How could anyone here still be religious after Christianity has been thoroughly debunked throughout history...

How could anyone here still be religious after Christianity has been thoroughly debunked throughout history? All the ontological/cosmological arguments got BTFO'd by Kant, the Bible is scientifically inaccurate, etc.

Especially after reading pic related's work.

Attached: dawkins.jpg (215x300, 7K)

Kant explicitly proved the existence of God tho.

Kant argues for God. Also
>Christianity is the only religion


Who reads the bible "scientifically"? Seems like a sharpshooters fallacy on his part. Though I can see how the weakminded fell for that sophistry and rejected Christianity over dissonance between evolution and Genesis's story of human origin. If they're whole belief system was buttressed by that one pillar, then their faith was already built on rocky foundations to begin with.

I read the Bible to be a better person, make sense of the world and find my purpose in it. Not as some sort of materialist textbook.

>All the ontological/cosmological arguments got BTFO'd by Kant
Those arguments have nothing to do with Christianity. Even if we grant them to be true we would be no closer to a Christian god than we were before.
Argues for god, not God.

>Who reads the bible "scientifically"?
many christians do especially the weird ones like the jehovah's witnesses etc
they like to point out that the bible contains scientific "facts" when in fact it only contains stuff that was widely known at the time it was written

Kant was a theist lmaoooo

>How could anyone be religious if one particular religion was debunked (if even that)?

>How could anyone here still be religious
Because these things are mostly tribal dude. What your average person believes is largely based on where they grew up and who their parents are.

Bravo, Richard Dawkins.

scientifically humans have no free will and all their decisions are influenced by their knowledge.
when god wants the path of humanity to change he gives them knowledge (religions and religious books).
that knowledge isn't necessarily correct because correct knowledge might be too early and it would move humans into another direction. that incorrect knowledge ends up creating the path of atheism which is the path that god wanted humans to move in once they go through the necessary progression

Attached: 2c4.png (427x576, 310K)

the day the (((four horsemen of the apocalypse))) decide to debate with actual philosophers and not straight outta county retard "I do it for the money" believers who unironically and literally believe that everything said in the bible is to be followed and believed in as literal as scientific facts will be the day I will take his ideas seriously.

Richard Dorkins is the smuggest of the smug. He like Chomsky ruined his own credibility by venturing out of his area of expertise into the realm of opinion.

So you don't take science and evidence based research seriously? Your pretty fucking silly m8

>How could anyone here still be religious after Christianity has been thoroughly debunked throughout history?
Scientific and philosophical progress goes over the heads of low IQ people.

>I read the Bible to be a better person, make sense of the world and find my purpose in it.
Thoughts on Yahweh commanding genocide and slavery?

>philosophical progress
that is an oxymoron

>justly putting cannibals and tyrants to death
>creating barriers for a sinful institution without wiping out a people so that the promise of Abraham might come
>commanding slavery

What's his endgame?

Anyone who reads Exodus through Joshua can see through this cope.

>Thoughts on Yahweh commanding genocide and slavery?
There are circumstances in which both are the correct action.

Christianity is one religion of many. I hope you are trolling.