The most destructive book ever conceived

The most destructive book ever conceived.

This book has led to death, book burning, misogyny, and stupidity, just to name a few consequences.

Remember that Islam's goal is simply to take over the world by any means necessary. If you do not believe in Allah, you are an enemy of Islam and must be destroyed.

Please note that almost half of all Muslims are illiterate. Thus, they are stupid. Tell a stupid, gullible person what to do, and they will follow suit. Funny how so many Muslims can't even read their own holy book.

Note the slow Muslim takeover in places like Britain, Germany, and Sweden. Eventually, if people don't wise up, Muslims WILL take over those countries and rule with an iron fist. Soft Jihad will inevitably to turn into hard jihad.

The only way we can battle Islam is by calling out its hatred and stupidity. Do not be afraid of the so-called "social justice warriors" calling you a racist or islamophobe.

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The muslim girls I know are pretty kind and nice. If I critique Islam to them they debate it pretty well. I don't really see the point why people hate Islam so much. Most of it is cultural.

/pol/ is that way faggot

>Please note that almost half of all Muslims are illiterate. Thus, they are stupid.

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If we're talking preventible damage done the worst book has got to be this.

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Good, now I hope that followers of that destructive book destroy the filthy abomination that is modern Western civilization. Let them take over Sweden, Germany, Britain, and the US, because the degenerates in those countries are a million times worse than some tribal goons from the Middle-East

this, remember its what made iran start 2 world wars, led to turkey dropping nukes on civilians and made libya do bombing runs on the french and brits. The gulf war in the gulf of mexico and subsequent invasions of americas soil? All done by morocco. Saudi arabia bombed some rednecks in idaho just because their bbq looked like a terrorist gathering to them.

And thats just wars, egypt built a city in the middle of the desert solemnly for gambling and whores, and the manila bay is notorious for starting the modern faggotry movement. In the last years indonesia spearheaded the widespread use of drugs among young adults in the general population.

All the warmongering and degeneracy thats rotting away at modern western civilization is their fault.

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>This book has led to death, book burning, misogyny, and stupidity, just to name a few consequences.
I assume you say this as a christian, which makes the irony far too obvious to be funny.

Stay mad

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The central concern of the dialogues (themselves a capture mechanism whereby the “oral” tradition is contained within what would begin the expansion/contagion of the first fully standardized, internal, highly abstract, economical, phonemic/atomistic representational exogrammic model) is “what is x in and of itself?”. This archetypal question is advanced with much rigor and is indeed the archetypal question. This question gives rise to what I call “the problem of meaning”. Meaning is a new category arising in ancient thought and meaning itself arises with its necessary (ananke) organ- the soul. This archetypal questioning can be seen as “symptomatic” of exposure to something, thus it is a problem to be solved not by advancing the cause of philosophy but by seeking a cure. The Pharmakos, Logos and the Savior are all attempts at various times answers stages to contain and or cure philosophy. The greeks were right in condemning Sokrates to death, they should have fucking ripped his tongue out way sooner.

Cry moar Christcuck

>The most destructive book ever conceived.
Most people fail to understand the divine wisdom in The Holy Quran.

>This book has led to death, book burning, misogyny, and stupidity, just to name a few consequences.
People are responsible for their own destructive behavior. These people are surely not credible Muslim scholars.

>Remember that Islam's goal is simply to take over the world by any means necessary.
This statement here is wrong.
The purpose of Islam is to educate people to worship God one and only by knowing who is God and other practises like praying, fasting, etc. Along with setting the essential laws to live by and learning how to practice virtue and high morals.
It's benifical for humanity for Islam to expand. There no human gaining any power from the expansion of Islam. Only the Muslim is benefited by becoming a Muslim.

>If you do not believe in Allah, you are an enemy of Islam and must be destroyed.
Quran 2:256: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing."

You are the enemy of Islam if you fight Islam. My advice to you don't fight something or someone while ignoring their stance.

>Please note that almost half of all Muslims are illiterate.
Come on!

>Funny how so many Muslims can't even read their own holy book.
This is true. Sadly not all Muslims are practicing Islam.

>Note the slow Muslim takeover in places like Britain, Germany, and Sweden.
It's not a takeover Islam is expanding peacefully in many countries all over the world.

>Soft Jihad will inevitably to turn into hard Jihad.
Jihad an nafs first my friend. Killing a soul mendaciously is strickly forbbiden in Islam. Attacking peaceful people is not what real practicing Muslims do.
Jihad is to defend the religion of God with one soul. The purpose is the let the truth which is The Holy Quran and Sunnah reach people so they live better.
What ISIS and other terrorists do has almost nothing to do with Islam. These are criminals that use Islam as a facade to get whatever they want. They use naive young Muslims who were lost in vices and tempt them to repent with concepts that do exist in The Holy Quran like Jihad and martyrdom creating suicide bombers and warriors. These concepts are misused in a very harmful way many people have died. I mean ISIS killed many Muslims in Syria and Iraq. These Muslims are not the enemy of Islam they weren't fighting Islam!

>The only way we can battle Islam is by calling out its hatred and stupidity.
No, Islam is absolute divine wisdom don't battle it. There's no hate nor stupidity in Islam.
I can't deny that there are ignorant Muslims who can be hateful. Islam doesn't support hate.

Alot of people call Islam "not a religion of peace." I think that's wrong Islam is a religion of peace but Islam isn't a pacifist religion.
Islam is the religion of God and we Muslims must be protected if attacked.

You mean the Bible?
**laughs in Hypatia**

That is not Harry potter

>The most destrucive book

Funny lookin cover for Das Kapital...

Just let the muzzies practice their backward religion of paedophilia and rape in Africa, where such things are part of the culture. Keep them out of Europe and culturally European nations.

That's all true, but you have to remember that humans are intrinsically a stupid and murderous race. When you take the human aspect into account, the quran is essentially perfect in its representation of human stupidity, vileness and agressiveness.

That's why I believe Islam will ultimately win. It represents humanity best in how utterly retarded it is

Pedophilia and rape are forbbiden in Islam.
You have to accept the fact that times change music, films, fashion and literture change over time. So does cultures, people are alowed to travel, if you choose to be xenophobic it's your problem.

Quran 49:13: "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted."

The fuck is hard jihad? Voting? If Westerners are so afraid of being demographically replaced they would stop importing Muslims. But they don't because the Mordern West is a project with no ideals excluding Capital. Thus it is inevitable a society with ideals would overwhelm it.

That's only the case for USA.
Western European countries have real cultures.
It is not right for Muslims to slyly impose their culture onto Europe.
Granted, America is a shithole, and it is fine to take advantage of these subhumans.

Nah, the Bible is worse. If the Bible didn't exist, the Quan wouldn't either, two birds with one stone.

That's some weird colours to use

Alredy brainwashed and doomed

Qur'an and Bible differences

>Lot's wife dies from a rock falling on her in the Qur'an, she isn't turned into a pillar of salt

>the plagues of Egypt do not include the killing of the firstborn in the Qur'an

>death does not enter the world because of original sin. Adam is already mortal

>Satan is not a talking snake, and he convinces Adam to eat the forbidden (nothing to do with knowledge) fruit because he says it will make him immortal

>turns out it is just regular fruit, but Adam begs for forgiveness and God forgives him

>God does not walk around, when Moses asks to see Him, God does not show his backside, He unveils His Glory to a mountain which obliterates it and Moses stops asking

>There is nothing to suggest the Deluge covered the whole planet, indeed that is contrary to the recurring theme of God's wrath being incited by the rejection of His messenger (here Noah); each messenger who is an ultimatum prophet is sent to a specific people and if they refuse to heed, God rains fury on them. Examples include Egypt after Moses, Median after Shu'eyb, Sodom and Gomorrah after Lot, Jerusalem after Jesus, Thamud after Salih, etc.

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Your comment contributes nothing to this world.

>all these replies defending Islam
Is Yea Forums the most open minded board?

All of this is wrong.

>This book has led to death, book burning, misogyny
That just makes it based and makes me want to convert even more.

Islam will once and for all prevail over the age of enlightment.

It is due time. Fags will be burned again. Good times.

>This book has led to death, book burning, misogyny, and stupidity, just to name a few consequences.
You could just as easily say the same about the holy bible. If you think the urge to conquer is only inherent to islam you're overlooking the glaring issue of the crusades. Christianity spread across the globe like a virus, so its only fair another faith gets a crack at it too.

It's more that there are many Muslims and Muslim sympathisers here

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If you could understand his pic you would realize that the middle east is majority literate except for Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Ok big brained nibba. Do you have a thesaurus with you while writing this or did you just copy and paste it?

Since you're both too stupid to just do a simple Google search.

>Britain, Germany and Sweden
Why isn't 'merica on that list?

Where are you from?

Sorry, I should have said America as well, but we're not as badly hit as Europe is at the moment. Also, it seems like a lot of "Muslims" here are turning away from their faith and are far less likely to be radicals. If anything, many are asking for "Islamic Reform", whatever the fuck that means. Pretty sure the Quran says that it is God's holy word, so I don't know how you reform that.

Just a bunch of pussies trying to rationalize why they shouldn't leave their religion altogether is my best guess.

Read submission faggot


Anyone who sincerely hates evil can only love this book. There's no other option.

No it's very closed minded. It just doesn't like poorly read plebs of any kind, which is everyone.

>Remember that Islam's goal is simply to take over the world by any means necessary
Ya know, I've never liked religion much, but now that we're nearing space exploration and planet colonization, I really think it may be the best thing for us as a species. I think the concept of God could be the only thing which can unite us enough to bring us all together again, under the brotherhood of man, and spread ourselves - like the plague we are - across the galaxy.

Then why is God making my life a complete misery?

>Remember that Islam's goal is simply to take over the world by any means necessary. If you do not believe in Allah, you are an enemy of Islam and must be destroyed.
If you read the coran its to take over the "two worlds"
the coran was made to take over two worlds not one.

Read Job

Islamic version of Job is pretty short though isn't it?

Fuck off, Popper

Probably because you deserve it. It expiates sins. Lacking that, any trial you endure in His name is rewarded.


Oh please enlighten me.

>respects parents
>won't do drugs
>no pre-marital relations
>wears proper clothes
>Knows humility and is humble
>Often forgives people

It seems like if you see a Muslim doing something bad you then go one to say the religion is false. The Quran says that we must not force people to convert and violence is only allowed if you are fighting in war or self-defense.

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Most destructive is the Talmud and it’s not even close.

Muslims also are against usury and interest slavery, which is based.
The main issues are that most Muslims are retarted and polytheism is more logical.

Nothing could be more ridiculous. Polytheism would prevent physical constants.

1984 is most dangerous because it only really spread awareness of how to use media to control minds and thereby refine it, in a lot of ways we really just did ourselves in.

>Beat women
>Deny science
>Promote stupidity
>Take away people's rights
>Murders apostates

Please tell me how peaceful your religion is again?

>denies science
Don't recall us ever prosecuting anyone for heliocentrism

Nice strawman.

The strawman belongs to you here

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>When you can't actually refute anything.

Take your cancerous religion elsewhere.

Wew looks like you don't understand how the burden of proof works

What did Christians mean by this?

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This isn't a thread on christianity.

Quran (8:38-39) - “Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven... And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.” Translation from the Noble Quran

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." Suras 9 and 5 are the last major chapters that Muhammad narrated - hence abrogating what came before, including the oft-quoted verse 2:256 -"There is no compulsion in religion...".

Quran (9:5) "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them..." This is one of the verses that abrogates 2:256, since prayer and charity are among the Five Pillars of Islam, as salat and zakat (see below). Some say that the textual context limits the application of this verse to non-Muslims in Arabia at the time of narration. While there is some merit to this, it does not change the fact that the Quran is sanctioning violence as a means of coercing religion.

Quran (9:11) - (Continued from above) "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion"In conjunction with the preceding passage, this confirms that Muhammad is speaking of conversion to Islam. Quran (9:56-57) - "And they swear by Allah that they are most surely of you, and they are not of you, but they are a people who are afraid (of you). If they could find a refuge or cave or a place to enter into, they would certainly have turned thereto, running away in all haste." This refers to people living with the Muslim tribe who may not be true believers, but must pretend to be in order to survive. They have no safe refuge to escape the Muslims. If Islam were a religion of peace, then why the fear?

Quran (2:193) - "And fight them until fitna is no more, and religion be only for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers." The key phrase here is to fight until "religion be only for Allah."

Literally several verses talking about forced conversion. But alright.

But if you are correct, how did non-Muslims pay Jizya? According to you, non-Muslims were forcibly converted...?

Please read Surah 60

I'm just giving you verses. Do with them what you will.

I have provided plenty of evidence of the Quran explicitly talking about forcing conversion on people.

You REALLY need to start addressing the comments made and stop trying to derail shit by doing: "but what about X" or "read Y". It's a tactic that has already been used more than once in this thread. And it's getting quite annoying.

You can go about this in one of few ways:

A. Claim that these verses do not promote forced conversion, even though I think the language is clear
B. Accept that Islam does promote forced conversion
C. Admit that the quran is contradictory by going to some other verse that promotes the opposite

Pretty simple. Stop trying to derail.

All these verses must be read in context of Surah 60. Fighting to the death or until the enemy converts applies in three cases.

1. The enemy has driven you from your home's.
2. The enemy persecuted Muslims for their religion.
3. The enemy has broken their word in regard to a peace agreement.

In those contexts, jihad cannot stop until the enemy submits. In other cases however peace and even friendship are preferable. Friendship with anyone engaged in or supporting those acts is haram. If you are at war for another reason, according to Surah 60, look to make peace and deal with non Muslims justly for God loves this

Whether taken in context or not, you've proved my point. Thanks.

You've just said that Islam promotes forced conversion.

Yeah in a condition of "absolute enmity". The West in a condition of absolute enmity does not offer conversion, they will just kill you.


Lmaoing at Christcuck slave morality

And Christianity hasn't done any of that?

>non-Muslims disagree with you
>already brainwashed

By what? Last time I checked the only ones who were even discussing Islam were you, the media projecting violent images of Islam every 45 seconds, the politicians who are either pretending they don't agree you or just flat out agree with you, and the right wing Hawks who think people are going soft on a culture that the U.S. is waging 7 simultaneous wars against. Doesn't seem like there has been a lot of opportunity to be brainwashed.

Your issue is with wahabist extremism pushed by Saudi Arabia. You cannot literally find someone who disagrees with me on this outside of the people mentioned in the previous paragraph because the politicians are in their pockets, the media needs to sell glamorous and terrifying stories, and you are fucking retard.

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>Pedophilia and rape are forbbiden in Islam
Unless you're Muhammad and you marry a 9 year old.

You support for Saudi Arabia is actually what turned Bin Laden against the U.S. Whatever else Saudi Arabia does, they do not issue fatwas in favor of terrorism. The first and pretty much only pro suicide bombing fatwa was issued by Iran

9 is the Islamic age of adulthood for girls (12 for boys). Urf can raise these ages though

9 hasn't even hit puberty yet. Just admit that Islam lets you fuck children and kill people you don't agree with while lying to them and saying you don't want to kill them if they just pay a tax and become a second class citizen.

U.S. support*

Literally every government requires taxes, are you a libertarian or something? Muslims have to pay a tax too, 2.5-20% of their assets annually and non Muslims have attained high offices in Islamic states

>Whatever else Saudi Arabia does, they do not issue fatwas in favor of terrorism

Bro, it's a core tenant of Saudi Arabia's government and education system. They put the radical ideas into the hands of all the terrorists around them.

>Bin Laden

What the holy fuck does he have to do with a U.S. program that's been around since before George Bush Senior?

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hypocritical amerimutts will seethe at this

its actually whenever you hit puberty you tard
that is also why "dress modest" applies once puberty sets in

>Literally every government requires taxes, are you a libertarian or something?
You're either stupid or being intentionally obtuse. If you pay taxes in the United States, it doesn't put you on a separate legal status like sharia law does.

I don't know what "radical" even means here. Do you mean blowing yourself in a schoolhouse or simply Hudud? If it's the later, yes Saudi Arabia supports that. If it's the former, no, they don't and never have

Bin Laden is a terrorist who was exiled from Saudi Arabia for his support for terrorism. Saudi Arabia then told the U.S. to regard him with extreme hostility

Paying taxes doesn't put you on a separate status, quite the opposite, it entitles you to government protection and services. This tax is not required from women, children, elderly or poor

And here we see taqiyya at work.

I'm not a Shi'ite, Shi'ites are kuffar

>If it's the former, no, they don't and never have

You are a retard, or completely sucked in by propaganda, but most likely the former.

>Bin Laden is a terrorist who was exiled from Saudi Arabia for his support for terrorism

Convenient how they do so after funding him and various other groups all across the middle east before the U.S. tried to pull the plug.

Besides which, it's no accident most of the 9/11 bombers were Saudi Arabian. It's because they openly export a particularly radical understanding of Islam. Literally everyone agrees with this, yet you are the one who runs for the carrot on the stick because you are told Islam itself is the problem.

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Define this term, using online sources, then explain how you weren't dropped on your head as an infant.

>You are a retard, or completely sucked in by propaganda, but most likely the former.
There is zero in here about terrorism, did you even read your own article? This is why it was important to clarify what "extremism" means.

>Convenient how they do so after funding him

But they never funded him

>Besides which, it's no accident most of the 9/11 bombers were Saudi Arabian.

Of a group at odds with the House of Saud and now being given harbor by Iran

The House of Saud did not turn their area zealous, it has always been so, and in fact a lot of Muslims there are not satisfied with the House of Saud's zeal. I have talked to many who say they are too liberal and should be deposed

If you go back 150 years ago and take a look at how women used to live you'll understand.

Most women didn't go to school. A woman purpose was considered to serve her husband and to take household and that was more than just honorable to women.

So young girls from young age start to learn to become a competent wife. A mother, specially from mid or low class families, would be so happy when her girl start getting her period she would tell the father, they usually want their girls to get married ASAP, there's no reason to delaying marriage to twenties or thirties back then, there was no universities no careers. Life was much simpler.

For Arabs (not Muslims specifically) arranged marriage was a tradition thus a man can arrange his daughter marriage even before she hits puberty but intercourse would only happen after puberty. And that is was we believe what happened Abu Bakr arranged his daughter's marriage to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.

>There is zero in here about terrorism

Yeah, having Wahhabist doctrine entrenched in your government means you aren't necessarily for terrorism.

>This is why it was important to clarify what "extremism" means.

The fact that you don't think stoning people in the street is pretty funny in-and-of itself, thanks. I had chuckle.

>they never funded the Taliban

>Of a group at odds with the House of Saud and now being given harbor by Iran

Again, Saudi Arabia is the SOURCE of radical Islamism. Those guys were all Saudi nationals and it's because the state propaganda is Wahabist to the core.

Like, assuming you are right, and Islam is an inherently violent religion, why are you defending Saudi Arabia? If they aren't as bad as Iran like you claim, then why not?

>did not turn their area zealous

Because they don't need to, that's how it works.

>Yeah, having Wahhabist doctrine entrenched in your government means you aren't necessarily for terrorism.
Which doctrine are you referring to?

>The fact that you don't think stoning people in the street is pretty funny in-and-of itself, thanks. I had chuckle.

Stoning is Sunnah and supported by every madhab, although Shafi'i generally use beheading and Habali sometimes use death fall.

>they never funded the Taliban
The Taliban is not al-Qaeda, in fact the Taliban are certainly preferable to the side the U.S. supports, which is into bacha bazi, something the Taliban stopped

In fact the side supported by the U.S. kills more civilians

Follow the Taliban on Twitter if you can, @Zebehulah_M33 might wake you up

>Again, Saudi Arabia is the SOURCE of radical Islamism.

That is quite literally a meme pushed by Iran online very well, read this

>Like, assuming you are right, and Islam is an inherently violent religion,
I am not that guy, I am a different poster, I am a Muslim, and a Salafi at that. I have many issues with the House of Saud, they are corrupt Zionists, but they don't promote terrorism

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>most destructive book ever conceived
That would be the Talmud.

Quran (29:64): "And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew."

Life is basicelly worthless in terms of possesions, physical apperance and social status. God is all powerful he can give us the unbelievable and it exists in heaven.

But what matters now is not to focus on perfecting life in terms of ease, wealth and comfort and that is in the philosophy of Islam call Rizq or livelihood and it is external, not completely within one's control. So what matters is what you believe, think and do that's what you can control. If one obeys The Lord, one will himself in the right path, the path of virtue.

Muslims and Chistians are not enemies and they were not enemies.


You wanna explain this shit

>polytheism is more logical
How is polytheism is more logical?

Islam is not Jainism. Islam is peaceful, we are not to initiate violence and we defend ourselves.

Islam is peaceful but not pacifist.

Based & redpilled, OP.

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>women arent inferior

Meh. I mean It's not bad but It's no The Capital.

You notice How few countries reach the >95% thresold?
That's the civilization thresold. The "ok You might not be a fuvking mouthbreathing barbarian" thresold.
You'll notice that only the most secular islamic countries reach it.

Qatar is a Salafi theocracy that flogs you for fornication or drinking (the latter is permitted in designated areas if you aren't a Muslim and have a license).

Catcher In The Rye actually assasinated people though.

>they have provisions for people not being muslim
Pretty fucking liberal as far as I know

>The United States government does not often publish an overall literacy rate. Instead, numbers are periodically released about the percentage of adults who cannot read a newspaper or complete an ordinary job application, which amounts to about 19%

>implying american is civilized
>implying most of that 19% aren't just mexicans who don't know english anyway
>implying your leftist brain is anything more than a sick joke

>Remember that Islam's goal is simply to take over the world by any means necessary. If you do not believe in Allah, you are an enemy of Islam and must be destroyed.
I mean, I'm Christian and it's my goal too. We have to fight and win.

Half of Africa is Christian dude

No? That's always been part of Islam. Non Muslims are not subject to Sharia and never have been

Bullshit. Dhimmi were always arbitrarily subject of sharia in the sense that them being perceived as going against it was enought to behead them

That's, well, nonsense. Sharia requires you to pray five times a day facing Mecca and to worship no one but Allah. Christians by their very creed seriously violate Sharia

sharia is a set of laws
praying 5 times, declaration that you believe in only 1 god are together with fasting, donating to the poor and pilgrimage to mecca the pillars of islam, aka what you need to be muslim


six gojillions.

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Shariaa includes a LOT more than Hudud. And yes, not observing prayers or breaking Ramadan are illegal under Sharia and Muslims are subject to fines or jail in countries like Qatar.

>wears proper clothes

Have you seen what people wear nowadays?

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Very few Muslim women dress like since it is haram for either sex to wear anything tight below the neck as it is a way to expose awrah, "nakedness", the Islamic phrase for it is, "Wearing clothes yet naked", which comes from Muhammad who predicted and warned against tight clothes as not actually modest or halal

This Surah also endorses the destruction of pagans (fitnah), Muhammad massacred arab polytheist tribes.

Surah 20, around verse 120. It subtly explains that you lended the devil power over you before this life. This is why we suffer at the tip of Hell's iceberg.

Most brainlet book I've ever read

>denies science

Muslims are one of the few religions that don't completely push off the big bang as bullshit.

Most of it is right

Why does everyone keep bring Christianity into a thread about Islam? Keep this shit on topic.

>note the takeover in [christian countries]
dumdum christcuck

Based and redpilled

Is this chick a convert? She seems very self-righteous for someone studying in a western country.

He only massacred one's that broke peace treaties

No, and her sentiments are shared By every good Muslim


Science flies you to the moon.
Religion flies you into buildings.

I once got crossfaded with friends, some were high on molly and some on acid and we all converted to islam while listening to death grips and vaporwave and talking heads. Don't know what to do next, what do anons?

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I just don't understand the mental gymnastics she is doing on this account. Doing your Humanities dissertation at a Western, liberal institution, all the while you criticize the very nature of Western liberalism. There are plenty of Universities in North Africa, and the nicer parts of of the Middle East where she could study Islamic Doctrines completely unabashed.

if Muslims peace followers they would had converted to Christianity a long time ago.
Jesus embraces all that and more, Muhammad was just a warmonger.

>when you unleash a jihad on Europe for centuries but you tell them to read surah 60

so Iberia and northern Africa always were Muslim clay?

We want to spread Islam, especially into the intelligentsia which shapes policy. Not contain it

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No forced conversions there. No absolute enmity except on the Catholic part which purged Muslims and Jews

Was his writings the basis for the idea of a Philosopher King. If so; seconded.

Edit: spelling and grammer.

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Why do arabs always seem so angry? You'd think if you had a carte-blanche to blow things up you'd be grinning from ear to ear.

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>It's not a takeover Islam is expanding peacefully in many countries all over the world

But its super shit and boring. Literally no ones signing up for a sober dry fuck with their cousin without an AK to their head.

I mean it is pretty shit. Imagine if it was a summer camp how bummed out you'd be.

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>This book has led to death, book burning, misogyny, and stupidity
holy based

Also, can the Muslims of the thread please remind everyone what is the punishment for apostasy?

Please let everyone know what the religion of peace says to do to ex-Muslims or Muslims who want to leave.

I'm converting this Friday. Try practicing it for a week and then tell me what you think

Death, and no one who literally believes in hell would call that wrong.

less than a third of the world's muslims live in the middle east. they're all mostly in asia. indonesia, pakistan, bangladesh and india have the majority of muslims in the world

But anyone with a clear conscious and believes in freedom of/from religion would.

But apparently imposing your religious will is more important than letting people believe what they want.

Yeah, community > individual. If you think we should cuck ourselves and let subversives spread disbelief and moral nihilism, you got another thing coming

>Equates not being religious with moral nihilism.

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>haha, you sure are illogical, equating HIV with AIDS

Indeed, Christians never did anything wrong when eradicating every form of paganism and heathenism.


Eventually they even got around to Christianity

God won't lose His elect.

Even traditional Christianity isn't traditional by the standards of a hundred years ago. Dating and wearing skirts above the ankle are seen as normal