Is there any reason to be honest if you're an atheist?
Is there any reason to be honest if you're an atheist?
I prefer not to lie, and that's reason enough/
Not an answer
No, you asked why I'm honest. not why you should be.
Being truthful is necessary to build trust and relationships with other shaved chimps.
Being moral is beneficial.
The guilt will kill you. Consult the work of Welles.
Honesty is basically contractual. Think of a relationship. You two will get to know each other down to the most minute parsing of facial tics and what not. Basically, you can't lie to your partner without them picking up something. Lies build. They build inside of you. Unless you're a psychopath - but then your partner, unless they are a total idiot, will know that. If you're a sociopath, well, it's a different kettle of fish. Anyway dishonesty in this case will tear everything apart because there is an in-built moral agreement in conventional relationships for things like honesty etc, especially around major relationship cornerstones like fidelity and what not. So dishonesty is not advisable. I've done it all - been the liar, been lied to and everything in between. Dishonesty just doesn't work unless the other person is in the relationship for something other than love - if someone lets you lie to them, they are probably using you for something, and aren't really interested in a serious relationship.
Honesty in most dealings with people is usually just convenient and easy. Obviously there are different levels of honesty. Omissions are common and obviously advisable unless you want to end up full JIM CARRYing yourself into social absurdity. Our whole social fabric is built around it.
And ironically honesty is advisable because, on the few occasions you do want to lie, a history of honesty will help you lie more successfully.
I'd like to add user that relationships sociopaths and psychopaths make are very unstable. All it takes is one person to expose you and your reputation will spread, thus rendering you socially dead.
Do tell us more
>The guilt will kill you.
an underage would disagree
Psychopaths and normal people still lie about the same (ie situationally), the whole "psychopaths are fake" is a TV meme.
What about cases where it obviously isn’t?
>Get asked question
>Consequences follow
Gee, it's almost as if there were some kind of incentive to make people tell the truth. Doesn't work 100% of the time, but in most situations it seems to work out.
The real question is, is there any reason for anyone to be dishonest? I don't mean in obvious cases, e.g., you hook up with a girl and the next morning a buff guy asks if you've met his girlfriend (the girl). How many of your daily interactions are genuine? Do you think every time a Christian smiles it's because they're happy? Do you honestly believe that the public face is all there is to theists?
religitards would like to believe they have a "reason" to be honest. but research has shown many times that they aren't any more honest than normal people
I'm 34 years old.
shut the fuck up boomer
Why lie?
By lying you are debasing yourself, making yourself less
Only a slave or a coward would ever hide their own self
Christcucks are mental and emotional children, thinking the only reason to disobey whatever random tenets they are told to believe in is punishment
Were you raised by wolves?
Ask a stupid question...
>dude my sky daddy won't let me have desert if I do no-nos
These kinds of atheists only exist in the delusional lies theists tell themselves.
most atheists free-ride on the ethical norms of the religious that have been absorbed into the wider culture. the reason they have for being honest is to fit in.
Being known as a trustworthy person is a huge advantage in every facet of life.
Think about every single human you interact with. Given the choice, you would always want them to be MORE trustworthy, not less. That preference will be quite obvious and useful if you actually live your life in an honorable way.