Any good books on how to escape wageslavery?
Any good books on how to escape wageslavery?
lol no
All the avenues that a wageslave could use to escape wageslavery have been blocked by capitalists so unless you have money to spend you cannot do it.
Be smart and have a great idea for a business or wageslave for a few years saving every penny you have living like a monk and then retire to a cheap country while living a comfortable simple life
>how to escape wageslavery
System is designed to keep your working. If you spend any money on shitty self-help books you'll never escape.
>spending money on books
Are you retarded?
all of the authors of these self-help books didn't get rich by by using their own advice. they got rich because they convinced a bunch of normies to buy their books
that's how dave ramsey got rich
I teach English in East Asia. $22 USD/hour. 3 hours/day, 5 days/week. Could work more but nah fuck that. Spend about half what I earn on living expenses, half goes to savings. Once I find a woman to marry I'll go to the Middle East and earn a fortune and build up a homestead here. Worst part about my job is interacting with westerner coworkers.
you escape by pirating them
you escape by thinking like a capitalist when it comes to saving and working and thinking like an anti-consumerist, freegan and ascetic when it comes to spending
capitalists invest, not save
i meant capitalist as in someone who believes in the ideology of capitalism, not the capitalist class.
there are a bunch of working class folks are capitalists
Get a mortgage from the bank and invest in real estate
This. Anyone who thinks it's hard to make money doesn't deserve to be rich in the first place.
Here's a straightforward one.
forgo self-help books and just read this
it's one giant self-help book combined with biographies
A savings account is a waste of money if your goal is to make money and escape wageslavery. Savings should only be used for emergency living costs. Anything beyond that should be invested in some way.
you don't use a savings account. you just put it in your checking account and don't go under the limit(where they start charging you for keeping your money in it).
i don't use a savings account anymore because i found out my bank was charging me a feed to keep my money it
fee to keep my money in it*
I use a seperate checking for savings, had more interest than the savings and its an investment bank so ill try and invest sooner or later
you live frugally. investing is too risky and a pain in the ass to manage if you have no knowledge. screw it, just save money and live frugally on the money you saved
as interest rates are so low at the moment, there's not much difference between the two anyway. but, it is sensible to keep 2-3 months' living expenses in an account that is instantly accessible but separate from your day to day account.
You can try shit like acorns, it wont make you rich but its basically free money
>don't mind me, just torrenting this soup!
Build your own house, grow your own food, the only way out of wageslavery is very hard work. But at least you won't be a slave.
>investing is too risky and a pain in the ass to manage if you have no knowledge
the internet has democratised investing. anyone can gain enough knowledge to invest some money even if it is only in a basic FTSE100/S&P500 ETF or whatever.
pic related was one of the first guidebooks of the online investing era and is still the best. it changed my life.
i thought about living in my car and surviving on money i make via blood donation
i would need to make enough to pay for car insurance and gas and food
those would be my three necessities
i would just use free wifi from macdonalds and hotels and use outlets around the city to charge my laptop
if you're a normie i don't think this could be done but if you're an autist like me i think it could be done
the car would have to be a reliable car. a toyota camry or corolla or something like that
Dont forget the library where otber spendthrifts spend their days hanging out and trying to masturbate witbout getting caught.
Soup kitchens provide free dinner as well!
Return on investment isn't directly related to interest rates.
You must decide your interest rate and then according to society parameters reach it
The System is designed to be incredibly punitive to those that deviate from wage slavery.
I wish there would be a renewed labor movement. More and more people are working for less and less. Labor has been utterly disenfranchised, workers fragmented into isolated units and set against each other in competition. Working people have virtually zero representation in government which has been parasitized by the capitalist class.
You can be on the right side or the wrong side of the system, the golden or the rusty side. Most people are on the rusty side but they have no political tools to do anything about it.
of course not. but we are talking about cash in savings and current/checking accounts.
that depends how that deviation is carried out. i took an interest in personal investing and became financially independent because of it. i have since found that despite living an inconspicuous lifestyle, there are people and companies that are very happy to encourage the custom of even the moderately wealthy. for example, when my portfolio passed £1 million, suddenly i was of great interest to companies that sell luxury products. it is still true that wealth begets wealth.
Any good books on technocracy? I’ve only watched some of their old videos from Arvid Peteron
Which OP should check out.
Also Towards a New Socialism, Cockshott
And Democracy at Work, Wolff
Is crypto a meme Yea Forums? Does /biz/ want me to lose everything?
But like I said, the System has built in mechanisms to punish you.
For example, you wish to coast to through life on capital investment. But this requires a boom and bust cycles. So when there's an inevitable bear market, you'll either lose a lot of capital value or have trouble finding venues to increase capital growth and sustain your NEET lifestyle.
Thus forcing you to rely on skilled labor to supplement your lifestile; which you no longer possess because you've been NEETing it up.
A real example of this was the 2007 Market Crash; lots of boomers who followed this philosophy for a NEET retirement, lost a lot of their wealth and had to "retrain" to find work again. Thus cancelling their NEET retirement.
The System is designed to extract maximum value from humanity: the House always wins.
The only way to beat this is to not play the game, to not give with the Market / System wants. Create sub-systems and alternative hierarchies which encourage people to play other games; while siphoning off resources from the primary hierarchy to get these alternatives started.
Bumping for interest.
Yes this is true.
I can't wait to escape.
Just deal drugs? Not much, enough for rent and food.
But that's illegal
So? It is one way to beat the system. I am definitely dealing drugs as a hobby. You get to walk, socialize a bit (You decide when to fuck off) and You can earn alright money.
Can you describe the last part in real life terms?
What are current sub-systems and alternative hierarchies?
It's okay if these are the only two books you've read, Butterfly, but recommending them in every thread related to money is obnoxious. How the hell will reading about socialism make me rich/financially independent? It won't.
you don't seem to know much about what you are talking about user. how old are you?
>But like I said, the System has built in mechanisms to punish you.
not really. nothing has "punished" me on the way on the way to financial independence. not even the government- most of my investments are in tax-free wrappers (e.g. ISAs, here in the UK) so i don't pay tax on any dividends i receive, for example.
>But this requires a boom and bust cycles. So when there's an inevitable bear market, you'll either lose a lot of capital value or have trouble finding venues to increase capital growth
diversity is your friend, user.
>2007 Market Crash
the market didn't reach its low until late 2008.
but, time is also your friend
also stop talking in Yea Forums slang if you want people to take you seriously
They apply ITT, mr One-Book man
>How will this make me money
Making money isn’t escaping wage slavery, it’s perpetuating it, you complete bozo
Serious answer: Live on the cheap, outside, but not like a degenerate dope fiend. Rent and "stuff" is why you wageslave - you don't need either as a NEET. You're a neet anyway, right?
Squatting (if you find the right people who know how to do it; avoid druggies)
Get a license if you don't have it, then:
Car (not as comfy)
RV (need prior investment)
Don't go for low tier hobo solutions like tents or cardboard, weather will ruin it. Buy a gym pass to stay in shape & place to shower.
If you go about it smart, you need only $200 a month or so. 90% of it spent on food. So basically neetbux/foodstamps is all you need.
Start a company, work really hard for ten twenty years or until you can hire people to do basically everything for you.
what are some lit cheap countries?
>Making money isn’t escaping wage slavery, it’s perpetuating it, you complete bozo
funny. i "escaped wage slavery" (although i still work sometimes) by making money. when i die, the money will pass on to my descendants, who will also be able to "escape wage slavery" if they so desire.
US already is cheap a 3rd world country, large swaths of it anyway. Why move to bumfuck nowhere? SEA/slav whores don't settle for poor retirees, they're not that stupid (they call you "shit farang"). Then there's the whole foreign language thing.
Just become a civil servant and you can enjoy the benefits of being both a wageslave and a NEET. You can still earn money but since you have little work to do, can spend your entire time browsing the internet, reading, watching videos or doing whatever else you want.
go to bunkerchan, discord tranny. that's where your kind are congregating now. If you can't make it in US you frankly deserve to starve to death. living here is easymode
I'm not interested in females, and I imagine that many cities of eastern Europe are far more soulful and devoid of the mechanisms of American wage slavery than anywhere else in this shithole. I'm looking to live a comfy life for 5 years or so somewhere then die.
>the money will pass on to my descendant
lol you think you can pass on a "legacy" to your children? 9/10 your inheritance will be squandered or divided between kids, and that's only if your rich enough from years of wageslaving to accumulate anything meaningful. 9/10 "wealth" is destroyed within 2-3 generations, except for the true ruling class families that perpetuate their wealth for centuries if not close to a millennium (norman aristocracy, florentine families). Unless you somehow become a baron overnight (you won't) you have no chance of preserving your offspring from wageslavery. And even then most niggerrich new rich lose their money within several generations
>They apply ITT, mr One-Book man
What are you talking about? There are no socialist militias I can join around here, and I sure as hell am not going to start one. So unless I see you out on my street with your anarchist goons armed up and ready to take down capitalism, I don't want you LARPing about "applying" your socialist fantasies on my forums anymore.
>Making money isn’t escaping wage slavery, it’s perpetuating it, you complete bozo
Yes it is. Financial independence is the definition of escaping wageslavery. I don't care about "perpetuating it" for other people because I'm not powerful enough to tear down the system and emancipate them. Even if I could, I'm not sure it'd be preferable for me. Sure, there might be less working hours and more power in the workplace, but fundamentally we're still going to have to slave away to get paid. If not to the private owners, then to the society of workers.
Crypto is the ultimate financial meme, it holds no inherent value other than what others will give it (this could be said about fiat but taxes give them a basis of value) and aside for a few coins there's no market for them aside from exchanging into other meme coins. I wouldn't recommend it but the goal of crypto is to buy into a shitcoin, convince others that your meme is actually worth something and then cash out before it's inevitable collapse.
Bitcoin could be a valid bet if you are willing to wait 5 years on your investment but the market is too volatile for reliable short term returns.
Can someone else vouch for this book? I was about to buy it but it says published in 2002 and I'm not sure if it's going to be applicable today, especially with our current political predicament in Britain
In eastern europe, you'll be trading cost for safety. The more east you go, the more dangerous. We don't have niggers, but we have gypsies and well, we're slavs, the honorary nigger.
The language barrier is high for anglos in here - only expensive metro areas can accommodate english speakers at least somewhat. And you're no better off in Prague than smaller red state city in the US, cost-wise.
>many cities of eastern Europe are far more soulful and devoid of the mechanisms of American wage slavery than anywhere else in this shithole
It's true that slavs are far less obese, so more of a soul can fit in (less shallow kinda - just gloomy, closed and direct). But since you don't plan on making much friends in here, not sure if it really matters.
t. czechslav, but moonlighted in burgerlands on overstay tourist visa about a decade ago (NYC and AUS).
I know the secret but won't tell you because I'm capitalist
What are the best wageslaves jobs you can get away with reading and shit like that but pay ok?
shut up boomer
nothing has inherent value
gold is just a most useless shiny metal
Office building front door desk and such. Or parking lot booth. Warehouse guard. Usually very poorly paid so only senior women take it, but a NEET is fine too. In any case, the place must be sleepy, like 3 people going thru a day, max.
you're a bitter little shit aren't you user?
also a pretty poor reader. you missed this bit
>if they so desire
of course i will do my best to educate my descendants in the ways of wealth preservation. after that it's up to them. what do i care? i'll be dead.
even if they choose to waste it at least they will be able to get some good memories out of it.
that is assuming my kid(s)- i currently have one- grow up to be reasonably sensible. if they grow up to be shit, it's all going to the cats protection league.
but how do i build my own house?
US property and cost of living is still expensive and for the same money you can live so much better overseas.
So uncreative, there are so many places around the world depending on your tastes. Literally anywhere but the US, Canada, Australia, new Zealand, Japan, and western Europe. Even places like Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece are good as long as you avoid the most expensive places and don't need to look for work anymore
I like parts of Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, and western Turkey. I don't like south asia. You can live a fun comfortable life in Istanbul for cheaper than struggling in a Midwestern shithole boring "city". Or buy land and live off grid if you don't want to move
this is unironically the most helpful answer ITT. If you have the social standing and education - get in politics ASAP. my best friend works for the civil service and is literally just a highly paid, glorified NEET. he says so himself. im landing a cushy embassy job soon
lurk /diy/
i read this. it's thesis is.
>sell books about escaping wagecuckery
You don't become rich from trading but you can create meaningful wealth if you have a good income in the first place. Most investment techniques typically come down to committing a set amount per month (ie 10% of income) into an ISA and investing in funds with view to hold over a long term (5+ years). This should be started asap to benefit from compounding interest if one wants to retire early.
Tim Ferris was successful before he wrote this book but it's contents are very outdated even if the general idea is good.
You should want to separate yourself from society as much as possible. The idea disgusts me.
how are you going to invest without saving first
>if they so desire
>freedom for rent is all the freedom you can get
Get off my board 8 channer
Well the thing is I'm 19 years old with 0 knowledge of trading. I don't even know what an ISA is.
You're a literal zombie, Butterfly. You're such an ideologue it's funny.
yeah my boss could have said all those things. he thinks im lazy because i refuse to work more than the standard 40 hours. i asked him about a 4-day workweek and he thought it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard of.
i would like to see that as well. i think 5-day workweeks are absurd in the age of automation.
as for escape its down to luck. be born rich. or have the right idea at the right time in the right place. etc. some of the most well off people i know have no clue how much luck was involved in their success. im aware this is bordering on cope
ISA = individual savings account- a type of account in which you can put cash or shares etc and any returns or interest you get is tax free. it is a UK account, i don't know if there is an equivalent elsewhere. you can put up to £20,000 a year into it. everyone in the UK is allowed to have one. unless you are incredibly wealthy, it's a no brainer to have one.
it is within the grasp of every person, except maybe the severely disabled, to improve their situation
>it is within the grasp of every person, except maybe the severely disabled, to improve their situation
of course. but in reality that means going from making minimum wage to an extra $5/hour
what a strange idea of the world of work you have. do you really think real people stay on minimum wage forever?
also, $5/hour is about $200 per week or $10,000 a year for a full time job. most sensible people could use that to improve their quality of life.
Practice reading comprehension before posting retard.
What he's saying is improvements of "situation" are usually minimal, e.g. from $10/h to $15/h, not that they don't happen at all.
Try my method, good old suicide.
$10 to $15 per hour is an increase of 50%. that is not "minimal". a salary increase from ~$20k to ~30k would be significant for most people.
practice maths before posting, retard.
No, I have a normal work without a university degree and I save 1000 EUR/month and invest it into to stable stocks paying 4-6% dividends and reinvesting them. As long as our capitalist system doesn't totally collapse it'll only take a couple of decades to be completely free.
Lol relative improvement does not equal absolute improvement you retard
doesn't work. it's exceptionally hard to keep cost of living low anymore as wages simultaneously stagnate. also it's hard to keep steady employment.
good post wasted on this shithole of a board. wages are seriously depressed to the point it's ridiculous. things that used to give a middle class lifestyle are now barely above poverty but, by comparison, are still considered "good" because everyone else makes even fucking less.
i get paid about 2/3 what i should be. i'm so bitter it makes it hard to keep my head down and keep trying.
also. it was called the 9-5 and was considered 40 hours a week and included an hour lunch every day. now you take lunch on your own fucking time. the only way i get out after 8 hours is by skipping meals/breaks but that's its own kind of hell too.
i'm ganbarrimasing but it's hell every day. i consider suicide at hour 5-8.
i'm a cubicleslave who listens to audiobooks and drinks tea all day. but i have to actually work the whole time, too.
i can save about 1000-1500 usd a month. however, there's little job security. in the past ive gone months between jobs which wiped my savings. that's how they fuck you. trying to get full year=round stable employment but jesus fuck they'll fire people at a whim for zero reason. never had issues with performance, still been laid off three times due to the company's situations (IE manager wanted to slash costs real fast to prep for a review, to make herself look good. my job had been listed on a jobsboard not long after i was axed.)
you've never actually had a worthwhile job, have you retard?
> there's little job security. in the past ive gone months between jobs which wiped my savings.
The system is rigged in favor of the already rich, inflation punishes poor people unfairly and safe investments become better the more money you have.
I did not try to argue against that the system is stacked against wage slaves but rather that it's not impossible to escape it.
No way people this dumb would exist and somehow end up on Yea Forums.
30k is still fuckall though
I mean, you're correct. If you're born poorfag you fight an uphill battle. If you're born into wealth you never have to work a day in your life. But the acquisition of wealth from zero is almost impossible. Getting and keeping a job with gainful employment, annual raises, and no unexpected emergencies, downturns, or unemployment bouts is trying to win the lottery. If you're born with 1 mil in the bank you can have a damned comfy living off interest. How long would it take a poorfaggot born to poverty to save 1 mil by actually working for it?
There's the phrase tossed around that being poor is expensive... google for more but it's truth.
And then let's say, it takes 30k after tax to live decently. So 40k before tax. some guy earning 40k/year is putting 0 away. make 60k? 20k in the bank after a year. make 100k? 60k in the bank. The guy making 100k is effectively earning 3x as much as the 60k guy.
This description doesn’t fit me
You’re probably just paying attention. That’s fine though.
Im a-ok actually. Im warning you against finding salvation in the delusion of generational accumulation we are sold to slave for the system. Avoid children like the plague, philosophical issues aside from choosing to birth people into this society
*probably not paying attention
Oh the ironing