Any books that a Russian must read in the 21st century?

Any books that a Russian must read in the 21st century?

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plz gib russian gf

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Putin's diary desu

>a Russian
Really not that much different that the rest of us in terms of our condition.
We're all in the same prison but with different colored curtains.

One holy, universal, ecumenical and globalist system of suck.

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My ex was Russian but also asian with BPD. I miss her lads

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>My ex was Russian but also asian

So your ex wasn't Russian...

my condolences

Russia is a big country I'm sure that some of them are Asian. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Most of Russia is in Asia you brainlet

The roots of masochism according to (((Rancour))) go to infancy. It turns out that the whole problem is that the Russians were swaddled in infancy, that is, they have been tied hand and foot since childhood. The swaddling custom promotes the development of masochism among growing children, and then they (oh, madness!) go to the banya, where they whisk each other completely masochistically with brooms.

Since for the Russian people the Motherland is the mother (this image is repeated in culture more than once). Consequently, the Russians themselves are children (with all the attendant signs of infantilism). Children do not want to see the vices of the mother, preferring to build illusions on her account. The author compares the inexplicable love for a wretched, dirty, stinking “mother” with the child’s love for the first toy. Children tend to cling to the teddy bear to the last, because he is a guide to the world of their infantile illusions. But there comes a time when the child grows up and the bear goes to the attic... (((Rancour))) leaves no hope that the Russians will also do this someday - they will leave their impolite parent and find a more decent mother.

my diary desu

because i want to make russian friends

Most of the inhabitants of Russia (about 100 million) live in the European part.

Russians are white, not Asian

Asians are pretty white desu. Whiter than me at least.

Nice try slavic. You aren't white

Who the fuck is interesting, who is considered white, and who is not? This is the ressentiment of stupid Europeans and Muricans who will soon be replaced by blacks.

Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
The Tunnel
The Soft Machine

Why exactly these books?

Viktor Pelevin, although his prose is apparently only worth reading in the original Russian. I've only read Sacred Book of the Werewolf and I enjoyed 2/3s of it and despised the rest.

You're better off without her, good riddance.

cause they make you think

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Not too sure. She spoke Russian, lived in Russia but looked East Asian.
She never did anything to me besides ghost me because she was unstable. I miss her lads :(

Call her.

Limonov’s non-fiction

She deactivated social media, might've killed herself. I could probably still contact her. You think i'll regret doing it?

nah, what's the worst that could happen?

No. You have to find her and help her. Find a good therapist, get her out of troubles and live happily with her.

Americans will be replaced by Hispanics, not blacks.

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12 chairs.

White. Love. It.

Lol this is literally the worst advice

Thus spoke zarathustra. non negotiable

Are you Dr. Moreau gathering freak zoo?


you will only "fix" her for another man to enjoy, not for yourself. you're "guy who pays for my therapist"-zoned.

But she loves him.


Чтo, блять?

user do you know at what age most girls lose their virginity in european russia

Russians aren't white.

user do you know at what age most girls lose their virginity

>The Idiot
>Quo Vadis
>Notes from the Underground
these are mandatory reading

Jerk off and this feeling will fade. You’ll be glad you did

>Borderline Personality Disorder
These people are unironically awful, and I'm saying that as somebody who's comfortable around schizophrenics and severe autistics.

2 years later than in russia

any proofs?