Relearning Math

All I can do anymore is arithmetic and statistics. How do I independently learn algebra, calculus, and physics?

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lmao wrong board

Don't, STEM is trash for small-souled bugmen
Read the pre-Socratics

Depression impairs math learning.

the greeks also dominated the maths field...

Math is for faggots. There is no use for it besides impressing your friends because you can solve fancy equations.

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I agree but I want to switch careers and go into medicine and I'd need all As in calculus and physics to be admitted.

- Precalculus

- Stewart's Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus

- Mathematician's Delight (Dover Books on Mathematics)

- Prelude to Mathematics (Dover Books on Mathematics)

- Calculus

- Michael Spivak : Calculus

- Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Volume I

- Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (Dover Books on Mathematics)

- Vector Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics)

- Pressley's Elementary Differential Geometry

- Coddington's An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Dover Books)

it has fuck all to do with modern math though

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>oh lol I prefer mental masturbation over being practical and useful
go live on a cave if you think STEM is trash

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These charts consistently terrify me. I'd like to get Apostol's Calculus for the rave reviews I see of it and excerpts I've seen that are cognizant of the early history of math. Is there a similar book for algebra?

>mfw I was good at math for early High school
>average late high school
>end up with a C because ADHD and no studying
>mfw I can hardly do basic mental math in my head now
At least phones have calculators...

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Math is probably one of the easiest things to learn on your own because there's so many resources out there for you. With all the cheap textbooks and self teaching guides on Amazon, Youtube videos, and the Khan Academy you have no excuse.

>Don't plan to have a career involving maths
>No real interest in maths
Why should i learn maths as an adult? Will it make me smarter?

How are you doing stats without calculus or algebra?

Open Excel
All you need

That’s literally not true at all.

OP, I learned many mathematical concepts through their application in theoretical procedure, like economics. :3

You could do a similar thing with Physics.

ted kazynsky told someone who wrote him a letter that pursuing an education in math is not only not worth it, but wrong. remember, teddy k was a gifted mathematician himself.

Feynman Lectures

Math is an art.

seriously? I have a B.S. in mathematics LOL tell me more about how im amazing. I am depressed.

This is still the funniest meme chart.

What sort of math do I need to study in order to understand what the hell Plato is talking about?

Did you take anything other than math?

minor in physics as well, and a few programming classes.

Reminds me of when a black person says something along the line of “ooga-booga yall whyte boyz aint got no soul!”.

What are you doing now?

Grad school statistics this upcoming semester. I don't have any work experience LOL.

Because it's beautiful.
Read A Mathematician's Lament.

I'm not American, what's in Pre-Calculus?
I'm doing a Maths degree so I'm just curious, we don't have that distinction.

It won't increase your IQ that much but you will be wayyyy better at thinking

>there are people on this board who don't know what dy/dx means

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Do a MOOC.
The only way to really learn math is to do proofs, and you need someone marking your shit telling you if your proofs are right or not. if you're just reading you're not going to learn

You morons, math is the closest thing to objective truth we have. Everything up to about Calc 3 and maybe a little beyond is the baby mode, real mathematics is learning how to reason about the core of the problem.

Because of my mathematisch education, I run circles around my coworkers. While they're struggling with finding the right formula, I realize we're trying to solve the wrong problem, or that the solution is unnecessary in the first place.
>inb4 'take philosophie'
You windowlicker, math is infinitely superior because of it's rigor. The whole of philosophie can be summed up as
>Either Option A or B is correct
>If Option B, I will be sad
>I don't want to be sad
>Therefor, Option A is correct
Philosophie is mathematics for people who either don't want to think or couldn't bear to be proven wrong. Either way, it's the humanities bastardization of the most logical and beautiful subject we have.

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It's 'Algebra & Trig II: getting you caught up'. More or less, all the equations you'll do in calc 1 that aren't derivatives.
iirc, lot of functions and inverse functions, quadratics, limits, binomials, and trinomials if you have a decent teacher.


>I do math because can be applies

Khan Academy

Hey cool someone who appreciates and understand mathemat--
>poorly founded interpretation of philosophy
You dumbass bitch, have you ever heard of Analytic philosophy or Logic? Fuck your whole life, dipshit.

Metaphysics can also be quite complex. Jfc, you cannot be older than 22 :3

Look at the Entomogony and see where STEM falls

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If you're intelligent and theoretical thinker (ie., someone who reads and takes notes), you can skip over those basic watered down fields for highschoolers. Just supplement your education with enough pop-mathematics books to have a wide base of knowledge. is a good guide as far as textbooks go. My only recommendation is that you do all the exercises, especially the ones you don't understand. Your goal should be to complete about half of the problems at a glance, a half that rest with a few simple lines, and the rest through much struggle. Analysis is fundamental to mathematics, HOWEVER, I would recommend starting with Linear Algebra since it has far more practical applications.

As far as casual-mathematics books go, I recommend:
One Two Three... Infinity by George Gamow - a primer on exciting theoretical subjects like the fourth dimension, written for children. preface by A. Einstein.
Grammatical Man by Jeremy Campbell - Written by a journalist about the exciting world of information theory. One of those rare books which will fundamentally alter your perception of reality.
Concepts of Modern Mathematics by Ian Stewart - A good all around introduction to the ideas behind the more advanced mathematics you'll encounter.

One last bit of advice. Mathematical intuition is a muscle that has to be regularly exercised: use it or lose it. I recommend dedicating an hour out of every day (preferably right after you wake up, or right after your morning jog) to reading a textbook. Print out the problem sets from these books and keep the one you're currently working on with you at all times, alongside a notebook to do work on. Most universities will assign 4-10 problems a day per subject. You should aim to do at least this much.

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i admit i do not know what i am talking about but i think textbooks are probably not the best way to approach math from 0
they often aren't very accessible and mathematical language can make simple concepts very difficult to grasp if you are not familiar with it
i think you would be better off if you found a decent professor who uploads his lectures somewhere and started with that

Lord of the Rings is complex, that doesn't mean it took place.
If metaphysics is so impressive, where are it's great works?
Physics is real: we built skyscrapers, near-instant communication and sent objects out of our solar system.
Biology is real: we can predict characteristics of offspring, end even control the evolution of species for our gain
Mathematics is real: we use the tools it provides to
accomplish great things and gain a deeper understanding of fundamental truths
Metaphysics is real... profit?

Face it, your entire field is a circle jerk of people trying to convince themselves they're doing real work and contributing to society.

>implying Mathematics isn't logic

Does it really? That does explain why my perfect score fell in -09.

metaphysics isn't about contributing to society or doing real work, that's why the meta is in the word, it transcends those considerations.

It's a view of reality in which this normal physical world is not everything, so it can't be judged by results in this world, though some metaphysics purport to have effects in the world that confirm them, it will always be as subject decided by personal experience of the ideas rather than the sociallly collaborative enterprise of science as it manifests in the world we see as real.

>It doesn't actually do anything, therefor it's exempt from criticism or testing.
It's like you took physics and removed everything that made it good so that all you were left with is a bunch of useless dolts saying
"well, what if it worked THIS way?"
"how could you ever know that?"
"Well, it's just how I feel it should work"

>What is falsifiability?

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Science, technology and modern industry are born from a metaphysical stance. Science has a limit sphere of things that can be known and is a mere description of relationships between matter and won't ever provide us fundamental truths about reality. Perhaps such truths aren't even knowable but if we want to avoid existential dread we have to build metaphysical systems even if these are wrong.

Any good calculus books with practice questions that have answers included? I want to use one for self-study but I don't see much point if I can't check my answers and solutions manuals are a bitch to find

Topology and Set Theory

If a truth isn't knowable, how would you even know it's a truth? Check out 'The Dragon in my Garage' by Sagan.
Besides, plenty of people avoid existential dread by focusing on other things. Read Nietzsche

>how would you even know it's a truth?
That's even a deeper problem but we build truths with our metaphysical postures that change over time. That's my point: in order to don't fall into meaninglessness we must adventure in building systems and framemorks even if at some moment these fail. We don't have other option. Science, of course, is powerful and useful, but by itself alone drives us to the insignificance of mere matter moving and this is a direct gateway to the tyranny of technique and the depletion of the meaning and worth of human life. I'm not necessarily talking in favor of religion in the traditional sense but things like art for instance.

>Now, what's the difference between an invisible, incorporeal, floating dragon who spits heatless fire and no dragon at all? If there's no way to disprove my contention, no conceivable experiment that would count against it, what does it mean to say that my dragon exists? Your inability to invalidate my hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true. Claims that cannot be tested, assertions immune to disproof are veridically worthless, whatever value they may have in inspiring us or in exciting our sense of wonder. What I'm asking you to do comes down to believing, in the absence of evidence, on my say-so.
You're literally arguing my point up here, that you believe it's true because you would be sad if it wasn't. I remain wholly unconvinced, and you cannot provide any evidence that metaphysics can be used to explain anything.

I probably could be considered literally retarded at math
I've forgotten almost everything past middle school

At the request of some posters in the /sci/ sister-thread to this, I threw up a Discord. (inb4 "Discord trannies" etc.) We've a handful of people already. Some of you sound like you may be interested in joining. Post your search tag and I'll friend invite you and give you a link.

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Discord is legitimately gay as fuck and so is anyone who uses it, let alone uses it regularly. A bunch of fucking vaginas chatting to each other all day.

>using pisscord
I'd rather stick a toothpick under my toenail than partake in something so retarded

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learn pic related. the rest mostly follows trivially

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Thank you for bumping :^)

Where does the LHP Fall under that?

I just got a half-decent non-condescending math textbook (Review of Elementary Mathematics 2nd ed. by Barnett Rich, revised by Schmidt) and printed it out, then used some of /sci/'s classics recommendations like Spivak's Calculus or whatever the fuck, then read Morris Kline's History of Mathematics. Now women lift their skirts when they see me and ask if I can calculate the area under the curve of their pubis.