Like you said - be you. Don't be inauthentic because it's not sustainable and because something something lying is bad not because mommy said so but because something something philosophy.
But be the you that you want you to be. It sounds Hallmark but it's true. Be the ideal version of you as you envision it.
But also be realistic. It's not all just
But there are some general truths that when first encountered, seems like "that's bullshit and that's not who I am."
Women like masculine men (not all women, but enough that you should just treat it as all women).
Some things you can change, and should change if that is your goal. If, for example, being a sissy boi is vital to you, then go ahead and be a sissy boi, just don't expect big tiddy thots to dig you.
We should never been too entirely warped in our perception of our current selves to deny change.
>I dress like hobo trash. That's who I am! Why should I change!
Okay, you don't. But why is dressing like hobo trash so vital to you that you can't at least consider, hmm, maybe not dressing like hobo trash would be "better" for me.
On the other hand, some things we can't change, and we must accept those realities and deal with the hand we are dealt with.
Women prefer taller men. If you're a midget, you will be fighting an uphill battle.
Just like post-wall single moms will be fighting an uphill battle to get Chad to marry her while 18 year hottie won't.
These are just examples listed to articulate a line of thinking, and not personal attacks on you or anyone here.
But what do I know. I'm posting on 4chin. Wish you all the best and hope that enter a meaningful relationship (however you define it) with a woman of your liking. Just remember, always be prepared (and okay) with leaving.
Your ability to continue catching fish is what caught you a fish in the first place. Women are hypergamous.