What good books are that justify authoritarianism...

What good books are that justify authoritarianism, and refute the liberal notion that "as long as it's not directly hurting anyone, people should be allowed to do as they please"?

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The Prince. She's cute but has the worst taste on characters to cosplay as

That is a man, baby

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What the fuck happened to her ( his? ) face?



I'm even harder now

What a midget

Read some books on Paternalism.

imagine how her butt smells

>that femur to tibia ratio

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Do I like the smell of a girl's ass or don't I? I always think I do when I'm not smelling it, and sometimes when I've gone without sex for a long time I'll think anyone who doesn't want to smell a girl's ass is crazy. But when I'm actually smelling a girl's ass sometimes I think, this just smells like ass, this smells bad. I still keep doing it because I don't want to be gay but sometimes I really do think it smells kind of bad. Do I like it? Am I gay?

I'm sorry but Asuka is not a fat midget. The fact that you want an all powerful authority but have shit taste in off model representations proves to me you're a retard not worth it

yes you are gay. seek help sicko. you're nuttier than squirrel poop. talk to a priest maybe. ok bye!

The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation by Gottfried Feder is a good natsoc explanation of their political views in which he justifies the authoritarian system in Germany in some segments. This is the first part of the Programme of the NSDAP and it's a very good introduction into it. I haven't read the other sections but I don't doubt that they are good.

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Good post but you should also have mentioned that

2) the costume is very poor, and, above all (this latter is the over-riding consideration),

1) Asuka is not best girl.

>I still keep doing it because I don't want to be gay but sometimes I really do think it smells kind of bad. Do I like it? Am I gay?
Yep, it's incurable sorry pal.

Asuka IS best girl because he personality is the most rapeable

Rei will let you do anything to her. Asuka would shit on your dick

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It was supposed to be blood in the original cut

For all my cumbrained niggas who like thick Brazillians bitches
her instagram: fegalvao_

Sweet mother of baby Jesus that is breeding material right there.

Dis user right here nah nigga

She looks like a midget


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Women are such deceivers but my reptilian brain does not care
fucking makeup, photo filters, and opportunistic posing will be the death of me

the correct term is shortstack

Leviathan should give you all you need, though it lacks in areas relating to modern liberalism.

midget asuka is cute.

Is this supposed to be the same person?

no one gives a single shit about what you think
fuck off and die

Okay, but I’m asking what you think here

you are a waste of air you insane hag

i think you should stop posting. permanently

Hey Butters I have a question for you about anarchism and that nietsche pippi longstocking paper you posted the other day.

Please refrain from encouraging tripfags and their attention-seeking ways.

She looks like a petite "Godamn that hip waist ratio" female whose small size would make it fun to throw around in bed while dominating her

To further drive home the point

>tits, pls (actually butt, i prefer butt)

It’s another shit thread, dude.

Ask away

You derail every thread you post in
Think about that for a minute
You make bad threads worse
Stop. Posting.

Give birth.

Here's the sauce.

midget women should restrain themselves from the gene pool also Asuka is not a fucking midget with elephant legs

This is very competent Dross cosplay/photo filtering and I wish to have unprotected penetrative anal sex with the model.

Only #1 and #3 you cataractous fuck. Also I have spent many hours examining her crotch on insta and I can confirm she is a woman (or is at least post-op)

>the caved-in padded chest on the tranny model's top

lmao. Everything else is on-model though.

True that.

But in tripfag's defense, many threads get derailed and/or go to shit (or were shit) to start with.

>pls, i just want a peak at your bumhole

>people are doing things that I don't like and I don't like it!
grow up baby man

Assuming you agree with what the article says regarding one person's truth not being applicable to the whole, I can see how in theory that could be compatible with anarchism, but every single anarchist community I have ever come across has the exact same kind of people in it, and would react with hostility if someone who didn't fit that particular mold interacted with them. How do you reconcile that anarchism itself only seems to work for a certain subset of people?

Wow, hilarious.

Thanks for the reasoned defense, but you know I can’t post that crap. Not happening.

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I'm still on the trip-fags should stop trip-fagging boat though, just to be clear.

When did people saying "post tits" stop being an effective and childish means of shaming people away.

because idiots like you keep replying to their shit tier post and feed their vanity
do not engage the narcissist and they will go away

It has various schools of thought, but the basics are self reliance, dropping the unjustifiable hierarchies of the elites and guarding against a return to it. It will be a lovely mess as religious communes fence themselves in driving some of their numbers insane or to suicide, lawless bands of punkers playing “real anarchy” but in the end the big challenges of trying to survive the climate catastrophe can bring us together. Advanced technology can aid in preservation of whatever is left. So religion, xenophobia, general bigotry will continue for some generations, but we will grow communities of wild and brilliant individuals
For a time. Till the next phase takes root.

Post piss bottles

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Okay so you're legitimately acknowledging that it would be a psychotic bloodbath for awhile. But if even one state doesn't play along, doesn't it fall apart? If China doesn't want to play either the anarchist or environmentalist game we're fucked anyways.

But I'm a lonely worthless human being (also kinda dumb, at least I'm not fat) that derives some pleasure from talking to anonymous people on this board, even if they're tripfags.

I'm also selfish in that I value this pleasure more than ignoring the tripfag (even though, as you said, ignoring is the way to get them to go away).

I mean, maybe if I orbit the tripfag enough like a sad little bitch, I'll get a glimpse at a butt cheek.

That’s insane. You have to understand God is real.

That’s how I’m in a threesome babe. Please start masturbating to me while you post now. And be obvious about it this time thank you :3

No doubt in my mind that any photo of her flat saggy ass will leave you dissapointed
This haggard whore has literally nothing to offer past her barren womb and faded looks

Why would you go ahead and shatter my unrealistic dream.

You're telling me hot young women don't tripfag on this nigerian MSN messenger cartoon site?

We’re a psychotic bloodbath now, user. We could only improve things if we stopped using fossil fuels, fighting wars for said fuels and “profits”.
China does want to play the environmentalist game. They’re not the mirror image of the US, they’re China. If they go full communist, they’ll welcome the lessons learned by actual growing libertarian socialism.
Decentralization = more sane hands on the wheel than crazies

Dude she's a confirmed post-wall roastie
Girls on Yea Forums are either attractive or learned
However, this is one obviously neither

I feel that there is a possibility of some confusion.

I was being sarcastic.

>Yea Forums

Damn you are only fucking enjoyable when you’re masturbating to me *slaps ass*

Stop *slaps* talking *slaps* about *slaps* stupid *slaps* bullshit!

I’m :3 btw

I don't know if I find that particularly convincing. You seem to be working on the assumption that your desired end result is an inevitability. And if the motivating desire is to save the planet wouldn't some massive eco-fashist movement accomplish that quicker?

Oh make no mistake
/cgl/, /fa/, and even /soc/ have very females attractive posters
Just expect them to be maladjusted or fucking crazy

She can't into critical thinking skills and has zero (0) opinions of her own
She just regurgitates lefty propaganda she pretends to understand
It's ironic that she is not better than the ideologically possessed /pol/-tards she blames for 'ruining' this board when she is guilty of the same crime
Try and call her our on her bullshit and she cannot formulate a single coherent argument so she runs away
Fucking pathetic coward who only gets replies because of the wet hole between her legs

Oh wtf

>Age: 18-34
>Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female
per /advertise

30% is much, much higher than I expected desu

They cluster on gynocentic boards so don't expect too much of them on Yea Forums
Good luck trying to hookup with them on /soc/ tho
It's oversaturated with paywhores

How about /fit/

I just want to bury my penis inside a cardio bunny

It's not unheard of but you're fighting uphill
Just do what everonye else does and download a dating app on your phone and tank your self-esteem until some vacuous whore decides to fuck you
Good luck and godspeed

Well it seems like they’re back at it. Does anyone else find it unbearably stupid that it’s quite feasible Butterfly is actually masturbating right now? What the actual fuck.

I did step 1 and step 2
Haven't had any luck with the step 3 part you outlined though :(

But in all seriousness, I know. Build value, which in this case means a better me.

I just lack the fortitude and strength to keep spinning the self-improvement wheel. I always fall off.

>But you're better than you were a year ago.
Yeah, kinda. But I'm still garbage, just slightly more palpable garbage.

>an inevitability
Oh, not at all. But I do believe it can and should happen because it will work. Unlike the latest meme “eco fascism” which is just more liberal capitalism.
We need to decentralize

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But this loops back to my initial concern. How do you prothelize this when the only people who support it don't even try to make it attractive to anyone outside of their clique?

Eco fascism is necessary at this point. Only complete idiots who don't know the utter scale and magnitude of damage being done speak against eco fascism. Something as simple as widely used reflective glass windows are destroying the environment.

literally how is "do whatever as long as nobody gets hurt" a bad thing? and don't get nitpicky, the spirit of the statement obviously says that things that indirectly hurt people are also bad

It is attractive. Which is why there’s still so much push in counter-propaganda to make it look like terrorism, childish, bourgeois etc.
When we offer it under no name at all when the people need it the most, most will embrace it.
In time? I donno. The counter-propaganda is very strong still. We’re facing certain extinction here.

>Eco fascism
Stopped reading there. Rabid nationalism and corporatism isn’t going to do shit but sooth the jangled nerves of white boys and their manufactured problem

Attractive to who though? It hasn't been to me, and frankly I'm not that hard of a sell compared to a lot of people.

Pseudo-Dionysius The Celestial Hierarchy and the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy.

Or let's look at our solar system (or galaxy), dies the bodies look equal? You think life would have been possible if everything was earth sized and "fair"? This gravity inequality sure isn't fair!

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look, speaking as a """Chad Procreator""", please, for the love of god, have sex

Student loans aren't absolved with chapter 7

You know Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US? He’s only offering a tenth of what I’m proposing we do. We don’t get it through voting.
Survival will be pretty attractive

If you're talking about how the world will react post-climate collapse sure that seems more plausible, but as for heading it off in the first place I can't see anything other than massively investing in research in the hopes of stumbling upon some incredible fix, the world mobilizing collectively on the scale of a World War to prevent it, or a strong enough state or group of states making the rest of the world cooperate via force.

>Money has value
And this is why we have the crisis in the first fucking place.
They don’t mobilize because it gets in the way of their cash cows, and its too expensive to fix.
The actual costs are obscured. You have to tear them all down to measure it properly

>Stopped reading there
Eco-fascism involves an authoritative government dictating or mandating certain strict environmental policies, you dumb bitch. It has nothing to do with rabid nationalism or corporatism.
Stfu, you dumb tranny bitch. You don't even know the meaning of the terms you criticize. Fuck off.

But how would this happen pre-climate collapse?

It wont work
You get Pinochet. A strutting imbecile followed by other imbeciles, but his boots are oh shiny.

We gotta organize. Now.
Because it is happening NOW

why does she look like an asanagi drawing in real life

is she fucking 4 feet tall?

We gotta organize!!!! Oh no!!!! ORGANIZE

Okay well I’m off Butterfly, while you were organizing an army of (self-professed) misogynistic retards, I was gaining rest to go to a pre-organized collection of peoole professing the ideology of hard work and collectivized reward. :3

Look like she’s got her work cut out for her :3

Her work isn't the only thing cut out if you catch my joke

... hm no I don’t. Did she donate a kidney? :3

Imagine trying to go down on her but then seeing her cute round asshole and despite knowing that you shouldn't, taking a deep breathn then ravenously licking it

Bro, no one is into trannies

why do you drool over the female version of man-children? have sex.

(Jaw drops to the floor. Eyes pop out. Sound effect of, "AWOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!!" Places eyes and jaw back in place. Regains composure.) ... Eh hem, she looks quite lovely

Cosplay is cute

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1) Womanchild is oxymoronic, women are already children
2) If some women could be classified as womenchildren, she wouldn't be one of them. A womanchild would be fat and in a much crappier costume, this is a cynical instathot getting likes and money by exploiting the mentally handicapped (Asukafags)

>recommend me something to reconfirm my beliefs
Imagine what you could accomplish if you spent all that anime and porn time reading and writing.

Based and truth-ish.

Women aren't children. But women are akin to/very similar to children.

But for all intents and purposes, you should just treat women like children. And while yeah, there are always exceptions to the rule, AWALThat

>I could win the lottery! There's always a chance!
>True, but the possibility is so small that it is much easier to just process it as "impossible"


Not the best example. This woman carved her nose just to look more cartoonish. Not cute.

Maybe OP it's a liberal and wants to read something from the opposite side

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awooga heh heh heh

High tier thots. Nothing better than a Brazillian shortstack

For me, it's all about the vagine

>critiques others for changing their appearance
>cuts off own dick thinking that will make a difference

Not trying to contribute to the continued derailing of a thread that interests me, but I have never regretted burying my face in a woman's ass. I didn't regret eating ass, either, although it in truth did less for me sexually than I had believed after watching pornography. Still, I love women's asses. Mostly, they smell lightly of sweat in my experience. They say we are able to determine information about a potential suitor's immune system from the scent of their sweat, which seems to be what makes the scent appealing. In Elizabethan England, women would place a peeled apple in their armpit until it was soaked in sweat, to carry their scent. This would then be given to a potential suitor, and was known as a "love apple." To me it seems that either the women you surround yourself with have abysmal hygiene, they do not have complimentary immune systems compared to your own, or you are a faggot. Good luck, user.

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I don’t even pluck my eyebrows, not even any tattoos.
Your sick delusions must get you off. Just stop it.

But you do think about my cock, cutie :3

I keep track of how much of a girly girl you are.

Post dick you coward

Goddamn, got me good. Thanks user

1. Should children be allowed to do whatever they want irrespective of their parent's wishes, assuming they aren't hurting anyone?

2. If not, ie. you believe parents should have authority over their children, why in this case do you allow your principle to be overruled? Whatever you believe is special about the parent-child relationship - why does it not extend to other potential circumstances or relationships?

3. On the other hand, if you do believe children should be allowed to do whatever they want, how do you expect society to function given that everything we know about psychology points to the fact they need an authority figure to become productive members of society?

Once you allow for any authority in any area you must explain why your principle allows this case and not others. This is not an easy thing to do, and the reason it's not easy is that "as long as it's not directly hurting anyone, people should be allowed to do as they please" is about the dumbest basic-bitch moral philosophy you can hold. It is a litmus test for imbeciles who absorb their opinions amorphously and have never put any actual thought into it themselves.

The second problem with this principle is to explain what you mean by harm. Who defines harm, and who enforces this definition? Anything can be harmful dependent on the disposition of the individual. Is collecting rain water harmful? Is making too much noise at 1:00 am harmful? To enact your principle you are forced to expand your definition of harm, to the point where it will become a full political philosophy - something much harder to defend. Hence why politicians speak in platitudes, and also why "as long as it's not directly hurting anyone, people should be allowed to do as they please" is a vacuous statement.

So long as you have the power to uphold your authority, you don't need to explain yourself. Most people are submissive enough to accept your rules as the status quo with time.

In other words, might makes right.

What kind of goblin is that?

You are responding to an argument made specifically to attack a certain principle with a completely new principle. How is this at all relevant? Why would you now introduce "might makes right"?
Or is your intention to list other basic-bitch philosophies in the desire to see them shot down as well?

Gotta agree here. Unless you live in a secluded forest by yourself, at the end of the day

The problem is drawing the line. Where do we draw the line? Who draws the line? Also how do we deal with what seems to be inherent inconsistencies in lines that we have and currently do draw?

>Tobacco bad. Healthcare expensive. Cannot ban, but can raise age.
Okay, but then why not
>Fast food bad. Healthcare expensive. Cannot ban, but can raise age.
>No exercise bad. Healthcare expensive. Cannot ban, but can require you to participate in bare minimum exercise (see Japan) or maybe you opt to pay yearly "fine" instead.

At what point does it become too "we know best, and best is defined by us"

>fat pig cosplaying a slender young girl

Attached: apu kill tomato.jpg (1500x1480, 163K)

>He doesn't pluck his eyebrows.

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Certain people would have some fun with you for mouthing off like that to your superiors in such a state.

A little fear of authority goes a long way in making sure things go smoothly.


It always looked like stale blood mixed with water to me. When did the poop meme start?

Plato's Republic.

>When did the poop meme start?
literally when this autist () started posting it a couple weeks ago. That's it. he's just been going at it, but it won't catch on because it's just not really meme material.

Tater Thots

>the liberal notion that "as long as it's not directly hurting anyone, people should be allowed to do as they please"?
Liberals don’t even believe this, and you can’t contradict the left because they are hypocrites, you can only watch at they destroy themselves or society.

>liberals are leftist

>expected a thread bashing classical liberalism
>it's a catgirl thread

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She started her period the episode before and is actively suicidal, of course there is going to be blood in the bath tub

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That makes it even hotter


You can create your own standards for accomplishments. Try actually reading Stirner.

wishful thinking you schizotypal fag

Gomez David's works.