"You are book smart. I am street smart."

>"You are book smart. I am street smart."
What did my friend mean by this?

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He was raised in an abusive home and sells his bussy for crack money.

It means "We should see other people" but in a non gay way.

That you have a high amount of information from books but you can't operate in critical situations?

YOU sit at home READING while your FRIEND is fucking PRIME pussy

i think he call you gay

Basically your friend's intellectually insecure and is trying to excuse his idiocy by using buzzwords

It means that you technically can reference more factual information than your friend, but your friend actually gets stuff done and knows how to operate in tricky social situations you'd probably be incapable of even speaking in. When it comes time to fix the doorframe, your friend will be able to do it in 60 seconds for the price of nails and screws and you'll pay a carpenter $200 to do it in an hour. It means that you lack the vital experience necessary to write anything of value, but your friend does not.

He's saying you're an oversocialized leftish type.

Fuck you, I read all volumes of "A History of Doorframes", including the practical appendix.

He knows lots of street names while you know lots of book names.

pussy has no value

That youre a dork with zero practical knowledge

>Yes, I've read the manual!
>I know everything about it!
>I've read hundreds of thousands of pages on the subject!
>Ouch! My wrist hurts. Hammering is really hard.
>Ugh, after that tough manual labor I can barely turn a page.
>W-what? There's a crack in the wood? The nails are crooked?
>W-well, m-m-my w-w-w-w-way is b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-better!

He's mostly retarded but has passable social skills and maybe visuospatial reasoning.

t. someone who never actually did manual labour even for a day

epistemology. Knowledges in the plural

You're intelligent; he's clever. You will figure out the best way to get the job done; he'll figure out the best way to get someone else to do it for him.


"The beginning of culture and of the struggle to pass out of the unbroken immediacy of naive psychical life has always to be made by acquiring knowledge of universal principles and points of view, by striving, in the first instance, to work up simply to the thought of the subject-matter in general, not forgetting at the same time to give reasons for supporting it or refuting it, to apprehend the concrete riches and fullness contained in its various determinate qualities, and to know how to furnish a coherent, orderly account of it and a responsible judgment upon it. This beginning of mental cultivation will, however, very soon make way for the earnestness of actual life in all its fullness, which leads to a living experience of the subject-matter itself; and when, in addition, conceptual thought strenuously penetrates to the very depths of its meaning, such knowledge and style of judgment will keep their due place in everyday thought and conversation."

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he's trying to cope

that's something dumb people say to seem worldly. Your friend is trying to cope with being a dumb bitch.

let the man cope for the love of god

This. Street smart is a vague and empty word and is additionally quite cringeworthy. Your friend clearly has no achievements to prove his intelligence. He sounds like a sheltered suburban kid too. The only legitimate things that could be referred to as "street smart" are social intelligence and experience, which it would be less cringeworthy to refer to them directly.

he's calling you autistic, the fact no one sees that proves how autistic you all are

I don't know. But if you watch Hidamari you are intellectually superior to your friend by a large margin.

>implying being autistic isn't a positive trait
stay ignorant you pleb

>You are independent, he is dependent

>you’re smart, I hate you

Yeah, you could see it that way too. I wasn't trying to build him up; just pointing out the results of different applications of ingenuity. Fortunately for the clever one, no one is completely self-reliable anymore. We depend on each other to make society function; everyone has a purpose and something to contribute, even if they don't want to.

Ahhh, it's 7:30PM on a Monday. Just got back from work. Thought I should crack open the LITERATURE BOARD to discuss LITERATURE today.

Indeed, but reading books does not make someone intelligent. Intelligent is mostly innate and it's the ability to logically analyze and process information, that is IQ.
Reading books can help you become wiser but if your IQ is 75 you can read Wittgenstein all your life and repeat the word when cued but you will never be able to understand a word.

All me.

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I thought intelligence measured not only your ability to comprehend, but also the speed with which you do so. So, in theory, you can understand the same things a more intelligent person would; it will just take you longer and you'll always be at a disadvantage.

Beyond based
But it's still no literature

>I'm dumb and I have to pretend that I'm actually smart at something even though I don't read and you do
He thinks he's better in real world situations and you're a nerd

He is trying not to feel interior because of his lower IQ

It is possible that some people will never manage to understand very complex ideas no matter how much time they spend thinking about them.
Unless those ideas are spoon fed to them in a very simplistic way.

You make me laugh funny man

If OPs posting on Yea Forums there's a very realy chance thats true desu

>dumb science bitch

IQ tests mostly measures analytical ability and working memory, times one also measure speed of thought.
These are highly correlated with other forms of intelligence too, such as general knowledge though they are not tested for in IQ tests. But someone with an IQ of 145 is far more likely to know the circumference of the earth or which year Constantinople fell than someone with 100 IQ.

Speed of thought is important, but without sufficient analytical ability and working memory there are many things you will not be able to grasp.

Try to explain a concept such as 'objective reality' to a 80 IQ individual and you will have a really hard time, even though it's a simple concept for more intelligent people.

>objective reality
Even professional analytic philosophers have trouble with that one

"I am coping because it is clear to me that I am your intellectual inferior."

>implying analytic philosophers aren't brainlets

seething incel

Yes, sorry. I forgot I was on Yea Forums and not /g/. Here empiricism and rationalism are not taken for granted and non-productive philosophies are discussed.
I meant objective reality in the sense it's used by science.

god shut the fuck up you shitty little autist

>non-productive philosophies
The concept of objective reality is deeply problematic for numerous very interesting reasons that you shouldn't dismiss as a scientist. We evolved as a result of natural selection that favoured survival and reproduction over accurately perceiving reality. This calls our empirical observations (ultimately through our senses, although we use instruments) and rational reasoning (using our ape brains) into question.

How the world truly is in itself is largely inaccessible to us. I agree that we have to make do with repeatable experimentation and careful philosophical arguments but how the world truly is in objective terms is almost necessarily incomprehensible.

I like to think of humans as being in a dark room. Science is a flashlight we can use to illuminate one part of the room at a time, and philosophy tries to describe the room by taking into account these various illuminations. However to turn the lights on and see the room for what it is, in and of itself, transcends our comprehension entirely.

No one who reads wants to discuss literature. You are supposed to read a few books and then start complaining how no one reads and/or appreciates art and how you don't have anyone to discuss literature with.

When someone tells you "But you can talk to me about books." You just sigh, repeat the last thing you've said and walk away.

Unfortunately for him, no amount of reliability will help him evolve out of the invertebrate pool


>Speed of thought is important
This is just not true. Unless you're in a fast paced, high stake scenario then speed of thought is irrelevant.

Based if it wasn’t for quoting every other poster.

What a freak.

Indeed, I was too eager to reply I did not think about my reply properly.


>objective reality
Are you kiddin'? Our perception is extremely limited. We're only seeing three dimensions for fucks sale

No one is claiming our senses represent reality 1:1, in fact one should trust our senses in the least possible amount.
The allegory of the cave decently explains how it works and I'm not arguing against that.

I mean there is a reality, no matter if you can see it or not, this reality is shared by all, and you subjective thoughts and ideas does not have an effect on it directly.