Is there a book that explains why white-majority countries are the least corrupted, the most wealthier...

Is there a book that explains why white-majority countries are the least corrupted, the most wealthier, and the most civilised of all nations? Is there a psychological difference between white people and people of other skin colours?

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>posts a jew
Individualism lead to intellectual competition which lead to technological development

“White” is literally a meaningless term and its limitations shift with public opinion. Italians were considered non-white, Greeks are seen as white today yet their tone is darker than that of most Syrians. There’s no such thing as a white person and its a huge tell youre a drooling americuck if you actually believe that.

If I'm going to be honest its due to protestantism. Meds have the same selfish mentality that middle easterners have. Its basically the idea of 'me and my family needs to have it good and the rest of society can burn for all I care'.
Even Rome worked like a giant mafia cartel if you get down to it.
As individualist northern europeans are they still care about their society and they actually follow their society's rule because they know that in the end it will ebenfit everyone and make a better society, this mentality can't be found south of Germany.

There is no difference between black and white only in numbers like musulims, minorities are ignored

This, I too don't know history. Thankfully we will build a new one that would be a worldwide ghetto Africa, so happy rn senpai. We will all starve together while raping and killing to death.

*blocks your path*

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Singapore too, and South Korea. Not sure what OP be smoking.

It's all slavery fault OP, just look how America/south America was before slavery, after exporting the blacks shit went down, after the abolishment they all started to do crimes and whites were a minority in comparison to the quantity of black slaves, Rio de janeiro for example exported 11 times more black slaves than the whole south of the USA, and now it's one of the most violent places on Earth, also when Europeans started to colonize south America they only wanted to explore it's natural mineries and wealth, they didn't wanted to make it a place to live, so conditions were miserable and still are...

Also it's all about the wealth of the (white countries) they all exist for a long time, they had wars and a lot of violence too, but now they are wealthy enough to be peaceful, but "black places" are poor and underdeveloped so they rather do crimes instead of honest work... Also the political corruption and expensive products, they can't afford shit with a minimum wage salary and they all lack education so the majority tends to do crimes related to drug trafficking (the ineffective laws and police makes it easy for them to do it) in Brazil for example one political Deputy makes around 25.000$ per month while a minimum wagie makes 980$ per month, and it's a place where a big Mac costs 20$ for comparison... (Not to say about the political corruption, taking all the money of the population for themselves, high taxes and precarious living conditions) it's a shithole

Oh, so they're poor because they're poor, violent because they're violent, and corrupt because they're corrupt. Obviously it's not their fault.

I must disagree on that, most people don't know where they are standing so they live happily ignoring reality. The ones with senses like the rural part are capable of anything and want to make this place like the happiest place to live on earth, and europeans are not that colonialists like north americans

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It looks like you skipped the Meiji era chapter and jumped straight into the 80's

No user I didn't said that, you missed the point, I said that by the sum of all these factors (injustice, poverty, precarious health, precarious education, expensive products and high taxes plus corruption of the government and lack of laws) they all tend to go and do crimes... the majority being related to robbery or drug trafficking, where drug trafficking does a grand job in the violence (see cartel shit)
And that's why they are fucked up

The 80s are a fabulous lie, i am bold

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Except Russia, right?

Also there are honest people in these fucked countries who just want to go living, but the crime rates are so high and the lack of education so extreme that they just go numb, they can't do much to change the way they live or make a big revolution because (((they))) are in the control of everything... So the conclusion is, you are a nigger in a 3rd world country, either you be a wagie for the rest of your life or you make some thousands by drug trafficking, ofc they all tend to the second option (it's in their blood)... And also they all lack hope of things going better so they just gave up, and honest people in these places are the most affected because they are wagies and let's say they buy a expensive phone (every phone is expensive there) and the other day a nigger comes and steal the phone to trade it for drugs, they just stole a phone that costs around 1/2 ~ 2/2 of the wagie salary...

looks like you skipped most of history and jumped straight to 1700's+

For thousands of years Northern Europe was a poor desolate backward shithole while Africa and Asia and the Middle East invented civilization. The people of Northern Europe must have been psychologically inferior

>states propped up by the west for cheap labour and/or sitting on the trade routes for the products of that cheap labour
wow such brilliant governance

Haha yeah just look how long it took Germany to build its new capital airport compared to Turkey and China please

yeah what a buch of idiot krauts lol

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which period is that?

white countries ain't shit; read Guénon, retard

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It used to be the opposite. The germanic peoples used to be savages not unlike primitive African tribes of today and the heart of civilisation was in Asia and Greece, even Africa was more civilised in that time than Europe. And if you think antiquity is too long ago, we can go to the Middle Ages. While Europe was in the Dark Ages, our neighbours over in the Islamic world were going through a Golden Age of economic, scientific, philosophical, and mathematical flourishing.

So the answer is very simple: you're biased because you're living in the present day and in the West, so it appears to you that white civilisation is superior. However if you grew up in Eastern Europe/Russia you would know that things are not all dandy simply because a country is majority white, and if you grew up in antiquity you would have been living in caves and painting your face blue and getting occupied by Rome's black emperor with his olive-skinned army of manlets.

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>200.000 BCE to 1000 AD
>hey Yea Forums why are these snow people so undeveloped and can't create a civilization on their own? Is there a psychological difference between white people and people of other skin colours?

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>European Civilization: "Hold my beer"

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>non-white civilization in 10,000 CE without whites: top picture

> Africa was more civilised in that time than Europe.

Africa was never civilized, neither has been the Negro.

> Islamic world were going through a Golden Age of economic, scientific, philosophical, and mathematical flourishing

Islamic "Golden Age" is vastly overrated in regards to economic, scientific, mathematical, philosophical output thanks in part to the suffocating nature of Islam.

> However if you grew up in Eastern Europe/Russia you would know that things are not all dandy simply because a country is majority white,

Eastern Europe/Russia as some run down communist 3rd world is a meme, in reality it is comfortable to live; even more comfortable than many "Western" nations. You are wrong about everything.

> you would have been living in caves and painting your face blue and getting occupied by Rome's black emperor.

We wuz' emperors.

Wow a bunch of bricks stacked on top of each other, so civilised

Greeks are not white, remember?

>Eastern Europe/Russia as some run down communist 3rd world is a meme, in reality it is comfortable to live; even more comfortable than many "Western" nations. You are wrong about everything.
I lived in Lithuania for a substantial portion of my life. It is rife with corruption and poverty. Working conditions are contemptible. The city I lived in (Kaunas) is full of these disgusting communist blocks. All the young people are fleeing to the West, which means the birthrate and the economy are quickly falling. Romania has been hit the hardest; its population has decreased by 10% as young people flee to the West to work. You either live in a nice area in Eastern Europe or you are delusional.

The Greeks didn't consider themselves white europeans, they considered themselves to be a distinct peoples.

>The nations inhabiting the cold places and those of Europe are full of spirit but somewhat deficient in intelligence and skill, so that they continue comparatively free, but lacking in political organization and capacity to rule their neighbors. The peoples of Asia on the other hand are intelligent and skillful in temperament, but lack spirit, so that they are in continuous subjection and slavery. But the Greek race participates in both characters, just as it occupies the middle position geographically, for it is both spirited and intelligent; hence it continues to be free and to have very good political institutions, and to be capable of ruling all mankind if it attains constitutional unity. The same diversity also exists among the Greek races compared with one another: some have a one-sided nature, others are happily blended in regard to both these capacities.3

Sure, and the spartans didn't consider themselves Greek, and the Byzantines kept calling themselves the Roman Empire for a thousand years after they lost Rome. Regardless, in modern terms they were definitely white, what other racial category could you possibly put them in? Quite a bit of Hellenic DNA has survived in modern greeks and italians, there's even some in the average frenchman or spaniard

Well Most of your facts don't add up

they stole the grdeat intellectual riches of the sub Saharan master geniuses

>a literal sand castle that started to fall apart when it rained

So now that OP's request has been fulfilled, lets talk about why we love Nick Land.
I think that Nick Land is the only philosopher for people who, like me, are a radical misanthropist. Nick Land wants to eradicate humanity, and so do I. 95 % of people I've come to meet online or from the media or real life are either absolutes assholes and I get the urge to physicall hurt them, or they are vapid, uninteresting degenerates. Even on Yea Forums I'd likely hate most people.
Who gives me the moral and philosophical permission to have this thoughts which would be considered "evil" in christianity? None better than Nick Land.

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