Why do people in supermarkets always seem so oblivious to the fact other people exist?

Why do people in supermarkets always seem so oblivious to the fact other people exist?

>You walk down an aisle and someone has their trolley turned sideways while they browse
>An obese middle aged woman who thinks she's still a lithe, 90lbs 16 year old squatting down at the end of an aisle blocking all traffic
>People who stand in the middle of the aisle and waddle back and forth as they browse
>Old people in groups of 4 or more just stopping dead with all their trolleys to gossip in front of the bread for 20 minutes
I think it's a brilliant example of how the vast majority of people are low iq subhumans. You see it in a lot of other places too, like queueing for anything, driving, when you're at the beach. 1 in 10,000 people you meet will have a brain in their head. Everyone else is just in the way, if you asked them why they exist they'd just stare blankly off into space and answer something like "me kids innit".

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It may surprise you, but this is a literature board. No one cares for your pseud screed about how special and intelligent you are and how dumb everyone else is. Leave this board and never return.

>hurr durr I'm a speshul snowflaek so I'll start my own thread
Lurk moar, then GTFO.

>but this is a literature board
No it's not.

This is the philosophy shitpost board. Take a look at the catalog. I know it says Yea Forums up top but the reality is it's the philosophy shitpost board. Stop living in denial.

Yes, the average person is vapid helpless and incompetent. Take it to another board.

If you think the OP qualities as philosophy then you are the low IQ subhuman. The degradation of this board is caused by the exact train of "thought" you employ. You and everyone else who holds a similar opinion should off themselves.

u r dum

If you want a boring wank about ethics fuck off to r/philosophy

Attached: sheeple.png (376x401, 46K)

If you want to mindlessly drivel on about how dumb everyone else is, the fuck off to where you belong. Oh, and please don't shoot up the supermarket next time you go there.

Not only does the moron refuse to read posts, he/she decides that of course he/she knows better than the 2 people that are saying theyre embarrassing themselves. Throw in a couple of calls of OMGZZ U IS REDDIT from someone whos been here less than a month and you have, ladies and gentleman, a full blown knowitall sheep straight from reddit.

How dare you assume my pronouns shitlord.

Fuck off back where you came from.

Read the stickied post. If somebody reports this then it's definitely being taken down. I'm not going to report this one though because I agree with the general sentiment.

Sounds like you need the water pill OP

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>Read the stickied post
No one cares.

Anons decide board culture, not stickies written by trannies.

Well, they do delete posts that break the rules. You seem like the same autist from 2 days ago, so you should know the deal already.

>collectivism is high iq
>individualism is low iq
.......... never come back, never post on this board again

There exists a humanties board, it's called /his/.

Well, it seems every user has decided that you're a conceited little shit and that neither you or your thread belong here. So, follow your own maxim and get off this board.

Are you 5? Do I have to explain everything to you like a simpleton?

No one on /his/ discusses philosophy.

Having awareness of your surroundings and the ability to make decisions is not collectivism moron.

I'm an user too so no, keep crying though

This is lower than vanity publishing or a cruise ship comedian.

But that's a problem, not an excuse to post philosophy elsewhere. Just because everyone posts it in the wrong board, doesen't mean that it's not a problem to be fixed. You can't excuse your own behaviour by telling me what others do and don't do. Thinking like that is the reason why so many post things on the wrong board. Stop thinking like a tag-along you /rk9/-tier thread posting pleb.

You must resist your wannabe jannieism, especially for the threads you may disagree with.

Cunts like you need permabans.

Attached: 3 days for memes.jpg (765x388, 87K)

Find better hills to die on autistic frog.

Fuck off, cryptojannie.