What the fuck are you low social intelligence slowtards doing?
Let's go. New Accel lit, let's get it.
What the fuck are you low social intelligence slowtards doing?
Let's go. New Accel lit, let's get it.
I think accelerationism and and the kind of accelerationism Nazis wish/perceive to happen wouldn’t have much overlap.
What if competing accelerations create an interference effect and we undergo terrortorialization? Perhaps even reterrortorialization?
There are literally 4 Land threads up at the moment you fucking retards.
Use the catalog.
I want daddy Nick to take my butt and make it all gooey inside
incel + accel = metacel
You only need to hear him speak in public once to realise he is the definition of a beta cuck milktoast charisma-less charlatan youtu.be
This produced the same effect for me after listening:
>u-uh, hi everybody *creepy nod*
>talks for less than two minutes
>I'm sure I used up my 300 seconds
So this is the power of Lemurian time sorcery in action?
I particularly like how he starts off this one: youtube.com
>this is your brain on critical theory
Nick Land is "based schizo poster" incarnate
Acc is dead. It's time for some new meme philosophy to capture the imagination of philosophy undergrads and spawn thousand new fb meme pages.
Land is old news kantbot is the new hotness
Literally not enough.
Only Uncle Nick matters.
>Can't into neologisms
Fucking pseud slowtard.
I only listen to people taller than me. How tall is Nick Land?
Gotta go fast~!
Greetings Ultimate Exit People
embarrassing post
lovecraft land and bataille land are the cutest
Is this the New Gesture: combining the Reichensteinian "Heil!" with the traditional 'welcoming wave', coupled with the amp detox twitch?
I like it.
hi kantbot
Just wait until they come out with the new version that has the car battery torture twitch!
It was never alive.
No bait, just my real thoughts. My social and emotional intelligence is likely higher than yours, I work with many differnt people on a daily basis on my job. I do find many good people there & even more from the large group of stupid people, out of which a small portion makes no secret out of the fact that they would like to make you kill yourself.
My workplace is filled with grade A people only, but I guess I'm not the only one hearing abhorrent stories from relatives who participate in real life, stories from work or private life, where again the stupidity of the large part of humanity is presented to you.
I want these people to burn. Who can blame me for liking Nick Land?
Just finished watching this lecture about how society will collapse soon
Land's dream will become true soon, mabye even during his lifetime. I am awaiting it in joyful anticipation. Good luck.
That's what I thought the entire point was.
This user and I get it-- the rest of you need some introspection. Machine intelligence is projecting a dead consciousness from the future into the present via the sentience of New Kapital. The only way out is in; not in some lotus positioned meditation, but complete immersion into k-space. Greenbacks will be added to the kindling along with magazines, novels, all the textility we've grown to recognize as a reflection of our humanity has will be engulfed in the apocalyptic bonfire.
Unless, we decelerate... Retromania still seems to permeate through feminist revisions of '80s movies and the nostalgia pop blasting on the loudspeakers on every street corner while the libidinal economy throttles into overdrive.... Where am I?
Any more obscure recordings of Nick Land? I have only found a dozen or so.
He was on a podcast awhile ago. I forget the name-- hermenetix or some shit.
What's a good follow up to Mark Fisher's collection? About done with that mammoth; gonna take a break with something mellow, and then maybe jump back into Brassier or something. I lean more towards Fisher's brand.
Nazis aren't accelerationists in landian sense at all
>"As the universe expands over hundreds of billions of years, Reynolds explained, there will be a point, in the very far future, at which all galaxies will be so far apart that they will no longer be visible from one another. […] Upon reaching that moment, it will no longer be possible to understand the universe’s history—or perhaps even that it had one—as all evidence of a broader cosmos outside of one’s own galaxy will have forever disappeared. Cosmology itself will be impossible. […] In such a radically expanded future universe, Reynolds continued, some of the most basic insights offered by today’s astronomy will be unavailable. After all, he points out, ‘you can’t measure the redshift of galaxies if you can’t see galaxies. And if you can’t see galaxies, how do you even know that the universe is expanding? How would you ever determine that the universe had had an origin?’"
>Reynolds was drawing upon an article entitled “The End of Cosmology?” by Lawrence M. Krauss and Robert J. Scherrer, published in Scientific American (2008). This article summarized itself in the sub-head: “An accelerating universe wipes out traces of its own origins.”
The extrapolation can be pushed further. If a far-future scientific culture can be seen to be structurally-deprived of evidence essential for realistic appraisal of cosmic scale, can we be confident our situation is fundamentally different? Is it not more probable that the absolute or unsurpassable locality of scientific perspective is a basic situation? How likely is it that we can see universally — in principle — when we can already see how others will in the future be unable to? On the basis of available evidence, we have to envisage a future civilization that is utterly deluded about its own structural parochialism, confident in its ability to finally shrug off perspectival limitation. The most esteemed scientific minds in such a culture might be expected to dismiss any suggestion of inaccessible cosmic regions as groundless metaphysics. It seems merely hubristic to refrain from turning this scenario back upon ourselves. If universal cosmology is to become impossible, the default hypothesis should be that it already has.[2]
Oops on formatting, that's all one quote from a recent Land article
That’s the whole goal. You bring the end sooner rather than later, thus giving yourself a better ability to set the ending on your terms rather than the enemies. airs game theory to the T.
So what strings do we need to pull to get Land and pic related to have a recorded discussion with each other?
And who would win?
Kantbot's a bastard.
Land. Ted's a clever boy but he wasn't a career philosopher that spent ten years straight doing psychedelics
psychedelics dont really make you paranoid, amphetamines do
I don't think Land has the balls to talk to Ted.
The Kant resemblance is REALLY spooky.
>tfw no rand facemerge
They have/had more in common than most people seem to realize.
I see Land mentioned here a lot but never read him. Explain in no less than 100 words why should I
Let's get that dick up our ass, team!
An amphetamine junky heretical Marxist academic burnout becoming the gibbering tongue of the future's necrotic deities before they slough off humanity, like gyro-stabilized metallic flies exploding from the bloated corpse of man.
>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.
>The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.
>The body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.
>By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.
>Neo-China arrives from the future.
>Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.
If that sounds like your thing, check his older stuff out.
he was much more confident and speaking person when he was younger.
is that what drugs do to you?
Falseflagging on twatter now.
The absolute state of r/acc.
But Land just read too much Sci-if and applied it to his tranny marxism
neuromancer is the worst book i've ever written.
I just like the style, honestly. The polity is just a byproduct for me. I like the theory-fictive diatribes and the mad rantings longing for lost futures. It's fun more than anything-- more fun than a lot of the threads.
This was my effortpost... I'm trying, here.
>t. coping moid
Have you read his other books?
I was going to maybe pick up The Weird and The Eerie: it seems to deal with subject manner I'm into (the Uncanny, the Unknown, etc.). Although, Capitalist Realism seems like required reading; I think I understand the concept, though.
How do I speed shit up?
Interesting extrapolation
No wonder Land has such a boner for him.
Where's Pinker?
by going faster
Started reading fanged noumena and damn I don't understand it
Land morphed with Peterson is absolutely cursed.
>just finished reading CCRU collected writings
>huh this Nick Land guy is kind of interesting
>spot a podcast he did on At The Mountains of Madness, a film I really enjoy
>he just stammers for 30 mins about how old man on a bicycle is really spooky actually
never again
IMO the weird and the eerie is great, I'm not familiar with Fisher in general so I would agree that it is easy going
What's a moid?
This. Someone needs to morph him into Pinker with that grey clown hair.
Righto fast fren
Gotta go speedy to git the greedy!
man i love amphetamines. better living until it isnt
what the fuck is that abomination.
are we looking into some Bran is everyone theory timelapse manipulation from Nick Land's chinese* sponsored research or what
is this the power of Gnos?
please don't hurt me
Capitalist Realism isn't necessarily required reading for Fisher's other books, but reading it will really help crystallize some of the ideas that he's poking at and drawing from in his other works.
Besides, CR is like a 90 page book - I think most people read it in one or two sittings. It's worth the time.
IMO Ghosts of My Life was his weakest book, but I'm not a Brit and I didn't have the nostalgia for the music he draws from in that book (I did end up listening to a lot of it as I went along, which was kinda' fun in its own right) but yeah, The Weird and the Eerie was really good - would recommend.
femoid = female
moid = male
wheres the gigachad land
both of these post are the same level of quality
>I only get my ideas from CHADS THAT LOOK LIKE THE GOLDEN ONE
Is Nick Land alive?
His last UF-Blog is from 22 July, and his last Tweet is from July 31