PUA ""books""


You’re not going to discuss epistemology with a 20 years old girl. You’ll throw funny 1 liner, walk around holding her hands and cum in her pussy and she’ll have your children.

Only uptight nerds long for a woman that “they can discuss intellectual topics with”. The best feel in the world is cumming inside a 18-20 years old. Make sure you cum 2-3 times and fill up her pussy to the brim. You can debate nerdy elite topics with your equally incel “no sex” nerd friends. Also “pick up artist” material works but it’s common fucking sense to talk to women and get their numbers -- no convoluted book needed.

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Or you could just read them Keats

I mean, there are different types of women man :3

Some women who are older act like they’re younger, because that’s pretty sexy

Minor re-write and re-shuffle for you:

You’re not going to discuss epistemology with a 20 years old girl. You’ll throw funny 1 liners, walk around holding her hands and cum in her pussy and she’ll have your children. Make sure you cum 2-3 times and fill up her pussy to the brim.

Only uptight nerds long for a woman that “they can discuss intellectual topics with”.

Also “pick up artist” material works but it’s common fucking sense to talk to women and get their numbers -- no convoluted book needed. Most pick up artists are autistic retarded nerds, I won’t be taking advice from them.

this guy solved Yea Forums
we done here.

Although i full agree i wonder what pushed you into posting this.

Just my "write 75 words per day" creative writing.

Here's what I wrote the other day ...

JULY 28 2019 -- LONDON FROG.

London Frog is this weird NPC. He's NPC, in a sense that he can't help binge eating and having the same repetitive thought loops "hurr durrr, stacies and chads are out", "hurrr durrr, I feel so sad", "hurrr durrr, I'll eat more fast food to feel good", "hurrr durr, now the chemicals in the food is wearing out, I'm thinking and feeling sad, stacies again, time for more coffee and fast food!!!"

I imagine him to look like picture related. A sad fat fuck that sits around feeling sorry for himself and playing video game, while thinking of the beautiful stacies.

But to be fair, London Frog doesn't seem to be hateful towards women. He probably has been bullied and ignored by stacies and he's ugly, so he's ignored by society, which is painful.

He has no hope; you can feel the hopeless and despair seething through his words, as he has the same self pity monologue ad infinitum, every single day, every waking moment.

What was the pic related?

A sad fat pepe playing video game.

Why dont ya write book man. Fill it with all this honesty. People will probably think its satire do to how ironic and ignorant it is. Haha maybe youll get famous bro

I will.

Here's another "write 75 words per day" entry:


Thots are boring human beings. They don’t have any real hobbies other then shopping and media consumption. I know because I have dated them.

You browse through her instagram profile and you see her on yacht (she got on because she sucked the dick of 50 years old owner). Pictures at an exotic vacation spot? In exchange for letting a rich old man cum inside her pussy.

Once you see beneath the surface level, a thot is somewhat weird and disgusting. Not that there is anything wrong with that, we’re all weird and disgusting in our own ways. But once you understand thots, they become less desirable.

There are many kernels of truth in your statement, but you take it a little too far.

Bitches be dumb. That's just the general truth. There are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, it's true.

The why's are long, and frankly I just haven't dedicated enough time to truly hammer down the reasons why and articulate it in a fashion that doesn't just come off as inceldom. Something something it's all about sex. Something something women don't need to work for sex. Something something women have inherent value, men must earn their value. Something something biological differences.

But most men and women have it all wrong. What's wrong with being a cum dumpster? As if there isn't value in being a sexy hot young thot? No one's going to call your "stereotypical" powerlifter smart. But he is strong.

No need to call a woman smart when she isn't. But that doesn't mean she isn't beautiful. As if beauty doesn't have value.

Yeah, I get it. Marxism, as it has been applied, is shit. And I don't see any practical ways to apply Marxism. But Marxism gets some things right, mainly that we have a warped perception of what valuable, and what isn't, based on how it can be commodified.

The dude playing guitar. Has value, just no commercial value.

The slut who lets you unload your baby batter in her. Has value, just no intellectual value.

There's nothing wrong with being a semen demon.

June 23 2019 - PEROSNALITY CULT.

I don’t follow personality cults on the internet. People who live boring lives follow the lives of others, either Youtube personality, sports or TV shows. Sometimes I follow a business guru’s personality and when I have learn everything, I would stop.

Watching a movie is great IF it’s a great movie that would cheap your perspective in life. Watching a cheap action thriller seems like a waste of time because you don’t learn anything from it.

Life is too short consuming shit media or wasting your time playing video games. It’s best to outgrow your consumption of media by the time you deem yourself an adult.

nice cope roastie

Eat shit

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Or, you could save yourself some time and money and get a hooker.

Agreed. I had my last good romp with a THOT recently and realized sex is just too basic for me anymore. Not that I don't like sex, I'm just tired of hooking up, I get nothing done.

It has helped boost my confidence however, and I realize now that I can attract a good woman if I want to. Problem is, I don't want to spend all my time on that.

I start a new job tomorrow, I'm a little anxious, but I have a feeling that somehow, through this, I'll find a girl I can cum inside, will make me food, and leave me alone when I got shit to do.

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i am a (male) thot
it is not a good life

Because men aren't meant to be thots.

I feel like only having one leg would be a dealbreaker for me because I'm into feet but maybe if her surviving foot were really nice I could be okay with it

Too true
i was much happier when i was a bookish virgin

I should have been more clear.

There's nothing wrong with being a thot. Pump and dump is good.

But it shouldn't be all that you do.

Pumping and dumping is strangling my soul because it is all i have
I can make a girl squirt on my face and call me a demon
but i've never had a gf
i'm 25 and i have nothing to show for it

I do, sometimes but wearing a condom. But it's better to have a GF so you can cum in her pussy :)

You need to get over your unrealistic idea of love. A woman will never love you that way.

You also need to pursue something more meaningful (to you) than squirting your man juice into a woman's vajayjay. But you should still keep pumping though, I don't want you to get the wrong idea.

she's asian so it probably is really nice

You are so right. It's a terribly old-fashioned notion of romance that I cling to
But each partner that discards me or vice-versa I grow more jaded
I do not like to so callous but the modern dating scene is rife with blackpills
And you are right that I should hope to find some greater meaning in life outside validation by women

The silver lining is that growing jaded is one (maybe the only one) effective means of really hammering in the notion that no woman will ever love you unconditionally the way your mother did.

You'll most likely go through one (probably more) unpleasant phases though - e.g. anger phase. It may take you a while to get out of that phase. You may also find yourself dipping back into that phase when you're particularly feeling frustrated, down, lonely, etc.

But once you get over that hump, you'll be able to better realize (and hopefully truly internalize) the realities of the world.

I probably should have put this onto all my statements in this thread, but in case it wasn't obvious already (seeing that I'm posting on a mongolian cartoon site)

>I'm just a dumb (male) cunt, and this is just all my opinion.
Because the truth is, the fuck do I know?

>Some women who are older act like they’re younger, because that’s pretty sexy
Like Butterfly, who is 50?

Your contribution is a valuable part of a larger body of human experience for idiots like me to learn from
That's exactly what I needed to hear right now
I just got ghosted last week by a girl I thought could be more that just a one night stand
I'm not happy with the direction my life has taken but I am more determined now to sort myself out

I guess that true for people that aren't shizoid.

Glad that I could be of some help. And I wish you all the best regarding your journey to figure your life out/get your shit together/sort yourself out.

Look into therapy, even if don't have any mental disorders. Taking mental dumps feel good (and is healthy, I think). And it's better to take a mental dump with someone paid to do that, because humans will be humans. Unless you really do have a male friend that you trust/can rely on. But why jeopardize (even just potentially) a friendship when you can just pay someone?

Sure, you can try fixing your car yourself, but wouldn't it just be better, easier, safer, if you paid a reputable technician? (I understand the analogy isn't perfect, but you get the point)

Also, because "humor"
>you should feel lucky, men usually pay women to leave. yours left on her own accord, you just got a free meal.

I avoid entering relationships with women that I admire because I know they would break me. Anyone else feel the same?

it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible, dutiful.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support, which he sees as ''a childish useless submissive woman'' [or whore and he feels betrayed by her]
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.

Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy, or for the most impotent, their tongue in the pussy]

THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.

>THis leads men to think that they are better than women
Right in the feels, user.

>The best feel in the world is cumming inside a 18-20 years old.
Not if you don't have any emotions for her.

>Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Said by someone who has never seen art, a magnificent landscape, had a spiritual epiphany... No, your life has culminated in a climax.
Did you even produce offspring, or are you a clinical existence, pretending to be real?

lol your all dweebs who dont have sex

>you’re not going to discuss epistemology with a 20 years old girl
>not dating philosophy undergrads

who cares about fucking pussy?

stop spreading poision

>the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy,

i dont really care about their reaction

Cries of pain work too.

Sex is legit, 100% unironically overrated

And this is coming from someone who has sex, so don't "have sex" me

I'm really sorry you had such bad luck with women, I really hope things get better for you


>has sex
>sex is overrated
cumbrain mode engage: Gib us painting of your milky-milky! So we can have sex with it!

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America’s next school shooter is in this thread, screencap this fbi

PUA is a scam. All that matters are your looks and your percieved sexual performance.
If you actually want to successfully H A V E S E X then read pic related and work from there.

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>The best feel in the world is cumming inside a 18-20 years old
Found the druglet.

I kinda feel sorry for that girl. She is beautiful, but obviously she is mutilated.
Do you really think she can find a man in her life that is not a repugnant ugly mentally ill fetishist?

I've always thought thots were disgusting, I don't see why you think someone needs to think real deep to get that.

How do you be confident? With girls and in general. I'm very much not the boastful type so it's hard for me.

I want to cuddle with and cum in that sweet woman.

>Make sure you cum 2-3 times and fill up her pussy to the brim.
This is how vaginas work. OP has had so much sex.

Isn't your pic related PUA stuff lol

How is that poison?

I wouldn't call it bad luck, I would just call it reality. The world is a competitive place, and I did not possess the qualities necessary to be more successful with the women I have been involved with.

>Me = garbage

That's just the bitter truth. Acknowledging and recognizing your short comings instead of blaming the world for your problems. And then try to address those short comings so as to alleviate whatever problems you are having and/or achieve your goal.

When will I have sex anons? Been 21 years now

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it is. He went full retard

Fucking retard.
PUA claims you can talk your way into sex, my pic related is completely opposite of that. Illiterate incels.

>III) conversation
>IV) isolation
>V) escalation
Sounds like sexual violence desu. Why should I even read this?

Odd for Never
Even for kys, dumb niggerfaggot

Kek, this thread has redeemed itself!

Even women who are like 30 something that act girly are sexy as all fuck, man. :3

>move to different country
>gf stays because she wants to focus on her career and honestly I'm a mess
>become sexually entangled with another girl
>tell gf. we fight, break up, then get back together
>agree to try an open relationship while we're apart
>she fucks a big scary-looking tattoo'd guy off tinder
>tells me how he man-handled her and made her moan and scream while she came
>he's got a bigger dick than me too, sounds like an asshole but popular with the ladies
>continue going on fairly innocent sexual romps with my own side-girl
>me and gf masturbate together through skype and send dirty pictures almost daily while discussing our own respective sex lives
I know this whole situation is absurd and I should back out now; but for all the insecurity it's kind of fascinating having this open window into a young girls sex life. Someday I think I'll retreat entirely into a cabin in the woods to heard goats and practice yoga, but for the time being it's interesting to ride the tiger of the post-information era world.

These two statements put together are based and reasonablepilled.

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I really don't get why I have to conform to a girls expectation of me. Reading posts like this make me truly sick.

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You don't. There are all kinds of woman out there, and if you can achieve your own idealized version of yourself not only can everyone around you tell, it's the highest accomplishment in itself and needs no exterior validation.

The kind of men that form the sexual fantasy of young woman are generally maladjusted, one dimensional losers. Buff thirty-year olds who have somehow managed to avoid developing any deeper connections or hobbies beyond casual sex.

You should read A Hero of Our Time. It's an excellent look into the psychology of a man who rises above the kindly delusions and white lies which holds society together. He never achieves happiness, but it presents a sort of personal excellence which is inspiring.



Wow hetros are pathetic. Just get a qt hubby and you both can fulfill eachothers power fantasies endlessly. W*men aren't even human, and they are endlessly self serving and deceptive.

If you guys need any PUA recommendations let me know - I was once like you guys but am now basically Chad-lite (virgin until 23, now have fucked 3 women by age 28 and kissed about 7 others).

I've cold-opened with around 300 girls and have perfected it almost into an art.

What is the name for guy who expects an intellectual partner with a woman? Reminds me of Marc Antony. Total degenerate. Thought his ho was smart but really she drug him down to being a degenerate fag

This. I love arguing about stuff with my incel friends and then cumming in my gf 20 yo pussy

this is true but sex is still pretty good tho

Because relationships are a two-way street.

>I really don't get why I have to conform to the "modern music communities" expectation of my music.
You don't. But if you go so post-modern that all you're doing is scratching your guitar with shattered glass, it's not unreasonable that people won't buy or listen to your music.

You don't have to conform to a girl's expectation of you. But you also have to accept that she (most women) won't conform to you putting your penis in her vagina.

It is up to you to draw the line. How much "conformity" is worth it? Going to the gym regularly is tiring, but because looks matter, it may be worth it.

Trying to be a gazillionaire so you can fly instagram thots out to your private island and bang them in the bumhole? Might not be worth the effort necessary for you to do that. But increasing your "net worth" and your "social status" may be worth it in order to bang less hot women.

>But I want to just be me (even if just me isn't what my target demographic wants) and still be able to unload weeks worth of jizz into an 18 year old semen demon

Yeah, and I want to be able to sell my low effort shitposts on Yea Forums for a million dollars (meme is artttttt), but I guess the world just doesn't work that way.

I take very good care of my personal appearance and always try to dress nicely with a conservative bent.

I can get dates with girls but they fail after the second one, I think its because I try to put on a fake extroverted fun guy personality. I hide all my intellectual interests from them, and I think the girls I go out with can catch on quickly to my facade'.

The thing is, I don't even want an 18 year old semen demon. I just want someone who is enjoyable to be around, and is acceptable looking. I have a tendency to be attracted to older women. I think I'm going to stop faking my personality now, I'm just going to act like me. I'm no longer going to be ashamed about my hobbies.

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If you've perfected it, why are your numbers so low?

Like you said - be you. Don't be inauthentic because it's not sustainable and because something something lying is bad not because mommy said so but because something something philosophy.

But be the you that you want you to be. It sounds Hallmark but it's true. Be the ideal version of you as you envision it.

But also be realistic. It's not all just
But there are some general truths that when first encountered, seems like "that's bullshit and that's not who I am."

Women like masculine men (not all women, but enough that you should just treat it as all women).

Some things you can change, and should change if that is your goal. If, for example, being a sissy boi is vital to you, then go ahead and be a sissy boi, just don't expect big tiddy thots to dig you.

We should never been too entirely warped in our perception of our current selves to deny change.
>I dress like hobo trash. That's who I am! Why should I change!
Okay, you don't. But why is dressing like hobo trash so vital to you that you can't at least consider, hmm, maybe not dressing like hobo trash would be "better" for me.

On the other hand, some things we can't change, and we must accept those realities and deal with the hand we are dealt with.

Women prefer taller men. If you're a midget, you will be fighting an uphill battle.

Just like post-wall single moms will be fighting an uphill battle to get Chad to marry her while 18 year hottie won't.

These are just examples listed to articulate a line of thinking, and not personal attacks on you or anyone here.

But what do I know. I'm posting on 4chin. Wish you all the best and hope that enter a meaningful relationship (however you define it) with a woman of your liking. Just remember, always be prepared (and okay) with leaving.

Your ability to continue catching fish is what caught you a fish in the first place. Women are hypergamous.

Yeah, me.

I don't think women are worth that much effort, to be quiet honest with you. I don't mind change, as long as its on the path way to become a better version of myself, a more actualized version.

It seems like the Instagram playboys(Dan Blizerian) are just coping. Having sex with that many women every day just seems like a waste of time. I don't want my life to revolve around getting laid.

Reads like a thinly veiled grug post 2bh

Sometimes the juice ain't worth the squeeze.

And although Dan does seem like an idiot, I don't see anything wrong with exchanging currency for sexual services when it is between two consenting and able adults (not under duress, etc).

Becoming a better version of yourself will eventually attract women to you anyway. But like you said, I don't think life should entirely be revolved around getting laid.

But there is no feeling quite like busting your nut deep into a female while you force her down as you thrust her doggy style.

Any man with such a deep need to be validated by woman obviously has some deep emotional issues. Once you start to understand woman, the importance you’ll place on their assessment of men may well be less than nill— which is to say that the attributes they look for in a man are certainly far from the attributes you’d look for in a man, and exist in an entirely different universe from the attributes you’d look for in yourself

She’s absolutely obsessed with me, and makes daily petitions that I marry her. I’m considering doing so on the cravat that I continue to live my life as a free agent and she can also have such freedoms so long as she keeps the house occupied and bears me children. It was a careful study of Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the Occidental which led me to conclude that I should embrace the ephemeral Faustian nature of modernity in order to save my own soul from it. Sometimes I worry about corrupting my soul and hers, but I have a lot of love and respect for her as a person, and as long as she can have as much for me it’s an interesting arrangement.

Aren't we at a sort of conundrum? Women like masculine traits, a masculine trait we can all agree on is self actualization. In order to self actualize, you must in a sense not care about what women want, but that will lead to women not wanting you?

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I'm sorry bro but this just sounds retarded.
I must become a degenerate in order to save my soul from degeneracy.

The problem is if you’re letting this exterior conception of who you are, and who you should be, determine your actions. Your self should be defined by your dialogue with the soul and with God, at least if you want to go beyond mere automatic reactions to outside stimuli. Most woman don’t place any serious ethical weight on their sexual selection— if this is ‘right’ or ‘just’ is another issue entirely— but men tend to project it (reasonable, given that for most men sexual excretion is a struggle and being human (or at least, men) they wish to give some moral weight to their expenditure of energy) onto the matter. Most woman would be quite content for a muscular and violent criminal to nab them from their homes one night and take them away from their humdrum ordinary lives of being respected and well-treated to be forced (firmly but gently) into sexual slavery— almost every erotic novel you’ll find written by and for woman is some variation of these theme. That doesn’t mean you should yourself desire to be a violent criminal (at least, not for the express purpose of sleeping around, those always make for the least interesting types of violent criminals); it means you should realize that life is often multifaceted and at times unfair. If we’re to be fair to woman, they should deserve some praise for preserving a sense of master morality. Despite popular misconceptions, if it wasn’t for woman I’m firmly convinced most men would be quite happy to settle into a life of comfortable sheepishness and passivity

For the authentic revolutionary conservative, what really counts is to be faithful not to past forms and institutions, but rather to principles of which such forms and institutions have been particular expressions, adequate for a specific period of time and in a specific geographical area

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How are you staying faithful to principles? I'm sure in a perennial mode of thought, most traditional religions would agree to keep your lust in check.

>Only uptight nerds long for a woman that “they can discuss intellectual topics with”.
You mean idiots? Because that’s what you have to be to long to discuss intellectual topics with women.

this 2bqh phamalam, like how autistic do you have to be to want to do this? I'm not saying you can't have deep conversations with women, whatever "deep" means, but having an intellectual discussions of say, philosophical or political nature with women is 1. literally impossible 2. cringe as fuck


I think geography should be excluded from internet

Add me on kik: tridejur

>anti-PUA falling back to PUA tier advices
This whole thread.
Just be presentable and go outside, the hell. You will find some girl that will like you, and that's 90% of the work.
Don't be an awkward creepy ass, that is the only mandatory thing I would address. I you have that, iron that out.
For the rest, I've seen girls (not ugly or desperate) dating poor guys, unemployed guys, not so good looking guys, short guys etc.
Me myself, despite being chronically depressed, (that's a huge minus, even if I look ok) I've been able to sleep with girls that liked me, plus a lot of lost occasions I inevitably fucked up. Of course my disability quite rules out a stable relationship, but amen.

Now, if you are cultivating some male sex fantasy of having the power of making ANY female basically falling at your feet and throwing themselves at you at sight, from teenage thots to intelligent sophisticated women, including actress/model material, here I think should come the big reality check.
Now here yes you might want to be good looking, tall, muscular, well dressed, rich, charismatic, fascinating, intelligent, successful etc.
But if you give the message you need to be all that to fucking find an average girl, that's straight up incel dialectics.
Just shut off the fucking computer, go outside and talk to girls, even if you don't get anything it's essential training.

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PUA mainly works by teaching you how to identify susceptible girls, thots, damaged air-heads, etc.

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women lose 90% of value after age 30

>implying that faggot larping as a 50y/o teenager propagating atheism, softcore socialism, shit taste and cancer boardwide with xir "aesthetic" reaction images of woman out xir league is anything but disgusting.
Butt(erfly) is nothing but a chris-chan tier larper roleplaying as a 50 steak beatin', carpet lickin', vulva fingerin' FUCKWIT.