Yea Forums tier comic/manga

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Other urls found in this thread: 14:36:16

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Stars bright cannot be undone internet is too distributed now

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watchmen was ok

yeah haruhi is ok
better than most light novels at least

Serial Experiments Lain of course ! All 13 episodes are available on Youtube.

I'd also recommend comics by Enki Bilal, especially the Nikopol trilogy and the Monster tetralogy. There are similar themes between these two and the art is great,very unique, unlike most comics you've seen. It sometimes reminds me of Bacon's paintings (especially the tetralogy).

That isn't a comic or a manga. It's literally a book.

>Let out your feelings
>Wide through the space
>Where time just endlessly spins
>Twinkling tears of night
>Darkness turns to light

The lyrics make me cry

The music is all so beautiful.

Keep your capeshit/manga bullshit out of Yea Forums

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>My friend you are still far away...

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Have you already forgotten Yea Forums?

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Aku No Hana obviously. Nakamura best girl

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Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.

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Sorry, I don't watch cartoons.

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For me, it's instrumentals that play when the end credits start playing over certain episodes.

I don't understand all the hype for this. It has the depth of a middling sci-fi fantasy novel and with the same level of political commentary. It doesn't even use the medium of animation in an interesting way. Standards for anime are so low.

I like death note

Haruhi is fucking trite weebshit with two of the five main characters being completely annoying and uninteresting. If Kyon wasn't in there I would have dropped it after the first episode.

Berlin, by Jason Lutes

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The Reboot is pretty kino so far.

Transmetropolitan is good.

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What did you just say?

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You heard me you ancient animation.

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Please read what I say on my link at the bottom of the page at I am completelly abducted

#20190806 Trump campaign pushes false ads on Facebook about "invasion" - MSNBC 14:36:16

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Seriously where do you think you are?

Strongest man kurosawa

God this fucking sucks, I tried reading it and it's just an old, insecure man being melodramatic about everything.

Watch Tatami Galaxy.
Anybody read the novel? I looked through the first few chapters and it seems to be really overcompensatingly pompously, but still pompously written none the less, befitting the protagonist's style.
Seems to be a pretty good book.

That one is fucking shit.

I'm interested in them as well. It's a shame the Gundamn Origin is only hardback and $20 plus bucks a volume.

I really liked the anime, masaki yuasa always does a great job

If Kafka made an anime episode I think it would be like Episode 10 of Tatami Galaxy

Why do you think so?


Sandman and Hellblazer

Very kino thread. Please do not die out, my love for LoGH is eternal and undying.

Why isn't Psycho Pass on this? Is it for pseuds?