What are some methods to make yourself read at least 50 pages a day...

What are some methods to make yourself read at least 50 pages a day? I used to really like reading when i first came to this board, probably on late 2014, early 2015. I'd unironically read 50 pages a day, and the bulk of the books that i've read comes from this period of time, up until 2017. With time and circumstances, i got weared down by life, and today i simply don't have the attention span required to read literature, and i can barely read 10 pages a day. I do nothing but waste my time on unfunny shitposts on this and other boards. I'm literally cumbrain. How do you get out of this mindset, i just want to go back to unironically enjoy reading my favorite authors like Melville, Hart Crane, Pessoa, Kafka, Yeccarthy etc
How do i make myself read books again? Please no "turn off the internet bro", that's unrealistic.

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supposing yo'ure a neet, you can just read 10 pages a day (or even less if 10 pages makes you feel uncomfortable) throughout the day. 15 minutes of reading here and there can yield 50 pages in no time. and, of course. if you consciously track the number of pages you were able to read without wanting to quit, you will be able to work towards the surpassing of your previous high as a goal, slowly but steadily increasing your attention span.

Just do it bro lmao retard

I used the pomodoro technique. I used an app (called Tide) that puts a 25min timer with some pleasant noise in the background, I prefer rain. After 25mins, I do a 5 min break, check the phone or whatever and then do another 25 mins

the first 25min block feels long as fuck but after that they feel fast and I get a lot of reading done. Like this I got used to reading ~2 hours daily everyday, after some time I stopped needing the timer app

not sure how much of a NEET you are, but going to a comfy quiet coffee shop with only the book in hand is also a chill way to force yourself to read

that's a good idea actually, especially the cofee shop one.

>I'd unironically read 50 pages a day
Of what?
>and i can barely read 10 pages a day
Of what?

I've heard reading 50 pages a day works.

ID on those books? G*d, she's SO hot... gotta know what to read to get girls like that wet over my brains

to get girls like that you don't need to read. you need to be born with the right face, height, and frame.


what the fuck guys
i want to fuck so bad, but my girlfriend and i are good christian kids who refuse to fornicate and only make out sometimes.
all these beautiful maidens everywhere and i'm horny as all hell.

brother user, you are a good man and must abstain
this sin is below you, say the rosary twice and then pray to the holy spirit

Fuck her. You know you want to. She wants to. There will be no harm to either of you. Don't let your life be controlled by the outdated tradition of Jewish tribes 3000 years ago. You are literally bending your will because you are scared of being judged by ghosts. Read Stirner, be free.

pathetic. use addy to create, not consume

get her to suck your dick user

>Please no "turn off the internet bro", that's unrealistic.
this is the only real solution. you want reading to be fun again, something you default to when you have free time. anything else will just make it feel like a chore

literally satan trying to corrupt people because you're jealous of their purity. dilate

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This. Cumbrains be damned.

This. Subject matter is of greater importance than simply the number of pages read.

What is so evil about the natrual act of reproduction? (Not telling him to do it)

find a situation that is conducive to reading. Go to a park without your phone with a book, read on the train if you take one, just get somewhere where you're alone with the book you want to read, however your life can accommodate it.

This really works.

Just read as many pages as you can get yourself to concentrate. Take a (short) break, then read again until you need to take another break.
Tip: Put your phone/conputer away while reading.
Using this method I'm able to read about 100 pages of a not to difficult non-fiction book(i.e. not philosophy).

good christian kids these days really curse a lot wow

the cumbrain meme needs to die
it's not our fault you're fucking ugly and and it's our fault you jerk it so much that you consider it the cause of your depression + failure in life.

(it's not the fault of porn either, you sad sack of shit)

stay mad, cumbrain

who's mad? i fuck my wife regularly and enjoy porn, sometimes both.

it's the incels posting the cumbrain meme constantly that come across as mad.

i'm just tired of it -- we get it, you can't get laid.

>You cannot get laid if you despise pornography.

i believe you, cumbrain.
truly i do.

It’s not the act of reproduction when spunking into his hand or a condom. Sex for procreation/energy transference is a beautiful thing, wasting your essence on thots is not.

>carnal pleasure is all that matters in life

>misrepresenting someone this hard for muh cumbrain meme

>Please no "turn off the internet bro", that's unrealistic.
Then, you will never read much ever again.
It's all the distractions of modern technology; cell phones, internet, cable TV. It all occupies space in the brain and destroys your attention span.
If you do want to read more, you MUST remove distractions
You've become addicted to the mindnumbing noise and clamor of all these modern distractions that you can't even focus your mind anymore.
The proof is that you already admitted dropping from 50 pages a day, to 10.
The "unrealistic" part is thinking you can keep up your internet fix, which is your main problem.

college is starting up soon, so I should have plenty of time early afternoons

>cumbrain poster
>can't read