The more I interact with forms of fiction (literature, anime, etc) the more I feel cheated out of life...

The more I interact with forms of fiction (literature, anime, etc) the more I feel cheated out of life. It has been seeming more of the case to me lately that civilizations and people only live in order to create great art and literature, the most sublime and beautiful life and reality. I've been suffering more and more because of my inability to meet with fictional characters and live inside these forms of fiction and feel crushed whenever I finish anything. My indifference for reality has turned into contempt and hatred. I have become bored to death and sick of living and have been minimalizing all gestures and movements I make out of my weariness. I sense all the small hopes and ambitions of the people around me and am filled with disdain as everything that pertains to the real world is unaesthetic and plebian. Literature four this feel?

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Go do public service or something

I don't think that you would be happy even if you had a perfect virtual world. Introspection is a hard but it is the only way to know yourself.

I feel the same. Just go walk around alone at night, the sense that something interesting could happen helps.

I feel like no matter what I do in real life I will always feel dissatisfaction and disillusioned.

I'm a shitty writer and reader, but I allowed my self to take real risks and have actual adventures with some dangers. Go do some weird (or good) shit. I used to feel similar until I started going outside.

I'm poor. I'm not talking about vacation.

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Read The Problem of the Puer Aeturnus by Marie-Louise von Franz. It will help you with this.

>(literature, anime, etc)
This sums up the counter culture among edgy late teens/early 20s young men that I'm interested to see what comes from them. I would already unironically buy a physical Londonfrog collection.

pseud 4channel incels is a counter culture?

>jungian mumbo jumbo
no thanks

I started writing a journal, and it helps me deal with those feelings. You can write anything in it, be it just your day, or thoughts and feelings, or even short stories, just write once per day. Yo have the capacity for it, since you spend time making threads on 4chin.

You are correct, but the same is true of avoiding the "real world," and of living in general. The best you can do is increase the time of the day or month or year that you are satisfied, and decrease the time that you are dissatisfied. But it is a necessary part of both maturity and longterm sanity to be capable of coping with episodes of woe and know that they are transient.

I think I will just kill myself one day

Similar to dissatisfaction and disillusionment, active suicidal intent is typically a transient episodic thing lasting only a few hours or days. Even if you habitually suicidally ideate (which you should stop doing) there is a sharp distinction between ideation and intent, between hoping for death and making it happen. You may one day try to kill yourself but if you live you'll probably be grateful to be alive the next day.

Accept that suffering, like all other things, is transient. You will die regardless: why hurry?

stuff like this just sounds like cope for not killing yourself.

All things are cope if you've decided that life is unworthwhile. Relax, bro. Just be yourself!


He's boring

I have no talent at writing, or anything.

You don't have to be good, and in my opinion your post is good writing.

Notes from Underground

Damn the Lain remake is looking great

Don't remind me of what will never happen, user.

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the dated animation is what gives it it's 90s cyberpunk charm friend :)

I agree with the notion of kys.

I’ve come to the some of them same conclusions as you — that artistic fulfillment is the highest purpose of man and civilization, and I’ve felt the same dissatisfaction with mundanene life, which, to be fair, is perfectly normal and occurs in most people. I remember asking myself what was so appealing about fiction, and came to the answer that it’s the characters above all. I think that it’s the meaning they live their lives and play their roles with that’s so attractive (you posted anime, so I’m guessing you have a particular affinity for epic stories whjch invariably feature righteous, driven characters although I could be wrong). These things stopped distressing me when I came to college, joined a sports team and become an actor within my own world, in the sense that I became an active participant shaping events and people around me. I think it could be worthwhile as well to try to rise to the level of the characters you admire and to live your life with the same conviction and strength they do. You say that you are without energy but you may find that once given new purpose you’ll rise to the challenge.

If you haven’t read Steppenwolfe, Hesse has a great passage towards the end addressing despair and disgust with the mundanity of everyday life.

Book of Disquiet

>anime site


>is all shit



Never forget the future we were promised. Never forgive (((them.)))

all his philosophy is cope and megalomania

Aesethics take inspiration from reality. Any highly aesthetic product is just an exaggerated version of a real thing. Go outside and observe natural beauty. Furthermore, learn to appreciate simple pleasures and be thankful for what pleasures you have.

Aesthetics aren't necessarily a measure of what life should be. Rather they're just a vague rule of thumb as to what the ideal is.

>My indifference for reality has turned into contempt and hatred.
That's a good sign, your coming to terms with reality, which is a good thing. It's one of the stages of grief, can't be bothered to google the specific order now.

I'm talking about Despera, the planned prequel that's been in development hell for ten years.


When the sea levels rise, Japan will probably adapt the best.

That's what journals are for. You can write -- and it is your right to do so -- and no one gets to judge what you wrote. You can be irresponsible when you journal.

You ain't gonna publish that shit, but it helps you clarify your thoughts and, sometimes, can help you make sense of your suffering.

I judge what I write and everything that comes out is all garbage

see Honestly the OP reads like it was ripped from it's pages and I'd be very surprised to learn that OP hadn't read this book and didn't write his post with it VERY MUCH in mind.

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Against the Grain (A Rebours) by J.K. Huysmans. I think it deals with a person's relation to fiction better than something like The Book of Disquiet does, and it seems to mirror your sentiments somewhat.

>I think it deals with a person's relation to fiction better than something like The Book of Disquiet does
I've never read that book but I'll believe you simply because that isn't what The Book of Disquiet it about

>but I allowed my self to take real risks and have actual adventures with some dangers
The first time I did that resulted in the worst night of my life. Never again.

>It has been seeming more of the case to me lately that civilizations and people only live in order to create great art and literature, the most sublime and beautiful life and reality.
Incredibly gay and shallow analysis of the purpose of human freedom

Go read Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, about exactly that.

You must be the source of your own meaning and pleasure. It may be contradictory to our fundamental nature but that is no excuse to not create a world in which you can live in and be proud of what you've done, rather than fleeing to fiction as a way to forget about the dirt that you inhabit.
Whenever you feel the rot of spiritual destitution corrupting your soul realize that it will reduce you to nothing unless you conquer the limitations of reality and become a locus of ascension. Or spoken less loftily: Master yourself, master the tools that interest you. Only then will you come to appreciate reality for what it is: Motion and decay.

The mainspring of an individual is his creative Will. This Will is the sum of his tendencies, his destiny, his inner truth. It is one with the force that makes the birds sing and flowers bloom; as inevitable as gravity, as implicit as a bowel movement, it informs alike atoms and men and suns.

To the man who knows this Will, there is no why or why not, no can or cannot; he is!

There is no known force that can turn an apple into an alley cat; there is no known force that can turn a man from his Will. This is the triumph of genius; that, surviving the centuries, enlightens the world.

This force burns in every man

Parsons identified four obstacles that prevented humans from achieving and performing their
True Will, all of which he connected with fear: the fear of incompetence, the fear of the opinion of others, the fear of hurting others, and the fear of insecurity. He insisted that these must be overcome, writing that "The Will must be freed of its fetters. The ruthless examination and destruction of taboos, complexes, frustrations, dislikes, fears and disgusts hostile to the Will is essential to progress

Nietzsche says "You shall become who you really are." That's not the same. In order to overcome oneself, one should fight against one's weakness and pursue one's virtues, one's higher promise, fullfilling the Will to Power.

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Realize that all great art is coming for reality, thus is incomplete compared to it.
People don't create art to escape from reality but to comment on it. Strive for greatness but don't expect for perfection. perfection has no stories to tell.

Escapism has its limits.

> disdain as everything that pertains to the real world is unaesthetic and plebian
This is a common hikki cope. In reality you don't want to participate in the rituals of little people (even if you're objectively one) because you feel like a cog too tiny in a monstrous machine. Virtually all civilized people (save for untouched bushnigger tribes) feel that way - the feel that they have no purpose, but are duped by cultural brainwashing or debt into participating in the soulless system anyway.

As for books, all authors who were ugly alcoholics and wrote depressing stuff blab about this stuff, one way or another.

Is there any good cyberpunk that is reminiscent of Serial Experiments Lain?
I know Abe based Haibane Renmai on Hard-Boiled Wonderland And the End of the World.



>pseud 4channel incels is a counter culture?
god i hope so

Have a bump, you've gotten my interest.

adventures like?



only for a while


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I suppose I should have added: "other than Neuromancer"

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what "actual adventures," user?

Snow Crash

Si You are addicted to Playstation

Is there AI on Main page?

Your problem will be that stuff like Stephenson/ Gibson is too action oriented. There's no mystery and no no magic in it. The only stuff I can think of with that sort of tone is not sci-fi, much less cyberpunk.

Your mind is infected by a memetic virus. Power off, reboot in safe mode with mcafee mindfulness until you get to normal.

>Virtually all civilized people (save for untouched bushnigger tribes) feel that way
Nah. They’re much shallower than that, they have no idea of the buried current of their inner life.

>They’re much shallower than that
That's why they can't put name on it. The system produces stream of elusive scapegoats (it's the stress! (from what?) it's the economy! i'm too busy! patriarchy! feminism! immigrants! racism!), as well as somewhat bogus goals (consume! make babies!) and entertainment as distraction. Only the very few who can come on top of the system (largely by chance) feel at ease - at least for a little while.

What you see are only those of people that achieved something. The most people achieve nothing. there is no way to be concerned about this

It’s true the impulse exists and the coping is ubiquitous, but
>at least for a little while
There is no ease. We the red pilled are forever alienated from those in the matrix. And lacking the transcendent purpose of finding the architect, we are left with only 2 options: cypher or mindfulness. Both seem wanting no?


Books for this feel?

My diary desu

I tried doing this but I stopped after a few days. What's the point of writing down the same thoughts I have everyday?

OP I feel a part of what you feel. When I interact and see people is as if their language and dialect is barbaric and poor and this is a cause for why they can't express what they feel and so are... to properly present a proper image of themselves. Fantasy is an ideal of men and anime a ideal of ordinary men, when you see so many rich characters in apperance it's their hidden desire for a better reality, for eyes it colors and faces it beauty. When you see those fantasy personalities it's people who crafted a soul and know how to talk in their minds. Who now a days know they have a soul ? It's the land of the dead and dead people don't have a soul. I wish i lived in an adventure and suffered terrors inside the evangelion and i wished i could have know a Shinji and have akward moments of silence haha. One ordinary man but a beautiful soul Hideaki Anno. And i agree it your points, exit your house, you will see not endeavours of non-ordinary men but of the dead, i have terrors when i see the architecture of cities and house together it house and if the aren't neighbours.

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Books made me antisocial. Even back in school at one point I started ghosting friends to stay home and read a book instead of going out. Now that I'm adult it's even worse. Why would I listen to someone's opinions when I have greatest thinkers on my shelf? Why would I listen to someone's life story when I have greatest characters and plots on my fingertips? People are boring

Sounds like your social skills came pre-rusted

Are you implying people avoid social interaction only when they're bad at it? sound like someone very dear to me that i spent two years with and thinking of dumping, i wasn't doing what i did out of reward of any kind, but at this point i feel drained and exhausted of the energy i put into comforting and encouraging only to find a pessimistic negative bag the next few days. not just that but even me i degraded from my previous level and went downhill and have no idea how to rise again without cutting off or hurting. that mindset of yours is destructive even to the closet people to you who want you nothing but the best, they just don't know it yet, and am honestly interested of what are going to offer as a helpful replies the anons ITT

Aldous Huxley on Adolf Hitler:

"A Peter Pan if ever there was one. Hopeless at school. Incapable either of competing or co- operating. Envying all the normally successful boys—and, because he envied, hating them and, to make himself feel better, despising them as inferior beings. Then came the time for puberty. But Adolf was sexually backward. Other boys made advances to girls, and the girls responded. Adolf was too shy, too uncertain of his manhood. And all the time incapable of steady work, at home only in the compensatory Other World of his fancy. There, at the very least, he was Michelangelo. Here, unfortunately, he couldn't draw. His only gifts were hatred, low cunning, a set of indefatigable vocal cords and a talent for nonstop talking at the top of his voice from the depths of his Peter-Panic paranoia. Thirty or forty million deaths and heaven knows how many billions of dollars—that was the price the world had to pay for little Adolf's retarded maturation."

now get out there and make something of yourself.

normies really have no other arguments than "incel"

If only I could turn as successful as Hitler, I wouldn't hate myself so much.

You're like a fish staring out of a bowl unable to understand the world in front of you

I'm not him but the best possible adventure is sailing around the world, especially near the Somalian coast

based and Luffypilled

>yeah haha Hitler was a big stupid loser with no talents or skills that went from a pleb to controlling a nation because he was angry and full of hatred or some shit

what sort of retard writes this shit

What's the point of writing novels after anime happened?

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>he watches anime


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What does that have to do with his post?

yeah, he was a loser full of hatred. He simply managed to capitalize on germany's low point after world war 1. He was a good public speaker, but a really incompetent leader, and human being in general. His immaturity almost pulled europe into the abyss. The political climate must've been seriously disturbed for him to be able to rise to power in the first place though.

the behaviour the guy exhibits leads to nothing but misery and suffering. On a small scale, in his own life, and on a large scale, through Hitler's dictatorship in WW2. History has shown multiple times how destructive escapism into ideologies can be to human survival. How people are so seemingly unaware of this on a literature board is telling of the overall superficiality of understanding. I didn't really expect anything more from Yea Forums though.

Tell me more

keep this post alive, bump

You don't know /pol doctrine ? Your statements are backed up by school programming to insert a belief that the holocaust did happen. Revisionist moviments have been suppresed after the war. They tell of a exposition of gas chambers by a professional who invented gas chambers to make appear a falsified history part of a lie to condenm revolt against rothschild jewish elite:
And If you accept this as your basis and not school doctrine and you will see Hitler as a different man.

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This. Learn to enjoy small things.

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i hope you're memeing, i'm not gonna waste my time on it in any case.

Too poor for something like that...

You mean Dutch.

Good books for this?