Spent the whole day reading again

>spent the whole day reading again

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Nobody cares. Stop blogposting. Delete thread.

>>spent the whole day reading again
>only read 5 pages

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>spent the whole day browsing Yea Forums again

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I love reading, sometimes I read 100~150 pages a day but damn man I wish I could go out and have fun with friends sometimes too...

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>I wish I could have friends...
At least i have books haha

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what were you thinking

I just thought one chapter and the next thing i knew the day was spent.

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>spent the whole day reading again
>only read 1 page

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>implying that isn’t good

trust me, it's not really that great

>spend the whole week reading again
>read only 2 paragraphs

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>spend my whole life reading
>never finish a book

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At least I have Yea Forums hahhahahahah

And? Is this supposed to be a bad thing or what?

>spent the whole day reading again

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>I could go outside, improve my social skills, makes friends, have fun and get laid
>keep buying and reading history/geopolitics books about niche topics every day

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>spent the whole day not reading

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*make friends
Anyway past college it's just too toilsome

This desu. Where does he think he is?

Are you guys Yea Forums brains?

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Yeah who needs friends when you can talk with anons on Yea Forums

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Is it possible to have friends AND read? Or is it actually a meme. I'm starting to think they're mutually exclusive.

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Me reading fucking Against Nature.

Why would someone with friends read?

Fucking Hegel

I read Finnegans Wake for the memes and cred, this is how it went. Only time I parallel read too.

>haven't read in 2 months

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When I wake up, I spend 4 hours working, then I go to a friend's place, get stoned, and watch YouTube videos and discuss the news of the day. Then around dinnertime I head home, make something to eat, throw on some music, and read. Usually the reading lasts an hour or two before I stop. Then I throw on lectures on the topic I've been reading which universities post on youtube for free; that is where I collect reading suggestions.
Also, I haven't read any fiction in around 5 years. I don't see the value in it when stories can be told more effectively on screen. History, science, philosophy, poetry -- now those are worth reading.

>get stoned

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You need to get a job.

God i wish that were me

> I don't see the value in it when stories can be told more effectively on screen.

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>he fell for the "don't read fiction" meme

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I have a job; it pays the bills and I enjoy what I do. One benefit is short hours which allow me to pursue my own goals and maintain my social life without issue. I'm guessing you're jealous and probably work 40-60 hours each week, and I feel bad for you.

There's nothing wrong with consuming goods which remove minor aches and pains, improve mood, enhance physical comfort, and decrease anxiety. Getting stoned is part of the reason why I can handle doing all of the things I do; before discovering the sacred herb I suffered from clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder, suffered anxiety attacks regularly, could not gather willpower to do basic things. But when I am regularly stoned, the herb helps me to survive and thrive. I haven't experienced symptoms of depression or anxiety disorders in years and it is solely because of the panacea you dislike. I'm sorry it doesn't do the same for you.

You're actually pathetic. If you need a chemical substance to deal with emotions and thoughts yo might as well just get a lobotomy

What you do lad? I need a job like that

>But when I am regularly stoned, the herb helps me to survive and thrive.

I provide behavioral therapy treatment for autistic children. Most of the time it is a really relaxed job, I just provide them with stimuli and reward them when they correctly identify the stimuli or correctly use it for its intended operation. The hard part comes in with the ones who suffer from extreme forms of autism and will act without regard for their own wellbeing or safety. Kids like that tend to do things like jumping headfirst off of furniture. Part of the job is making sure that the kids are safe during my shift, so it can be a little hectic from time to time. However, those kinds of behaviors happen less and less often as therapy continues. It is pretty rewarding to take a child who doctors said could never speak and teach them not only to speak, but to be polite and respectful. I wouldn't suggest it unless you're a highly patient person.

There is nothing wrong with consuming chemical substances to improve the functions of the central nervous system. A schizophrenic can live a healthy and full life without any symptoms of their illness if they take the proper antipsychotic chemical substances. I happen to have found a chemical substance which modifies the chemical interactions happening in my central nervous system in such a way that my mood and performance is improved, in such a way that would not be physiologically possible without a chemical aid. The puritanical stance you're putting forward doesn't suggest anything about you other than the childish and naïve way you view morality and biochemistry.

Nice mental gymnastics retard. Maybe a tranny is less likely to kill themselves i we let them cut their cocks off and give them girly pills

>spent the evening wandering outside thinking how little i want to be like everyone that passed me by

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>spent the evening wandering outside thinking how much i want to be like anybody that passed me

Stories can't be told as effectively on screen as in books. You can't employ metaphor, wordplay, vivid imagery, characters who talk in long eloquent paragraphs, narratorial insight, or anything else like that in film. Just take this part of Blood Meridian:

>They began to come upon chains and packsaddles, singletrees, dead mules, wagons. Saddletrees eaten bare of their rawhide coverings and weathered white as bone, a light chamfering of miceteeth along the edges of the wood. They rode through a region where iron will not rust nor tin tarnish. The ribbed frames of dead cattle under their patches of dried hide lay like the ruins of primitive boats upturned upon that shoreless void and they passed lurid and austere the black and desiccated shapes of horses and mules that travelers had stood afoot. These parched beasts had died with their necks stretched in agony in the sand and now upright and blind and lurching askew with scraps of blackened leather hanging from the fretwork of their ribs they leaned with their long mouths howling after the endless tandem suns that passed above them.

Sure, you might be able to show ruins and animal corpses in a film, but you won't be able to create such vivid idyllic imagery. The film director can't cut in and say "these corpses here are supposed to be like upturned primitive boats btw".

Take another sample:
>About that fire were men whose eyes gave back the light like coals socketed hot in their skulls and men whose eyes did not, but the black man's eyes stood as corridors for the ferrying through of naked and un-rectified night from what of it lay behind to what was yet to come.

How are you going to show on a film that someone's eyes are "as corridors for the ferrying through of naked and un-rectified night from what of it lay behind to what was yet to come." You can't.

Actually, no, the science doesn't suggest that they are less likely to kill themselves in that scenario. If the cognitive sciences were to recognize gender dysphoria as a mental disorder worth researching (they currently don't), the neurological functions of their brains could be better understood and a chemical treatment which corrects the aberrant brain activity could be developed. In that case you wouldn't have to pump them full of sex hormones or perform any surgery, and they also wouldn't kill themselves. These solutions are obvious to anyone who does not regard human beings as anything other than a series of biochemical/electric processes, but they won't make much sense to someone who lives in a fantasy world and believes human beings are "special" among the living organisms on this planet.
I don't even blame you for your inability to respond constructively; you are a product of conditioning in your environment first and foremost. This is your parents' fault.

Yet the medium of film allows for so much more expression than the printed media. You can show a single shot of one action and make it absolutely beautiful and thought-provoking without delivering a single word to the audience. Art is not more than the manipulation of emotions had by the consumer, and a film can do so in a much more pure way than a book. In a book, the process must be far more intellectual than immediate and emotional -- that is not what I look for in my entertainment media. I already spend enough time absorbing factual information and engaging in intellectual exercises; my entertainment is there to take me away from that for a moment.

You seem to have missed my point entirely. Your brain truly is on meltdown. Maybe more weed will make it better

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Your point seems to be that any kind of treatment for any kind of ailment, be it an issue of physiological response to stimuli (e.g. anxiety) or an issue of bodily image within the mental functions of an individual (e.g. trannies). You seem to believe that any and all treatments that aren't. - I don't know? Praying? - are invalid and that those who take those treatments might as well be lobotomized. You present false dichotomies and casual insults as if they are arguments with substance. So I'm not really impressed with your performance; maybe if you took the right pills, you'd be better. I hear iodine can help improve mental functionality, maybe your should try it out?

I love how Yea Forums's idea of high IQ is being able to put a round peg in a round hole

higher IQ than you faggot

reading what exactly?

Why do you read non fiction books? You know a surface level understanding of a variety of topics won't really get you anywhere in life right?

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I think film and literature both have their strengths over each other, but in regards to "expression" literature undoubtedly takes the first. You can't draw analogies or use metaphor in film. Even though a film can literally show you a piece of scenery, a well-written book can not only make it seem beautiful but also profound. When I imagine animal corpses as primitive upturned boats or eyes as "corridors for the ferrying through of naked and un-rectified night from what of it lay behind to what was yet to come" I experience a much deeper feeling of awe than I would if someone had just shown me eyes or corpses on a film.

Characters too. A film can only express its characters through how the characters express themselves to other people. I've never really known Tony Soprano, I only know how he expresses himself to other people and how other people perceive him. Of course there are ways to get around this -- dreams, body language when he's alone,-- and certainly it's no major setback, but it can never be as intimate as when an author describes how a character thinks or their philosophy or literally spells out what they are thinking inside.

Books tend to have better and deeper stories than films too. I think this is partly due to the fact that literature is an inherently superior storytelling medium but I will not deny that the differing demands of both the industries and the consumers of books vs films make it so that films generally have to be inferior in artistic merit.

>spent the whole day shitposting on Yea Forums
>havent opened a book in weeks

thats a pretty extreme lifestyle man. when people ask you what do you do, what do you say?

Yes mostly because I'm so introverted/boring I will surely never share my knowledge

>Sure, you might be able to show ruins and animal corpses in a film, but you won't be able to create such vivid idyllic imagery. The film director can't cut in and say "these corpses here are supposed to be like upturned primitive boats btw".
Jokes in you, I can't visualize worlds from texts I read even though I visualize in day to day activities and if I'm reading something about math or ideas described in non-fiction. Maybe it's because I have autism.

>have to go on an employability course
>keep language simple because my fellow attendees are not the sharpest tools
>day 4, one tells me I keep using words they don't understand
>whole room nods
I mean, I'm not saying vocabulary is bad, but.

sounds good, except drugs are bad 4u

I was just altering the cumbrain image and i thought it'd be funny just to smooth the square into a circle represent high IQ.

>Having this image saved on your computer
Nigga you gay

>not having at least a few gigachads on your computer
found the incel

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>spent the whole day playing osrs and masturbating

feels good

>tfw been reading Notes from Underground while i should've been grinding for my 6 link chestpiece instead
>Probably wont ever beat Uber Elder at this pace
Im such a fucking failure

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It was obviously too subtle for the common cumbrain

>using the word incel ever
Nigga you double gay. Nice dubs though :)

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cartesianism is reddit undergraddery; not Yea Forumsbrained whatsoever

What should it be then? I was think it should just be "My diary desu" or "What is society but an individual?" from No Longer Human

Shame on the egoist who thinks only of himself!

"Man, you see, is not a person, but an ideal, a spook." it is

theres unironic fiction babbies heret hats hilarious

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There's unironically ESL garbage here, that's hilarious.

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>trying to read in the break trailer
>faggot coworker sitting across from me keeps engaging me in conversation
how fucking lonely do you have to be to repeatedly try to talk to someone CONTINUING TO STARE INTO A BOOK WHILE YOU TALK. he's a nice guy but jesus christ take the fucking hint

Just be stern. Unless he's a superior there's no reason not to say, "I'm trying to read, do you mind." You can be gentle by saying that you'd love to talk later, but unless you genuinely care about this guy's friendship just be blunt.

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

Yeah you are right. I am really just angry about how oblivious people can be. I try to be considerate and aware of people around me and sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who gives a frick. Oh well, I'm just bitching at this point.

I see no problem.

>internet goes down for a day, so read a book
>internet gets restored,so browse Yea Forums like an adhd retard

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this weekend was the best of the summer for me so for. i started reading the life of Caesar by Plutarch, then i went to a friends cottage to swim and have campfires and drink. I then i spent the next day doing the same, but went to a friends home for dinner. They made this salad with fresh tomates and herbs they grew themselves. The taste was unreal. Basil, tomato, and cucumber never tasted so good. we played cards all evening. today I just stayed home (holiday in canada) and finished life of Caesar, went for a run in the sun, and now im sipping on some wine and prepping an order of books to buy.

life is good lads, at least on a well used long weekend. and plutarch is so fun to read. i can see why Rousseau wanted kids to read him.

Kinda. Communication has become almost a sort of roleplay for me, so it just becomes exhausting. Very little of my friends I can actually discuss some of the things I read about (I live in a somewhat rural/poor area). I men, I have friends, but it definitely isn't very fun. I always tend to have a much better time when I'm able to read something by myself at home.

Ah, finally, a good fucking thread! Autism behavioural specialist user seems like a good guy.

OP here, this is been the worst thread I've seen in a while. In terms of concept and execution. I hope it stays up for a while more.

>actually have adhd
>will literally play with hands like a retard than read
Fuck I just want to read

He really does. And salad dude seems to be living it up as well.

>implying adhd is real
>implying invasive thoughts are real
>implying you ever do what you don’t want to do

>implying adhd isn’t real
Is this what being an NPC is like?

ADHD is real, it just so happens everyone has it. Some have better self-discipline than others to control the impulse, though.

That's the key word, chemicals that improve your condition are called medicine. Pot doesn't improve shit except turning you into a burnt out brainlet.

we always long for shit we dont have, books make you kinda depressed but its the good kind of depression, the one that makes you question yourself and your outlook on life. Friends just make you either lose every single thought or they make you miserable because you cant tell them, how fucking dumb and useless they are

How the fuck do you guys keep reading? I want to, to become enlightened, but I can't commit

I bet you think that cancer is curable through sheer willpower.

Force yourself to read like 50 pages a day(no matter how long it takes you to do it). After a while you will start to like doing it.

use a stop watch to time how fast you read each page. It'll make you want to keep reading so you keep pace.

I have ADHD, with Vyvanse and audio books 'reading' can be a thing. I listen to several books every month nowadays.
Shorter essays and posts on places such as lesswrong.com are fine for proper reading, books are too much though.

There's no cure for ADHD (except discipline). Meth increases focus, sure, but so it does in control - healthy person (ie one who can control his intrusive thoughts) will still outperform the "sick' one when both are given ritalin because control will be *even more* focused. It's not a cure, just performance drug to offset symptoms, with all it entails (tolerance buildup over time).

I still find it kinda funny that you can get meth prescription for 6 year olds just because you happen to be a bad parent. You go, america!

You don't know what you are talking about.
Amphetamines do indeed relieve the symptoms but do not make a person a stoic God, but it allows the person enough self control to be able to work towards it.

Before I started medication, which I did as an adult, I always felt like an automaton, my lack of willpower and impulse control only allowed me to be an observer of what my body acted out. With my medicine I gain willpower and self control, which in turns allow me to further train my willpower and self control to a higher level.

Question for ADHD spergs: Have you learned to "turn on" hyperfocus on anything at least vaguely interesting (reading, programming, talking, reading, driving...), or does the therapy/medication get rid of HF completely?

I've got a rough on/off harness over it since my teens, but the problem is that the state is sort of a psychotic trance. Like a second train of consciousness where I actively try to suppress overthinking and just go with the flow. When driving in hyperfocus, I react briskly, but take stupid risks, when unfocused, I'm just the usual panicky clumsy self but generally drive safer. When HF talking I come off as extremely low inhib, when unfocused muttering shutin retard....

Is there a way to smooth the "edge" of HF to some middle ground, ie less psychotic?

Don't page count, make sure what your reading interests you and do it for yourself not pseud points.

I'm not quite sure I know what you mean, Hyper focus is about the same as before when it does happen, which I don't think I can control. The difference is it is more productive now, if for example I am reading about how to do thing x in programming I will now read about x and whatever more I need to know to understand x and then continue on with my take. Before I would in the same situation read about x for a short time, then if it's vaguely relayed to y I would read about that for a short time and so on never continuing on with what I achieved to do just being focused on different things all the time.

>I am reading about how to do thing x in programming I will now read about x and whatever more I need to know to understand x and then continue on with my take. Before I would in the same situation read about x for a short time, then if it's vaguely relayed to y I would read about that for a short time and so on never continuing on with what I achieved to do just being focused on different things all the time.

I see, I guess I'm full ADHD sperg in that regard. Programming: Over-optimize the code even in places where it has almost no impact when profiled, yet do it anyway because I can't help it and "its interesting". When driving, I find interesting things like "what if I cut that guy in front, will I make it before that truck in opposite direction arrives..." and such, because monotonicity otherwise. When babbling, recurse into tangents... In all cases, I realize only retrospectively, and don't have control over "recursion depth" in the heat of the moment.

this post describes my behavior perfectly, all the way from childhood to the present. i've never been diagnosed with ADHD though, and always just assumed i was retarded.

medication doesn't get rid of hyperfocus it just makes it obsolete. Hyperfocus is just regular focus for ADHD spergs. With medication, one can focus easier, so hyperfocusing isn't required for a task. I also just feel like hyperfocus is just when I'm able to pay attention to something because i'm interested enough, compared to easily being distracted from it.

>audio books
i'd rather eat shit