Now that the dust has settled, is this the greatest philisophical text ever written?

Now that the dust has settled, is this the greatest philisophical text ever written?

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Who would win

Attached: g_w_f_hegel.jpg (800x492, 25K)

no but creative evolution is

can someone educate me on this motherfucker ? I want to read Science and the Modern world, but what do you guys think i should also read ?

Modes of Thought->Science and the Modern World->Adventures of Ideas->Process and Reality

That's not the first critique, user...

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What about principia mathematica ? Why i see it everywhere when i look him up, but you don't seem to include it in your list ?

Nothing to do with his later thought on philosophy

This. Kant is the biggest guy in Philosophy and every head must bow and every tongue must profess.

Oh, well then, thank you very much ?

the dust never settles


>when your whole career is based on refuting a minor branch of Hegelian Philosophy

that was not a question. :)

On process philosophy*
Not really worth reading unless you are a /sci/ autist.

What are the most important names in process metaphysics that is not Heraclitus, Hegel and Whitehead?

If you ’re still in the habit of calling it process metaphysics then you do not have a full grasp of what it is you’re talking about

To Whitehead metaphysics and epistemology is different emphasis of the same thing.

Not by Whitehead's own standards, as he hated dead ideas that pacified discovery by explaining it away. The speculative flight must land in experimentation. The Whiteheadean project is to unify the sciences via a common discursive language that also speaks to the deepest intuitions of human experience, and as this project is far from complete. Whitehead's success relies in the ability of his thoughts to further such a cause.


That's not the Tractatus.

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Why should I care about Whitehead? Not attacking, I'm legitimately curious.

As a trendy side, he belongs in a speculative realism. He probably is the greatest speculative realist out there.
The most noticeable part of the philosophy is that it has a really great logical completeness. Every concepts has to be connected to some way.
It's hard to find a philosophy that is naturalism and positive about chaos, but Whitehead and Deleuze is two counterexample on this. Imo whitehead will be more likely to survive.

>principia mathematica
Does anyone know what parts Whitehead and Russell played in each of the books?