My mental health is taking a toll being on social media and constantly encountering condescending exchanges between men...

My mental health is taking a toll being on social media and constantly encountering condescending exchanges between men and women trying to up one another.

Is there a book that discusses the rising hatred between men and women in our times, and whether this would subside in the future?

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The rational male by rollo tomassi

This should be a lesson: get off social media completely.

Incel book. Anything else?

delete your twitter. not joking. i don't even have a twitter account, (never have) and even still i see shit people post on there and im enraged. All you need is Instagram for jacking off to softcore porn and Snapchat to talk to friends. That's literally it. Do away with everything else

I can get off ofc, but I get a lingering feeling that I'm lagging behind from all the up-to-date comings and goings of the world when I'm not on them. Being on social media grows a sense of community in you. It's like when your family is watching football on TV and you're in your room grounded hearing them watching the game, but you can't watch yourself.

Also to continue with this, I strongly relate with the enraging part. I can't physically restrain myself from replying when I see bullshit stuff. My mind fucks up if I don't.

Yea Forums is a good news source. I wish I was joking but its more reliable than ninety percent of news outlets these days

social media has become a necessity for contemporary life - especially if you want to live a normal life

a lot of workplaces won't even hire someone that doesn't have social media because HR has one less resource to vet

we live in the digital-industrial revolution - and it's only the beginnign

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>he says this on 4channel

He had multiple relationships so i don't get what you mean


>imagine being such a disgusting normalcancer that you unironically have or have had any social media accounts

Yea Forums technically would also be considered a social media platform.

Maybe change your social media preference. You are literally dwelling in the bottom of the barrel. Normal people are out there living their lives, building careers, not giving a shit about shitty internet outcasts and their drama.

And information systems in general, but showcases the change in behavior of individuals feeding themselves on nothing but empty calories.

Also, watch the film Network

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It's kinda excusable as long the account follows exclusively people you don't know. It's more or less like reddit circlejerk then. The circlejerk is mostly useful for shilling hashtags and such.

I rec it to people as gateway drug to Land. It has some issues though - it's a bit fatalist and speculatively alarmist and at times even re-printing popular speculation/misinformation verbatim (fe in regards how political machinations are done on social networks).

The author often doesn't understand certain scaling limits of the underlying technologies he's painting black. So he over-extrapolates into realms of grotesque impossibilities at times. Just parroting of layman "hurr computers bad". This is all excusable for pop-pol-sci though, as it serves good as a crash course for tech illiterates.

>I can get off ofc
Clearly not

Then as a follow up, this is a godly book due to the author knowing a thing or two about actual network systems.

But your inferring that Bridle is parroting "computer bad" is moot. He's not a Luddite, nor preaches such, he simply outlines the overreliance on systems that are skewed and exploitative. The entire computational thinking is a very real issue that can be seen directly with corporations and even individuals

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non ironically being a red piller.