Is this our safeplace now? For a bit since pol is being overrun

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not really

Probably the dumbest chart ever made.

go shoot up a walmart you deranged incel

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Pol hates siege WTF, besides you should go back with a vpn and shell the normies with gore

No. Get out of here Boomer.

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Nice chart, nonce.

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who is that guy

Listen, I hope you understand that both Julius Evola and Oswald Spengler said that Hitler & Mussolini were materialistic antisemitic retards. In no way does Yea Forums want anything to do with those 2 fucktards who set back conservatism more than any other political spectrum writer could have. So please fuck off with the retard ideology that is Fascism & Nazism and have sex.
However, if you're ready to grow up your edgy /pol/ phase and become a "super-fascist", as Evola said, then you came to the right place

some marxist mass shooter

what a retarded faggotry, Hitler was a cuck. this is a Himmler board.

shut up nigger, OP is based, conservatism is a dying nigger ideology anyway meant for the weak pussies. What had conservatism done for the last 30 years? Given up and capitulated to international faggotry and degenerancy. Nationalsocialism and Fascism were the only ideologies that true chads had, because it meant fighting for your volk not capitulating to international jewry

>true chads
You dumb niggers have to corrupt real men because you had no heroes. Just dumb nigger-tier retards who couldn't take on 40 men with half the army.
If you're going to be a martial fetishist then you should at least pretend to be good at it.

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you are absolute retards if you think Evola was a conservative.

Don't samefag OP.
Kinda cringe bro.

Yeah, but his sentiment is correct.
These NuRight retards who pretend to be Real Men (TM) without understanding anything about it will just be ZioCons for extremism.
If you're going to be an extremist, do it right.

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thanks for the book recs

You people project yourself on the Jews so fucking much it's unbelievable. Tell me, what had the true chads done for their country actually? They ruined Germany for a 1000 years, that's what they did. They got their ass kicked by the same people they said were the lowest of low, and even then they couldn't admit that they were defeated, nooooooo, they blamed the JEWS ONCE AGAIN HAHAHA. They were lucky with fucking 1000's of encirclements on the Russians and they still lost the war because they were inept as fuck. In what way is that "fighting for your people"? All they ever did was ruin other European countries and bring communism to the rest of it since they fucked up so much.

The only reason they were defeated by russians was because there were simply too many of them. If you've ever picked up a history book you can see the massive encirclements germans pulled off capturing millions of russian troops, and it's a well known fact literally everywhere that russia won simply because of their population size, and kept sending men to the front, not because of their genius strategies or supremacy over germans.

Regarding the jews, they're massively overrepresented in politics, education and media, and constantly propagate the extinction of the white race. Immigration, gay rights, trans rights and globalization are all pushed by international jews to rid the world of homogenous white societies.

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Dumbfuck, Kalergi was an ethno/white nationalist, he is not saying that as if it's something good and describable. why don't you actually read his works?

That doesn't make the whole picture any less valid

>Kalergi was an ethno/white nationalist
Where did you read this because I sure didn't.

>Hey fellow anons why don't you read all these contradictory philosophies and be a Based Nazi like me
How much can you glow, Eruv Battallion?

Germanic larpers are so sad. I'll take being a southern European non-white everyday over Germanic/Scandie whiteness.

/pol/ is redpilled but ultimately cringe as fuck and certainly not based

>that chart

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this is an anarchist board you fascist fuck

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>being overrun
You might be three years late on this one.

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>The only reason they were defeated by russians was because there were simply too many of them
Brainlet opinion. A way to rephrase it more closely to the truth would be: they lost to the soviet union because the soviet union outproduced the absolute shit out of them, even before western help. Hitler consignes himself to the rank of absolute brainlet of humanity because he actually believed he could defeat the soviet union without committing 150% of germany's resources to It.
The war was Lost logistically even while the battle of britain was fought. No way Hitler could defeat britain If It didn't surrender, no way it could defeat Russia.

The Japanese were just retards

i miss the days were Yea Forums was about books/authors/philosophy
now it's all about politics and gay shit (not to mention the incels and Bible fags)

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Maybe if you actually pick a history book you would find out just why Russia had (and must have had) that population which helped her survive anyone attacking her. And the very fact that a large amount of people were able to organize themselves and plunge into their death for their country was the same thing the Germans did. And no, they did not win "just" because of their population difference, they won because of their sheer industrial capacity, their natural resources, the fact that the Germans didn't think that launching a surprise attack wouldn't turn every single Russian into a mad dog lustful for retribution on the attacker. And even STILL, even if Russia won just because of population difference, that would still beat the Germans idea of racial superiority because the Germans were simply not good enough to even defeat 100 million people, let alone the rest of the world.
And regarding the Jews, I don't fucking care. They can, for all purposes, be the only people being in the media and I still wouldn't give a shit. If they're really trying to destroy the white race and create whatehver the fucks they want in Israel, then they're doing a really bad job since Yea Forums is infested with antisemitic retards who bomb every singel fucking thread with the samae fucking shit over and over again for hte last fucking 10 years.

He probably only got there 3 years ago

>savitri devi

Being overrun by who? I can't into red boards right now.

refugees from the now-defunct 8ch

But 8ch is nsdap, how do you even recognize them? They don't suck Trump cock?
But crap 8ch is down permanently? What's the backup for Yea Forums now? (Don't tell me ebaumswirld)

how is 8ch dead? I'm currently on it lol

Why are you asking me?

I am an eco-fascist but not a racist.

You just know no one who makes these kind of charts actually read any of this.
>savitri Devi
Top fucking zoozle.

>Is this our safeplace now?
No. That chart is pure ideology. And n*zis don't read anyway.

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True but according to Zizek everything is ideology, so who cares?

/pol/ get out reeeeeeeee

>not putting any of Darré’s works in the eco-fash section

Why is Yea Forums seen as the defacto backup for /pol/?

If you're not white then your opinion about not being white really doesn't matter you fucking retard.

they think it's the "intelligent" board and so they come flocking with their youtube personalities and endless requests for redpills and whatever.

>imagine being killed by an incel

Take Jünger off this autistic list you turbo-virgin.

This happens every summer, it's just a bit worse than usual since we're on the upswing of a spring tide of newfags in the run-up to the election.

Also siegeposters are the first to go.

He didn't sya Evola was a conservative, he literally called him a super-fascist.

This is a nominally christian board.

cripplechan is vulnerable but operating fine

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They also put the forest rebel in it which is ironic because it was in part a response to Nazi totalitarianism

It's probably Creightonfag. He's been spamming this shit on pol.

Go away, your asylum request is denied.

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