Books for coming to terms with the inevitable arrival of death?
Books for coming to terms with the inevitable arrival of death?
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literally all of them. every single writer was plagued by death.
you can't
you can never come to terms with it
it's always there
getting ever closer
The Last Lecture
Any religious text ever
Death is nothing to fear user
Maybe I should be more specific, and say books on sacrifice? Showcasing our higher selves by disowning being a slave to the body, being fully persuaded in your ideals.
Rhetoric and Persuasion is what got me curious on the topic, if that has any related books.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Iliad
The Daodejing
These killed my fear of death.
>Books for coming to terms with the inevitable arrival of death?
Time will do this just fine, at which point you will be welcoming, if not begging it.
The Bible
Every single person was plagued by death, and this is the book they should have read
Manual for Living - Epictetus
On the Good Life - Cicero
This book actually made me way more afraid of death desu
You probably didn’t need it so it just let you in on existential anxiety rather than alleviating it
While it didnt have that effect on me and indeed is one of my favorite books, Becker seemingly attempts to build towards something that act as a salve for our death anxiety, but ultimately he falls flat, throws up his hands, and we never really get any type of resolution. Shits fucked, you're gonna die.
Philosophy of Redemption
When life challenges you, do not consider yourself unlucky to face these challenges, but lucky to be able to handle them. It is not what happens to you that harms you, but your opinion of it. Death is only worth fearing if you are not living fully in the present.
I strongly disagreed with him in the last part, probably because I'm more of a "creative" type.
Anti-aging research could make you and I live to 200 and in 200 years who knows how long we'll be able to live, even with just our current medical knowledge you can easily extend your lifespan by 30%. On top of that things like meteorites that could kill millions could be prevented if we spent money on an early detection system.
Science is the power of man, and we've been slowly getting our shit together enough that we might be able to create our own garden of eden here on earth. We could potentially live for trillions of years until the suns white dwarf phase ends.
I can smell your smelly nigger stink