Binged on McDonalds last night

>binged on McDonalds last night
>wake up at 8 am
>browse internet on phone
>go back to sleep and wake up at 11 am
>browse internet, drink coffee, do chores
>go jogging and it feels good
>go outside to do chores
>used a London bus and it has a screen that shows CCTV; see my ugly self and immediately look away after being crushed by demoralisation
>went for my usual walk in central London; saw qts and Staceys and I felt sad
>listened to a BBC radio 4 podcast called Adulthood and it was license fee subsidised millennials talking about how many tinder dates they had and I realised that everyone is enjoying their youths except me and I felt crushed by demoralisation
>went to library and read part of an entertaining history book and saw about 6 semi classic novels that looked enjoyable so maybe all fiction isn't bad
>go and start drinking Caffe Nero at eets pyoorest
>read news story about 22 year old founder of billion dollar tech startup
>saw two teenage couples and I felt crushed by demoralisation

I wish I had written about the days before I left for London (in my private, intermittent, low detailed, high level diary) when I was walking around my home town and feeling sad. Those were some kino walks.

I made myself a list of stuff to start. But when I separated it in to producerbull and consumercuck stuff, most of it was the latter.

I'm 28. My social life never begun (no friends or social experiences since school, everythingless with women, never been to parties, pubs, clubs). My career has a late start so I will have to decide whether the next 3-5 years will by given up to get in to the midwit managerial class or spent like the past 5 years, waiting for something to come along, enjoying relative freedom, doing the bare minimum in all jobs.

I wish I was motivated by bitterness. I should be, but I prefer to feel nothing and stupify myself with caffeine, junk food, and mindless internet browsing. I am totally incel blackpilled about my hard mode life.

I should emphasise how little the magnitude of my emotion is compared to my sad 2017-18 London walks. The same sadness, just numbed.

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Bonus Yea Forums content: Libraries feel so pathetic and sterile. They are simply yard holding pens.

I remember how I used to have a habit of borrowing 3 semi-classic or semi-revered books and always not enjoying one, finding one ok, and I would always return the final one unread, along with the promise to myself that I'd stop wasting time on books that I didn't really care about.

You should take up knitting, Londonfrog.

Knitting these days is the hobby of roasties who do it half ironically to to affect a twee, 1920s-ish good old days acceptance of femininity, in attempt to attract chads and get social media likes. There is no financial utility in it.

Now that I think if it, reading is maybe the male equivalent, in some respects.

If you get proper wool it saves you on heating bills, layers of clothes, and handmade woollen garments are a sign of peak affluence, especially with the rise of Asia. Just don't buy nylon, and you're basically supporting Wakefield and Bradford single handedly if we don't count women while also potentially halving your heating bill.

Go vegan and go to vegan groups to meet people.

Heating bills xD ;PPPPPPPP tee-hee! So quirky!!!

This is a Londonfrog thread, no Staceys allowed. He's been crushed enough today.

what the fuck is "eets pyoorest" is it some kind of bong coffee chain?

>it has a screen that shows CCTV; see my ugly self and immediately look away after being crushed by demoralisation
iktf all too well
fuck it what's the damn purpose of showing it back to me, do I look like a damn security guard?

lurk more

londonfrog is in the house tonight
everybody just have a good time

Londonfrog I think you should commit some crime against some scumbag and come here to tell us about it. It could be your destiny to be “that guy who dresses up as Pepe to beat on drunkards and other petty thieves”. You could even lift and paint yourself green after long enough. Maybe the paint will even have a backstory. Like, the worker’s union was sick of their corperate overlords so they dried frogs and ground them up for green pigment, but since it was cheaper they were all manipulated into continuing. You got one of the froggy batches and through some manufacturing process gone awry, you slowly became The Frogman, London’s only superhero.

Frogs can't be vegan

This, but don’t go vegan, just pretend.

fuck off you dumb faggot, I've seen Londonfrog post before that doesn't explain what the thing he talks about means

All animals are vegan, dumbfuck.
Otherwise it would be cannibalism.

This is the perfect description of knitting hipsters

Read U.G. Krishnamurti.
And just stop thinking that you need to change yourself, the true and real answer was and will always be "Just be yourself man"
And after you do that, go and be as despicable morally and to your own self as you can possibly be, become the worst human filth ever. You will die anyways, and since you can't be virtuous, become the most unvirtuous.

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>I wish I had written about the days before I left for London (in my private, intermittent, low detailed, high level diary) when I was walking around my home town and feeling sad.

At least you have something to go back to. I've always lived in London. The crap parts that eventually got taken over by yuppies and hipsters. Fucking cunts.

>the true and real answer was and will always be "Just be yourself man"
It's way too late for that. I know it and OP knows. He's 3 years past the point of no return.

Read Mario Benedetti. You will like it.

Based londonfrog

>wake up at 11 am
>browse internet on phone
>go back to sleep and wake up at 6 am
i shi dig

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