He doesn't believe in talking donkeys

>he doesn't believe in talking donkeys
lmao, go back to trying on your fedoras in the mirror, faggot.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he doesn't believe a perfectly moral being would order the stoning of an old man for picking up sticks

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>he doesn't believe in sacrificing little girls to bronze age gods

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>he doesn't believe in genocide

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>he doesn't believe in mass-murdering kids for making fun of your faggot prophet

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this is the level of discourse reddit atheists are now on

ikr, how could they not believe in killing kids who are disrespectful to their parents?

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This whole Idea That you can mention the name of a website and have that stand in for an argument. Beyond pathetic.
Religion is for children.

these faggot atheists don't even believe in selling your daughter as a slave to your son

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Are you okay dude

>he doesn't believe its worthwhile to read 5 Bible pages (so like 20 regular pages) about a Jewish Census is a worthwhile endeavor.

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>he doesn't believe in slavery, nor in beating your slaves half to death

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But Jesus said. Oh wait, he said that slaves should be in subjection to the cruelty of their masters.

>he doesn't believe that anything is possible with God

>he doesn't believe that that law was a Jewish law and this took place in the Old Testament before Jesus Christ

>Jewish law


Jewish times


>these ancient Jews did things considered barbaric by today's standards so they are bad
Everything is relative atheistcuck, and nothing of what you posted is bad. They had their laws, is that too much for you?

Yes. Let me summarize approximately 75% of atheist arguments:
"Singular quote from Old Testament taken out of context and misinterpreted"

It does because of the atheism.

Moby Dick has more autistic sections so I can handle it.

But it's not an argument, it's an insult. Atheism is for children because atheists believe in the infallibility of their lab-coat priests and believe only in what the aforementioned tell them. Combine that smug ignorance with consumerism and you have the recipe for the modern-day sheep (Bugman).

Being "unscientific" is tantamount to heresy. Only what the science-god tells you is real is real.

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What kind of doofus God makes use of a talking donkey?


>meanings lost in translation
>when an atheist tries to interpret quotes out of context and fails
You're like a fish out of water. I don't even need to provide the correct interpretation for your pathetic "arguments." Just google the meaning of the quotes, there's enough input from theologians and priests on the matter.

Even then, most of the shit you bring up has already been settled, but do continue with your arguments from ignorance.

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those fucking atheists with their quotations of the old testament. wait, what do you mean Jesus endorsed the Old Testament and the God of the OT is considered the same God of the NT in Christian theology? just be quiet!

ahem... these faggot atheists don't even believe that telling your brother to fuck off is deserving of eternal torture

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To teach someone a lesson. It is especially effective because it shocks the owner of the donkey, thus embedding the lesson into his mind. It seems that you are the doofus.

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Are you really this fucking daft? How can Jesus be saying anything else? Its not like its just one verse. He goes at length saying slaves should be in complete subjection to their masters and even says they should be so if their masters are cruel. Jesus is perfectly fine with slavery. Don't like it? Take it up with God.

>wait, what do you mean I'm an ass?
You are an ass because the Old Testament featured Jews doing their things in ancient times and under Jewish laws. They were God's chosen people, and he let them have their laws. Then, Jesus came to change everything, stop sacrifices, etc. Same God, different times, laws, etc.

>telling your brother to fuck off
Do you even know what "brother" is referring to you cretinous pseud? It refers to fellow man. The quote essentially says that whoever hates his fellow man will go to hell. I'm sorry but whatever fat, neck-bearded youtuber is feeding you these quotes is doing a sorry job.

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th-the New Testament isn't nearly as ridiculous as the Old! Look how reasonable this verse about the zombies is!

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Christianity is for children because Christians believe in the infallibility of their desert priests and believe only in what the aforementioned tell them. Combine that smug ignorance with an image-obsessed contrarian nature and you have the recipe for the modern-day hipster (Catholic larpers on anime forums).
Being "scientific" is tantamount to heresy. Only what the ancient Jewish writings tell you is real is real.

lmao you support state-sanctioned torture of misanthropists? no? then why do you support their eternal torture by god?

>You are an ass because the Old Testament featured Jews doing their things in ancient times and under Jewish laws. They were God's chosen people, and he let them have their laws. Then, Jesus came to change everything, stop sacrifices, etc. Same God, different times, laws, etc.
Lie. God explicitly commanded them to do stuff. God set their laws. He was the one who told them to commit genocide.

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>How can Jesus be saying anything else?
I was referring to the slavery quotation. And the same is for your whinging, asinine misinterpretation of Jesus Christ's quote.

Do you know that the Bible, as we read it in English today, has been translated from another language? Look into this and you will see that the English word "slave" doesn't line up with the original Hebrew word.

You're one of those "Jesus was a Communist" guys, aren't you? Christ, you really find some thick-headed asses on Yea Forums of all places.

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>Do you know that the Bible, as we read it in English today, has been translated from another language? Look into this and you will see that the English word "slave" doesn't line up with the original Hebrew word.
Another one of these pseuds. Do you know we have 450 english translations of the Bible and they all say the same thing? Strange how all those scholars got it wrong -- and all in the same way!


If God knew all the translations would give off the wrong meaning then why didn't he just use a different word or inspire the translators like he did the original writers lol

Have these people just not read any philosophy whatsoever? All of these issues were answered, mostly before the medieval period. Maybe read some books?

I'm really wasting my time with you, you're not even trying to correctly interpret the text.

Also, "ridiculous" isn't an argument.

Atheism is for children because atheism is the worship of the self in lieu of what they view as puerile "slave morality." However, you will find that their behavior matches that of a child most closely, as seen in their extremely petulant and sensitive behavior.

>Catholic larpers on anime forums
You're really reaching, and trying to rebound my post into me won't work as the post loses it's efficacy.

What are you talking about? "Eternal torture by God" is an aberration that exists only in your mind, aided by Hollywood movies. You've just outed yourself as a consumerist bugman who knows next to nothing about Christianity.

>God explicitly commanded them to do stuff etc
Broad statement. Regardless, the genocide thing was inevitable, just like the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. I don't see anything wrong with justice.

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>"Eternal torture by God"
you know, the lake of fire?
>Broad statement. Regardless, the genocide thing was inevitable, just like the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. I don't see anything wrong with justice.
Not broad at all. The torah is GODS LAW to the Isrealites. He commands them to do everything, he doesn't let them "have their own law" like you said. The god that sanctioned selling your daughter into slavery in the OT is the same god who died on the cross.

killing babies and children and random civilians and even animals is justice! but wait, I thought that a child shouldn't have to suffer for its fathers sins. I guess that only applies to Jews though, who we know from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah are the master-race.

>this ancient text of contains science errors!!
Is this pseud discussion? Just trying to knock down the ideas of ancient people who had nowhere near the knowledge store or resources that you do? Would you call plato dumb for believing in religion too? It just seems like you may be a little insecure about your own intelligence if you expend effort trying to “debunk” ancient legends, most of which according to Augustine (obviously a man more sensible than you) are just archetypal tales and representations/ parables.

The funny thing is when modern science is outdated in 50 years time anyone espousing many of its ideas today may look stupid

This adds literally nothing to the thread. I could post roughly the same thing in every other thread on this board and it wouldn't look out of place. Retard.

So what does selling your daughter into slavery represent?

Atheism isn't "worship of the self in lieu of slave morality." It's disbelief in your tribal deities.

How is this in any way a response to what I said?
The bible is mostly responsible for the abolition of slavery in medieval Europe, again look into augustine because I’m guessing you aren’t too well versed in either philosophy or history

Justice for those sons of men who don't make the leap of faith into God's (may he be praised forever and always) infinitely merciful and forgiving arms.

Politics replaced tribalism, atheism essentially amounts to politics in that it has never been proven that something can come from nothing, therfore not making it empirical. (A quantum field is not nothing)

Don't let those assholes get you down OP, these are clear examples from the Bible itself which demonstrate exactly the morality and absurdism that the Abrahamic tradition is centered on. Any professing Christian, Muslim, or Jew should be required to actually read the holy text of their religion. The most absurd thing about this thread is that all you had to do was post direct quotes from the Bible and it triggered the religitards. It's time to classify religiosity as a mental illness and erase this plague from our society through medication and re-education.

>Have these people just not read any philosophy whatsoever?
Care to share some philosophers and briefly summarize their explanations?
>All of these issues were answered, mostly before the medieval period.
Then show us.
>Maybe read some books?
Ok which ones?

Can we just stick to literature? Religitards will never admit to atheism just out of spite and come up with some retarded mental gymnastics rather than base their assumptions on actual facts. Even though no one has seen god sitting on a fucking cloud or any evidence whatsoever they still manage to come up with some bullshit argumen tlike MUH BIBLE CONFIRMS gOD!!! At this point it's like playing chess pigeon. You can make all the right moves, but the pigeon will shit on the board and screech like he's won it.

Good job comforting yourself OP, now actually start reading books

Good job comforting yourself OP, now actually start reading books

Atheism is disbelief in your tribal deities.

Again for the third time, augustine in city of god, platos parmenides and the republic (this is basic stuff by the way, it’s shocking if you haven’t read it) the pensees, the fucking BOOK OF JOB which is literally in the bible, etc.

>can’t respond to the argument so starts spitting out set phrases like a brainwashed robot
You can make up any definition you want, the one you just stated isn’t the actual one though. Tribalism is never going away, it just moved, you are a pretty good example actually

I'm currently reading the City of God (on book 17), I've read Plato, haven't read Pascal yet, I've read the bible. Still not convinced of Yahweh.
You're the one making up definitions of atheism.

Good job moving that goalpost with “no u”

Defined reality as that which is non-subratable, e.g. something for which no additional amount of information can disprove. Believed in a radical monism or nondualism as non-subratable reality (since interaction with information is impossible in nondualism; as a consequence, no subration can occur) and phenomenal experience as "real" but subratable, illusory, etc.

Believed that the existence of conceptual sets could be explained by the existence of an absolute Form of what that set represents, e.g. the Form of the Chair, which all chairs are called chairs due to their similarity to the Form, Chair Prime, etc.

If it works, it's true.

>You're one of those "Jesus was a Communist" guys, aren't you?

Well Marx basically ripped off Acts. So I suppose its the other way around but its not an unreasonable claim.

>The bible is mostly responsible for the abolition of slavery in medieval Europe
No, it's not. The Bible sanctions slavery in the OT and the NT. In the NT slaves are called to obey their masters and masters are called to -- what? free their slaves? no, to treat slaves nicely!

The reason slavery was abolished in Europe was because of economic reasons. The Bible was used as a justification for slavery in the north-atlantic slavetrade.

But you didn't answer my question. If all those things are just parables, what does selling your daughter into slavery represent? Why does god sanction it? What do the censuses represent? What do the dimensions for the architectural structures in the Book of Kings represent? What do the books of Ezra and Nehemiah represent when they outright claim that Jews are the superior race? What does the genocide of the Canaanites and others represent? What does the man who burned his daughter alive to God represent?

That's not what moving the goalposts means. Are you ESL?

>no talking donkeys
Then, how do we explain OP?

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>You have to believe in the Christian god because it's totally reasonable and all the philosophers I heard namedropped proved he's really real. The fool says in his heart there's no god.
>N-no you can't reason your way to god. He only shows himself to people when he feels like. Just take a leap of faith and maybe you'll land somewhere!

>weird bad things happen!! God doesn't exist

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You know jack shit about the Bible; all of these questions were already answered

Moral of the story: go read some books faggot.

Are you fucking retarded?

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>weird good things happen!! god exists!!
>you don't know shit!! it's all been answered already!! go read a book!! are you fucking retarded!?

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You must be one of those idiots who thinks Jesus supports capitalism. Also called "an American"

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>Why, yes, we're criticizing the foundation of civilization without ever have read or studied the text. Ask us anything!

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>stormfront pic

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Your answers were hilarious.
>n-noooo the new testament has some nice parts tho!!!!
You also said that God let the jews "have their own law" when the Law is specifically given by god to the Jews and god expressly commanded the Jews to commit genocide. Then you complained about quoting the OT even though according to Christian theology the God of the OT is the God of the NT. Jesus is that same person who told the Isrealites to genocide the Canaanites and others. So only taking quotes from the NT is arbitrary. Then you admitted that you are fine with torturing people for eternity simply because they are misanthropists.

All in all, I think you lost the debate bud.

>stop criticizing the foundation of civilization!!
>the greeks? who? who the fuck are the chinese?? what the eff is a arab???

>foundation of civilization

Here's a picture of Athens, the greatest civilisation, which knew nothing of your Bronze Age war god.

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Christians are usually dumb and ignore the entire OT based off centuries of Antisemitism and ignorance. They also think human sacrifice is okay.

>if you aren't a christian then you obviously haven't read the bible

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I'd save a picture of dust to show you where those pagans are now but I will save myself the trouble
>All religious people

I'm who you're quoting and I'm not Christian. Relax

Those pagans live on through what they wrote and their ideas were much more influential than any god who permits selling your own daughter into slavery while turning around and claiming to champion family values. Christianity is falling too if you haven't noticed. Almost everybody in the west is secular, even people who identify themselves as Christians only do so out of tradition, not out of deference to your genocidal Yahweh.

I'd show you a picture of ash to show you where those jews are now but I will actually post it.

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Worst strawman I've seen on this website. And that's a tough field.

Remember my post when you're in hell.

If you're actually Christian you need to stop this because you're only turning people off