>Yeah I skipped the Greek, what gave it away ?
βάλλ' εἰς kόραkας
>learn enough greek to translate basic sentences very slowly with the help of a dictionary
>tell people I know greek
>he didn't learn both Greek and Latin innHigh School
What kind of High School did you guys to to?
Where do I start?
with the greeks
An Americ*n one
Technically you know Greek. The average person is probably too dumb to learn the basics of ancient greek anyway
Unless you can drunkenly write an ode in perfect hexameter while standing on your head in the Parthenon in the scorching greek heat, you don't truly know Greek.
daily dose of greek
greek for everyone
and these are for koine. but if you learn koine you'll understand attic anyway
Study latin instead. It's easier in my experience.
t.studied latin for years in school and am starting to learn it again
Athenaze. The books are cheap (for textbooks) and well structured. They rely on inductive methods, which are much more effective than rote memorization in the long run.
You've got that backwards, bubba. Koine is ezpz Greek and is learned from Attic.
>studying dead languages rather than building a new one
What would I even gain from that?
people still speak greek you nimrod
But I am studying Greek. I'm studying it right now.
hows the contact with italian going? i was studying attic through the 2nd american edition of athenaze but im focusing mostly on koine nowadays. i often hear it's better to first learn attic and then move to koine but i honestly never see any evidence that the switch from koine to attic is troublesome
this doesn't look all that different to the english version. why does the italian one get shilled so hard exactly?
not him but the italian version has more text and significantly larger vocabulary for each chapter plus more exercises as well
i like italian and would love to learn it one day but i think it would dishearten me from greek if i had to face 2 foreign languages at once. even tho my mother lang is a romance one
>why does the italian one get shilled so hard exactly?
The main reason is that the Italian version has way more readings.
>Italian and English versions side-by-side.
You get more activity books too.
what's the name of those books?
Thirdly, there's little pictures on the sides of the Italian version :3
In some ways I think Latin is harder. The presence of the definite article almost feels like cheating after battling through Latin.
The bottom one of that picture is Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I (2nd edition)
The top one is Athenaze: Introduzione al greco antico Volume 1
The two are substantially similar, but the Italian one has extra stuff. I use the two books in conjunction since I don't speak Italian.
thanks based user. good luck.
δε ο Χανθιας λεγει προς τη δεσποτη τι εις χαλεπος ω δεσποτη
it's been a while im rusty
That Xanthias is a rotten scoundrel to be honest.
kek. i love when he goes to sleep when his master is not around and tells him to not be so harsh on him
I don't like how it sound and I hate Greeks, except for the bronze age ones
did anyone used the Reading Greek course?
ληkύθιον ἀπώλεσεν
Unless you grew up in bumblefuck nowhere every school has latin.
not true at all. I had to study it at university.
can i understand modern greek if i learn ancient greek?
90% yes. The accent is different though so it depends on your fluency.