What books should I read to find out which religion is true?
What books should I read to find out which religion is true?
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Where does he deal with this question?
The New Testament, no one has ever done anything comparable to Jesus (resurection and miracles) to back up their claims.
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu doctrines
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Thank you.
I've read all of it. What about books which prove the NT narrative and the resurrection?
The fact that all apostles died martyrs because they wouldn't renounce the truth and that their followers died martyrs etc... I can't give you more, but that's much more than any other religion can give.
Proof that they died in that way and that it wasn't an after the fact plot device?
There are more selective words in any language than primary names or sites identifers
Pic related and Tolstoy's religious musings along with the NT
The worst defense of the NT I have ever seen. Sola Scriptura and biblical literalism is for retards and zealots.
The Apostolic Fathers, Flavius Josephus talks about the death of a few of the Apostles, Suetonius for the treatments of Christians under Nero. Just do your own research if you want more. And no serious scholars doubts the existence of the Apostles or their martyrdom. The resurection of course can't be proven, so you'll have to trust 12 men who were tortured and died, never denying Jesus.
>so you'll have to trust 12 men who were tortured and died, never denying Jesus.
So...David Koresh was legitimate because of the way he died?
>Sola Scriptura and biblical literalism
I didn't say anything about that. I am Catholic.
you give credence to miracles despite obvious use of allegory (john changing jesus's death date to the second that lambs are slaughtered for passover to conform to his lamb of god imagery). its retarded, and people dying for their beliefs does not prove the belief's validity. Its a fucking logical lapse. If you are catholic use Thomist reasoning which is far harder to invalidate.
>David Koresh
didn't perform miracles, didn't fulfill propheties, didn't resurect
I am just giving OP a simple reason the get intersted in Christianity, if you have a better way do it. But Jesus proved he was the Son of God, and the Apostles didn't die for "believes" or "ideas", but to tell what the saw and what the heard.
We have more miracles than ET itself
unironically The Book of Mormon
And Buddhists have martyred themselves for the Law, and famously left behind relics. Pic related left us his heart.
Not that the apostles shouldnt be believed or anything, just that religious martyrdom and miracles are not conclusive evidence for any *one* religion.
How does anyone even read that book?
That wasn't even my point, the guy asked for proof. My point is:
>The New Testament, no one has ever done anything comparable to Jesus (resurection and miracles) to back up their claims.
By picking it up and looking at the words?
I couldn't get past the first few chapters of 1 Nephi
And the proof for his resurrection is that people died for him becaise they saw his miracles.
The fact that this isnt exclusive to Christianity undermines your claim that the New Testament will help op find out which religion is true.
Also Khenpo Gangshar Rinpoche died and came back to life in pre occupation Tibet and his Nyingma and Kagyu students will back that up. Again your god isnt as unique as you think he is.
Reading the bhagavad gita made me believe in christ more than the bible.
Christ wasnt a whore of the system like the church would have you believe. Christ doesnt celebrate christmas by bowing down to a corporate overlord
If you thought that was boring I have bad news for you about the Old Testament
I have no problem reading the KJV Old Testament. The Book of Mormon is just trash.
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