Will Yea Forums be the board that finally dooms this web site and condemns it to the history books?

will Yea Forums be the board that finally dooms this web site and condemns it to the history books?

Attached: EBKiZa0UcAApNaB.jpg (1694x503, 117K)

Trump is sucking the dick of the Muslims that did it (Saudis).

Attached: 1560956077774.png (1420x1023, 202K)

Well what did you expect, Trump is a moderate leftwinger

So this is the incel phenotype

The Ai generated prediction looks actually cute

Go fuck yourself cumbrain

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fuck off incel, fuck off freak
no one cares you dirty NEET
sitting in your room all day
crying about how you can't get laid.
he has no hobbies, he has no job
he's a skinny-fat pathetic slob
all his bitching is ignored
now get the fuck off my board

>Trump is a moderate leftwinger
Actual retard kek. Try telling anyone this outside this board and you'll be laughed out the room

>all his bitching is ignored
but you are replying to him
also, post face with timestamp

All of them look at least half-Jewish.

Sure, normal people would have laughed at someone tell them about germ theory 200 years ago.
Normie understanding of the world, doesn't mean shit.

holy shit did the virgin walk meme go come alive?

I have never seen so much cope in one image

Because people are politically ignorant.


yeah lmao that's why he supports tax cuts and denies climate change

Holy shit I thought this was just a lefty meme pic trying to call all the shooters incels and that they didn't actually look like that but i just looked them up out of curiosity and I'm actually baffled that people who look that pathetic and weak can get so angry

Attached: 10 c230952.jpg (640x485, 81K)

What's baffling about it? People who are pathetic and weak are usually the angriest people.

You know, except, you are not a Pasteur

Look up the dayton shooter

oh well i guess that one doesnt look so bad he just looks like a bit of a goober

Attached: connor-betts-facebook-2.jpg (618x410, 62K)

Wow ugly alienated people are more prone to being angry at the world than successful beautiful happy people? Stop the fucking presses

I say we line up all nerds with spectacles against a wall and fix the problem permanently.
4 eyes bad, 2 eyes good.

Attached: hyde glasses.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

This would fix it but not in the way you think

idk it always struck me as some sort of corny archetypal shit you only saw in lame movies. bad guy ugly guy and all

Didn't one of those commie dictators actually do this? Was it Pol Pot?

All virgins should be put on a watchlist and kept away from any weapons more lethal than butter knives. I would suggest putting ugly people down but I know America isn’t ready to do that just yet.

Name five movies with ugly serial killers, not "evil-looking". I'm talking no chin, spindly frame, shitty glasses, stuttering and awkward.


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ayy lmao

yea my man knew the score with these four-eyed niggas

He was a self described satanist, lefty and supporter of Elizabeth Warren/Bernie.

all they had to do was get a better haircut

and a better personality

This was the real Dayton shooter btw, sorry to break the meme narrative even though he also wears glasses but he looks more attractive than the other two incels.

Attached: Pictures-images-of-connor-betts-Ohio-Dayton-Mass-Shooter.png (1610x1406, 2.57M)