Notes from the underground

whats the point?

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Did you try introspection?

Literally reading nfg for the first time lads
I feel this is only gonna get worse for sick man

meant to say nfu

>whats the point?
Of what?

What's the point of anything? I slog on through my days and never found anything that gives me pleasure or contentment.

Sure but how does that relate to the book?

He shows that a man who looks down on others ends up alone.

At what point does it become the Underground Man's fault that his existence is full of bitterness and misery, and not his collection of maladjusted experiences from his earlier formative years?

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IT starts in his earlier years when he looks down on others for being able to read better. He looks down upon everyone and refuses to admit he's become lower than them all (an underground man, if you will)

No it doesn't, where did you learn to read?

>duuur no it doesn't
Good response.

Of course you'd say that.

All of Underground Man's recollection of his past is filtered through his current view and if you read between the lines it's obvious he was isolated as a child.

>Of course you'd say that.
Of course, what else did you expect in response to a non-argument?

>All of Underground Man's recollection of his past is filtered through his current view and if you read between the lines it's obvious he was isolated as a child.
Well if that's your theory and you're trying to promote it, then post a passage and your interpretation of it if it's so obvious.

You first fag.

Me first what? You already admitted that my point is in the book. Your point is that if you read between the line there's more to be seen.

That book is fucking shit.

Documents of the subterranean
Scribblinga of the cthnonic.

I could go on. If you fail you find any insight or value in Dostoevsky then you might be a very secure and happy person with a stable upbringing, and were all jealous.

Your point is for older Underground Man, not the child. I don't have the book at hand but I feel as though you feel that everything good that came your way was purely through your own efforts.

other guy wasnt me. whats the point of the book? how do overly conscious people avoid the fate of the underground man?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Your point is for older Underground Man, not the child
>IT starts in his earlier years (
Pretty much the ONLY point I've made is that it started in the man's earlier years. I'm not sure how it's possible to strawman so badly you get the OPPOSITE of what they said, when they said exaclt ONE thing. Jesus fucking Christ.

>I feel as though you feel that everything good that came your way was purely through your own efforts.
Well you can start attacking my character and not my points if you wish. However, again, considering that my point is that his flaws are shown in early life, that would hint at my thinking being something like "he was born like that, that's just his nature" wouldn't it? If you're going to personally attack me at least make it somewhat consistant with my claims.

It's clear you've built up your own meaning for the book, and it seems to mean you're ripe for the bursting to go into some rant about how life isn't fair and how you don't deserve the bad things that happen to you because it's all the fault of your genes or something along that line. If you start a discussion about a book then be prepared to actually discuss it and backup your points next time you fool. Don't expect a reply next time if your post is as senseless as your previous ones, there's only so much time I'm willing to spend on angry brainlets.

If you either 1) don't currently relate to the underground man -- say being part of a group of friends but being the guy who feels like he is always the last of a group of equals, or afterthought in the group dynamic. or 2) do not have a past filled with memories that recall emotions of the underground man then: You will never understand the book. You will always be on the outside looking in.

hey look, it's the toothache book

>considering that my point is that his flaws are shown in early life, that would hint at my thinking being something like "he was born like that, that's just his nature" wouldn't it?

You're really stupid aren't you?

Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
The Double. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Gogol's "Nose."
The Brothers Karamazov. Dislike it intensely.
Crime and Punishment. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.

"nfu" more like stfu with your acronyms you newspeak spreading insect of man. How do you think Dostoevsky would feel if some bleak illiterate called his work by the first letters of the tittle of its English translation? You guessed it he would not care in the least because you're too insignificant to matter and the way you express yourself proves you're not trying to do something about it. I swear to god if I see one more you anime loving, science fiction reading, fantasy diseased acronyms spreader I'll make a book about your untermensch condition. I see right trough your paper-thin shell of a way thinking, you roach.
>"this is only gonna get worse for sick man"
Who told you you could barf up the diseased, neurotic, electric spasm that goes on in your rotten skull on this page? It's worse just by the fact that you posted those disgusting letters that by some random chance almost made a shoddy-put-together thought. And it's even worse just by the fact that non over than you, YOU, you irascible scab-like life-form on humanity's back, FELT, if such a word is accurate to illustrate the mechanical decay of your neglected intellect and sensibility, it was GOOD to push the enter key on your computer and reveal in the most delirious and blind frenzy the sorry state that YOU are.

>It starts in his earlier years when he looks down on others for being able to read better.
Nigga what the fuck is this bs?
>That night I had the most hideous dreams. No wonder; all the evening I had been oppressed by memories of my miserable days at school, and I could not shake them off. I was sent to the school by distant relations, upon whom I was dependent and of whom I have heard nothing since-- they sent me there a forlorn, silent boy, already crushed by their reproaches, already troubled by doubt, and looking with savage distrust at everyone. My schoolfellows met me with spiteful and merciless jibes because I was not like any of them.

Mother and father are no longer in the picture and his relatives sent him off to boarding school, bullied by his peers. The fuck did you expect him to turn out like?

>He looks down upon everyone and refuses to admit he's become lower than them all (an underground man, if you will)
He constantly imagines himself as the lowest being.

shut up retard

I have both :(

its a warning or a desperate premonition of what man shouldn't be. Fear those who identify with the underground man.