Interested in yall’s opinions

So I have been having a really cool experience lately and I have been looking for answers, honestly this shit I’ve been experiencing has been real as fuck.

About a month ago I had three separate instances where I had a vision or image of myself with Antlers on my head, I then started seeing Antlers and Stags everyday at least a few times a day. It felt/feels like the universe is almost joking around with me how frequently I see stags, I have multiple friends who I have explained this two and they both verify something is up. I’ve been talking to them about seeing stags and someone with a deer in the back of their car drove right past us, and another time we randomly saw a picture of a man with antlers as I was telling my friend of my’s some crazy shit.

I believe it is Cernnunous, and he is calling me. I can feel a physical call to the wild and some sort of accient way of life. I have also always been drawn to witches, not going to go too far into that but I’ve had witches around me my whole life. This Cernnunous thing feels right and it aligns with my beliefs perfectly, I’m just curious as to what anyone can say about this?

Any books I can read to help me understand please share.

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sounds like you should become a furry neopagan, I advise getting one of the animal dildos on, rawr!

You should read the bible and forget this foolishness


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lole you're just a schizo

yeah, i'm reddit. so?



This is how furfags are born. At least you're not a fox.
t. grifftard

Sounds like you're being attacked by Satan. The number three in this instance is intended as blasphemy against the Holy Trinity, and heralds the onset of a case of demonic obsession or infestation that will likely worsen to possession if you let it. Cut contact with these "witches" and go talk to a priest about this and get yourself blessed. For the love of God, sort your stuff out. Without Jesus your case is hopeless.

>I talked to my retarded friends and they confirmed my retarded belief
Take this nonsense to /x/ please

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>two furfags in one thread
What happened to Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole?

Are there any vampires on Yea Forums?

I mean real, true vampires. I am.

I had my awakening when I was 17. After a night of hanging out with some friends, I was visited by a vampire. He called himself Triumverus Caer. He came in through my bedroom window and spoke to me about his ability and his council.

He placed his hands upon my chest and I soon felt very cold. I dropped to my knees and looked up to him. He grabbed me by my neck and sunk his beautiful fangs into it. Oh, the feeling of such power coursing through my veins was almost orgasmic, I passed out from the pleasure.

When I awoke, there was a small scroll on the floor in front of my body. I sat up slowly, my whole body was dead cold. When i reached out for it and read it. I understood it completely. This is strange because it was written in Latin. It told me about my newfound powers.

What are my powers you ask? I have the ability to withdraw the energy from your body. A psychic vampire. This kind of vampire is special because I can still go out in the sun and have a normal functioning life. I feed off energy instead of blood.

So, here I am now, I've had my powers for little over 3 years. They're great. I'm in very high respect of the elders and I've become a sire to a few of my own underlings.

Synchronicity is not a mystical or omnipotent phenomenon, but a materialization of your unconscious desires. You see the antlers/stags because you're more observant, unconsciously searching for them because of your "visions". If you live near the woods, any woods, you're going to run into common animals such as deer and stags; they're a common sighting. However, because you aren't totally aware you're searching for these sightings, everytime you spot something with antlers will have a great, impactful meaning to you, and it will feel deliberate without a clear source, making you to assume it is magic or divine. Slight coincidences that happen everyday can turn into omens and "signs" with the right mindset. Consider this all happening without the context of your visions; would it still feel as meaningful, or would you forget every sighting and just see the stags/antlers as an everyday thing you forget about the second after you see it? You're just unconsciously influencing your own reality. I have no idea what you're desiring and don't what to assume, but as soon as you figure out the source of these intrusive images/visions, the real meaning will become clearer.
It's very cool when these kinds of things happen, but it's important to realize it's all in your head so you can make it useful and don't become detached from the "real world".


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best thread on Yea Forums in a long time

yall need to calm tf down

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holy shit before i was redpilled i used to say these things all the time

Stopped reading there

y'all'd've not been able to handle it anyway

you're still an NPC with no original thought, you're just repeating slightly more self-aware soundbytes now

t. NPC

Fuck this world. The answer is simple. You're a delusional prick and deer are some of the most abundant mammals on the planet. Kill yourself you woo-woo hippy freak.

I fucking hate summer.