Rec me some misogynistic literature
Rec me some misogynistic literature
Finally my kind of thread.
Any female writer not born in the last 3 decades
American Psycho
Fuck off incels.
Why are liberals so fucking surprised that destroying the very foundations of society is having any sort of negative effect? Why did they expect, everyone would sing kumbaya and dance around a may pole?
Equivalent woman to the right would live a happy life and marry a man who would provide for her. That's the point.
lol there's definitely more to it than that my guy. I've met plenty of attractive women that I wasn't into because of their personality.
They don't "expect" anything because they can't think or conceive of a life outside their own. Modern liberalism has nothing to do with philosophical liberalism. It's just all the worst aspects of the peasant unconscious herdmind elevated to an pseudo-conscious life that stops any other forms of thought from existing and dissolves them.
Not a single good person ever went to WalMart you know that just as well as I do buttercunt
How Ladies cry out, “my beef is so clean”
Conjuring thoughts of rose petals agleam
Like the crease on cake at knife’s first slice
A discernible fissure hiding her spice
But woe to the saps tonguing girls’ crevasse
Eating diseases while their dates sext “Yaas!”
Rashes, lesions burn men’s faces quite bright
Medicines laid low by her microbes’ might
Abstaining from whores appears absurd lore
Inviting teases: virgin, cuck or bore
All the while marches Papilloma
Sickening box eaters to basal coma
The next tumescent dongs wave as thick fronds
Colors of sable, sand-dollar and bronze
Harpies shrieking to punish their flowers
Stabbing, drubbing by dick-smithy powers
Toning their snatches with trendy pineapple
Dogs and Juggalos, inside her they dabble
Stirring satyrs and thugs to coitally joust
Paired pistoning peens spraying ‘till so dowsed
Parading creampies to afront authority
Beefed-out snizzes unite in sorority
Their only guide a dick’s golden Magnum
And trilling fizzy queefs their slut’s anthem
Asserting a right for deep-dicked girl guts
Demanding diverse penetrative ruts
>I HAVE AN OPINION -literally who tripfag
Yet you gave him attention instead of ignoring him. Also, I don't see a trip - just a name.
its called stop being such a gay bitch and kiss a girl you insufferable fucking emo pussy
as much as i concur, i think user is right... don't feed the butterfly meme.
>implying women have to watch their weight
So that’s while more than 60% of women are overweight and more than a third obese
it's honestly way worse than you even realize, and the basic problem is that we fundamentally are more likely to believe things because doing so raises our social status(or doesn't make it drop), or because it's comforting or self-serving, than because it makes sense. This makes history proceed in extremely bizarre ways.
It's not going to be fixed, it's just the way shit is. Only autists and philisophers(but I repeat myself) really try to understand everything, and they do the same shit themselves a lot of the time. They also have a tendency to create grandiose systems as a kind of flex of their intelligence and creativity, not because it really makes sense to them. There are some very few exceptions like David Hume.
You can't reason with people really about anything they think is taboo. They know on some level their lives basically depend on repeating the correct answer without thinking, so they are afraid of thinking, and this entirely natural and rational behavior on their part. It's kind of tragic because it leads to most people never really thinking about stuff at all and just going through life in a confusion that they can't properly examine.
Im not arrogant enough to think Im actually different than this. Ive questioned a lot of stuff most people wont touch but Im sure Im still doing it so that I dont get totally ostracized.
Even worse, Butterfag is a woman
Let's see them tits lady
>as a kind of flex of their intelligence and creativity,
or as a desperate attempt to convince themselves they found the truth they want so much
should have mentioned that as well
books by Dick Masterson
idiots miss the obvious one
Left is a more admirable and fulfilling path. Would you really prefer everything be given to you for free? Never amount to anything, achieve nothing, strive for nothing? Being valued only for your beauty and being robbed of your only value by time? Being halfwit, half a man? Being a dependent child that will never grow up? Being in the need of guidance and patronage? Why do you think women are so vocal and insistent on being equal to men? Because they know they are not and never will be. You're not supposed to feel hatred or envy for them but rather sympathy. I feel genuinely sorry for them. And I feel respect and admiration for my struggling brothers. While we're competing for resources and women against each other, at the same time we're fighting uphill battle with entropy against all odds and with no chance of winning. You should guide your sisters and assist your brothers, user. Cause we're all gonna turn into ashes very soon
there is none, its either misinformed bullshit or obscure ramblings by incels.
Literally all men needs to have is personality
We're writing it as we speak. The main tenets:
>women are deeply mystical creatures
>women became corrupted from their purposes and joys by economics
>women must be yoked to a system of public corporal punishments to restore both feminine virtue and femininity itself
>our era is defined by this dynamic, that without public punishments, women will not respond to any reason or faculty outside of beef tingles
>stockades, unseemly chores, spankings, figgings, canings all bear much fruit upon the female psyche
>hot girls who excel at bullying become invaluable resources for the upkeep and maintenance of normie women
>intersectional opportunities for he-shes and t-girls who want to bully the unruly women back into decency
>interracial breeding grounds will be permitted in highly controlled zones with a heavily policed perimeter to control contagious vices
>an institutional infrastructure of tugging temples will venerate compulsory female sexual service, obliging every so enlisted woman to manually stimulate any male in sound legal standing who presents his penis. Women will be permitted to to use their feet and pits also, but for hygienic reasons, their vaginas must remain locked up in cybernetic undergarments to guard against their biohazard until a cure for beef can be found
>radical transparency must be implemented with regards to all female sexual behavior, measuring all details deemed essential to the broader health of the Sexual Market State: partner counts, pertinent qualities, Real Feel Mileage©, footwear choices, fitness regimen, diet, bathrooming habits and proficiencies
To observe a woman during her eliminations torments her mind to a fruitful state where she is more receptive to commands. I wait until she is wiping and inspecting her paper wad to tell my women what they will wear, whether I expect them to behave as "dumpsters" or dommy mommies and the foods to season their flatulence
Women should be restored to their roles as sources of pleasure and not workers
The worst thing about women for me is that everything nice and good associated with them is due to those qualities being encouraged/cultivated within them by their fathers, older brothers, boyfriends, and husbands.
If left to fend for herself, a woman becomes what nature programmed her to be : the common thot that is so ubiquitous nowadays.
Guess I understand now why husbandry is called husbandry.
Could a TERF and an Incel date successfully? So long as each shared the ranting and raving time with their partner and performed empathy, they might charm one another. They neednt have sex because that's such a loaded thing these days but maybe their fertilization is entirely bookish and mental
Gynocentrism: From Feudalism to the Modern Disney Princess
The Empress is Naked.
The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory (although supposedly written by a feminist)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women
(Race) and Sex Differences in Intelligence and Personality
so what point you're trying to prove with your pic related
if someone is pretty than it doesn't matter if he is a nazi, mass murder, rapist?
eat shit you consumerist cunt your brain is fucked by neo-liberal media. and you're too stupid to recognize it.
Succubi are growing more and more entitled, I see.
>Why are liberals so fucking surprised that destroying the very foundations of society is having any sort of negative effect?
They are a genetic representation of a virus. Complete destruction for their gain is their goal. Their narcissism prevents them from changing their position and from learning from their mistakes.
This is the incel website. Why are you here?
Go back to r*ddit, nigger.
That left side is very true and you can get a gf without many of them but sooner or later your gf will hound you for missing or losing some of those traits
report them to the authorities? can anyone explain?
Report what?. We have been constantly attacked. You should be prepared for attacks
>Calling people incels on Yea Forums. Kys
I don't think you know how greentext works sweetie. Hahahah. Oh dear.
Why do women get so much more sexual attention? I understand I'm too unlikable for real love but I wish a decent woman would use me as a sex toy like decent men use ugly women.
the diaries of these people
idk why you guys believe in all this garbage. i used to as well and it completely fucked up my mental health. alot of women are shitty, its true, but not all of them.
pic related, first gf, 8 months, no problems. anything crossed out i dont have
you need to go outside.
not even models have this high standard and for most women the average looking guy is more than good.
the girl i am going with clearly has no standards despite her being a qt.
Anything that gives a general outlook on female tendencies and behavior is considered misogynistic, because misogyny is defined as any general opinion of their gender that could be interpreted in a negative way.
>not centring straight white maleness
>destroying the very foundations of society
What did you thought was the foundation of society?
If you wanna make a funny poem how about you stick to your chosen meter and improve your rhyme scheme, you cuck. Frost wrote his lines 1 or 2 syllables off because he had supberb word choice. You do not. Also the cadence is way off. The lines are all very awkward. Keep writing funny poems but also, get fucked
Well society has existed for thousands of years, and whiteness and straightness (and arguably maleness) are very modern concepts, so I don't see how straight white maleness can possibly be the foundation of society if that's what your are getting at.
Civilization as we know it was created by African and Asian people, so again, nothing to do with white people
I can't think of a society in which there are no straight males.
Can you?
Also, western society was created by, guess who, yes huwhite men.
And to conserve it's current form it requires their constant contribution.
Do you perhaps want to live in an African country, move to it and enjoy their civilization lol and shut the fuck up.
*which wasn't created by straight males
You lost part of your privilege and only now you realize how shitty life under capitalism, the system your ''fathers'' built is.
The opression you experience is partly the opression all minorities have experienced for millennia and partly a coping mechanism.
Women are indeed the gatekeepers of sex, but shit like OP's pic is just projection: if the standards you set women to are that low (which they aren't), then why expect others to set the same standards to you? Getting a woman isn't hard, but you need something (ANYTHING) to bring to the table, whether it's looks, a good sense of humor, money...
This reeks off 'never visited /pol/ but still talks about it'.