What happened at the Nuremberg trials?

What happened at the Nuremberg trials?

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the torture and false testament of men who tried to save their country from the fate we are all now enduring


coerced confessions, a kangaroo court, and backroom discussions about miscegenating the german people out of existence hastily interrupted by the reality check that our "allies" the soviets were a thousand times worse imperialists who wanted to dominate europe and wait a minute what were the germans fighting to prevent in the first place...?

You both realize Hitler would have eliminated both of you first for being defectives, right? Like he would actually have placed you with the mental rejects.

no, hitler likes me

I'm entirely fine with that, I have hurt so many people that I should have been aborted. I cannot even express how badly i've hurt my exes and friends and family. I was born broken and have only broken people after promising them the treasures I think I have when Im crazy.

Our society would be so much better under a Hitler, and I wouldn't mind at all dying or being sent to a work camp for the cause, there are bigger things than your petty human self.


A whole lot of fascists got off too easy.

Hitler never personally did that stuff, his laws were enforced by police

He wouldn't notice two advertisement publishers

If you look into the actual trial they fail to even provide evidence that any of them were on scene for the crimes committed, denied them any argument and killed them

Not saying they shouldn't have died, just saying they could have skipped the 300,000$ faggotry

By attacking other countries

Swallow your phone

Speaking of Nuremburg, my not-Jewish father has said that if he were the commanding officer on the morning of the discovery of Göring's body, that he would have ordered the body to be hanged anyway - the point being that the deceased does not get to escape his sentence, his humiliation.

>your side blatantly refuses to prove anything they say is true
>you still believe they're right
we are really flooded with subhuman replicants.
the only choice is to plunge the world into chaos and let them all burn off

no by ridding their country of a malignant presence who sought to destroy them and have destroyed all other western countries of any importance

they exploited an already existing vulnerability due to the decline of the west, but they are still culpable

You dont get this shit because youre a dyke and benefit from this current social state. Guess what I benefit from it too, only reason girls have ever fucked me is because i was attractive, i have no money to make a family, im just not so much of a woman to think that my particular situation can be universalized to all of civilization.

the nazis did literally nothing wrong, and history will come to understand that in the end. I hate this fucking world of utter lies

There we go. When you masturbate to me your posts get all short. *slaps ass* :3

>I hate this fucking world of utter lies
prove it

what do you want to talk about, race differences, jews, men and women? You'll probably only accept papers from academia, as though they're pure purveyors of truth, and not a human institution ruled by the complex of power and our nature and culture that everything else is. Read your own faggot Foucault if you don't get this, he at least did.
Read a single study about iq or crime rates or history, and then try to defend the notion that 'we are all the same', which rules over not just academia but our entire culture, you can't contradict this blatantly retarded idea because it has been made into 'evil' by white progs and Jews.

You just lie and fucking lie, you don't even have a concept of truth, i despise you people more than I can even express.

>da joos

>muh whitey suplemacy

>academia is all lies
>apart from studies on iq and crime rates which corroborate my ideas

Not him but they try to hide even that, though there is no way of cowering it up

make one single argument, try to offer evidence of the races being the same, try to present a single fragment of human knowledge that points towards us all being the same.

Want to know how to differentiate between the two? It's the people who offer arguments, logic, evidence, vs the people who try to censor, mock or otherwise silence the ideas they can't even understand but know are 'wrong' without being able to offer an argument for why they're wrong.


But why do you trust these studies when they are from the same corrupt institutions?

Race is imaginary, so your question is meaningless. You can't prove a negative

it's about evidence and argument you lying fuckhead, make an argument, and get wrecked. You can't even vaguely defend the idea that we are all the same and you know it.

You can't defend the idea that we are all different without quoting flawed studies from corrupt institutions

Move to a black city then you colossal fucking retard. Isn't it strange how outcomes in all measurable and predictive factors correlate with evolutionary history? Do you even understand what I'm saying to you or are you just another mindkilled idiot who cannot even sort of think about reality but just interpret the concepts you've been given by authority figures?

Try to make one fucking argument, present any evidence at all that we are all equal, so I can make a mockery of your idiocy, narcissism, and cowardly desire to fit in with the ideas you have to believe in your soicety.

Meh, you can deny biological differences among humans who were geographically isolated only if you deny evolution.
This is how speciation works user.

Repeating a lie doesn’t make it true

I live in a black city already.
>evolutionary history
You have to discard anything that has come from an educational institution as they are all corrupt and spreading lies. Therefore, you can't use the theory of evolution, or any biology at all, in your case. You cannot trust any of it

Just say it a thousand times
The SJW's know this very well

yeah i can actually. nobody ever moves from a white country to a black country, from a white city to a black city, from a white neighborhood to a black one. It is always only the opposite pattern. And once upon a time white people just enslaved black people, how did that happen exactly.

Where is the black Paris, why does it not exist, why is every single black population on earth basically wretched?

Try to even offer a vague counterargument to this

The evolution as an idea was create by one man, who wasn't part of any institution, and he didn't have a specific agenda in mind.

>Where is the black Paris
In Paris.

you live in a black city around black people and you haven't notice they're dumber and more violent than whites on average? Are you simply retarded?

Darwin went to Cambridge, he was one of them, you can't trust anything he says

yeah Paris has been dead for a century or two, not really the point

What do you think blacks will do if whites die out and aren't aroudn to care for them, or choose to go HItler again?

What would be his agenda user?
muh whitey supremacy?

Still there last time I checked. Sorry I just don't find your anecdotes very convincing. If only there was some way we could peer review knowledge and check it's veracity, but alas allt he places that do that are corrupt and we can't believe anything they say

stupid prizes were handed out to those who participated in stupid games

It is still there, but it is a shit hole just like any place which has brown """people""" if one could even call them that way

Science is not peer review you fucking turd, it is repeating experiments, and cant even vaguely approach the questions of history because they cannot be studied in experiments.

let yourself out with the next trash

Do you even know what peer review means?

bourgeois jerking off to each other about how humanistic they were

show tits butterfly

Imagine taking sides with the loosing party of an existential war that ended 85 years ago

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The only proof of tortures for confession a naziboo ever presented to me was for some small nazis trial and it ended up creating a huge backlash when it was discovered. This torture thing seems to be nothing but a narrative woven by people trying to shill their ideology.

The whole lampshade thing was also disproven in the nuremberg trial yet neo-nazis never mention that. I'd like to know why.

The word you meant was "losing," not "loosing."

Lmfao did this guy delete every single one of his posts?

Probably banned and they wiped all his posts.

Since when does a show trial last 288 days long?

It’s true he does :)

Yes that is usually the correct answer
But in the case of the Nuremberg trials it was just Russians torturing Germans and forcing confessions or they’d torture their wife and kids again

It was a bunch of illegal show trials BUUUUUT the nazis still deserved it

Nulla poene sine lege into the trashcan

This. Let's see them juicy tits

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Good thing Hitler and the Nazi's became the losers.
Even Trump hates losers.

No. Don’t :3