No bookshelf thread?

No bookshelf thread?

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bit too much star wars for me taste, mate.

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theres barely any star wars.

What's wrong with star wars? The lore is fantastic.

>He doesn't have Tarkin
What the fuck are you doing? Tarkin is the best Star Wars novel that has been written in over a decade. Go buy it. Now.

I do, however, I don't have any shelf space (my wife's boyfriend uses the other shelves. Very nice shelf.

>wife's boyfriend
Honestly I think Orwell shouldn't be taught in schools. All of that degenerate sex in 1984 spoiled your young mind.


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Any Star Wars books you recommend?

no, not really.

Thinly veiled lets laugh at Homo Glycinus thread. Come on Yea Forums you are better than this.

post feminine benis

Is this a joke

Quality thread right here, thanks OP

Isn't that mallardbot?

>glug glug glug


These threads used to be so much better before you retards found that bookshelf subreddit

>that bookshelf subreddit
Isn't that Yea Forums?

Wow racist much?

cringe and bluepilled

god I hope she has a cute little penis

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wow ahahaha look mom they did it again ahaha 10/10 am looking forward to it again

Mixed bag but a few decent books there man.

user knows what he likes. Nothing wrong with having an interest.

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Based as fuck boi.

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It's mostly in spanish, but maybe you'll recognize the authors.

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How do you keep your GoT editions in such a pristine condition?


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I have a lot of books in boxes, this is my own selection.

Attached: collection3.jpg (1136x852, 84K)

Something for everyone on my shelf

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Weird bible

Missing a Bhagavad Gita.

R8 or h8 my b8 my m8s.

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Do you guy prefer to borrow or buy books?
Borrowing saves me money, but I kind of like having a series or good book for myself.

Are you fuckin retarded or something?

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I borrow fiction. Purchase non-fiction.

Your bookshelf sounds boring then

Your bookshelf sounds cring

You're fucking disgusting.

I don't say this lightly, but I seriously hope you consider killing yourself.

Something for everyone... to complain about. Jesus. Manifestation of IQ deficiency.

Checkin' in.

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Aesthetic-looking but also cringe and 1776-pilled.

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Isn't that Thomas Mair's bookshelf?

>pass user

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Nice to see you keep an atlas on the shelf

>3 Bear Grylls books

can we please start these threads without shitty bait.
>haha le reddit shelfpost!

damn i didnt know she was thicc

pretty good tbgh, nothing really bad with this

Here's mine. :)

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>Implying he reads


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Don't know why this pic rotates and cant be fucked fixing it.
