Pigs get "fed" and Hogs get "slaughtered"
Your approach is entirely wrong.
top kek
Many reasons, but the most important is because it'll only give you a theoretical/academic understanding, at best, and not any practical understanding.
>practical understanding
So what to read about it?
Read this for an intro to TA. It's not got all the answers as crypto markets are so manipulated, but many crypto exchanges are basically run by trading bots, many which go off TA.
Practice is more important than reading if you want to start trading, just start small and don't lose all your money.
forgot to add, if you're interested in the libertarian or tech side of it have a look at older material or old threads on bitcointalk. most youtubers and twitterers got into it in the last 3, 4 years
Reading isn't the solution to everything.
Thanks a lot!
And how to improve practical understanding?
the alchemy of finance by george soros is my favorite. its terribly written but it contains examples of the theory of reflexivity applied in scenarios soros used in the 70s and 80s.
Crypto is more about penny stock trading of the 20s craze - group psychology and gambling, where conventional investment practice doesn't apply.